Looking at what was displayed on the computer, Ye Cheng's eyes lit up.


Fifty-three grams!

Why was there a difference of three grams? Ye Cheng checked the circuit and finally determined that it might be a problem with the internal resistance of the neurosimulator itself.

The unit of neural potential difference is millivolts. Even a slight change in the five digits after the decimal point can cause a difference in actual sensation.

After all, man-made objects are not as accurate as the human body's own sensors.

However, no matter what, this error is acceptable, and it also shows that this tactile sensing device is successful.

The price of this set of devices is not more than 500 yuan. It is easy to add to the mechanical prosthesis, but it can realize such an important function, which can completely make the function of the exoskeleton prosthesis more perfect.

Coincidentally, in August, clinical trials will begin, and this device can be added to it for testing.

So he came to Gu Ge again, put this device in front of him, and said: "This thing is a touch sensor device added to the exoskeleton. I will send you the design information later. You implement the sense of touch in the palm part of the prosthetic based on the data."

It is only necessary to have a sense of touch in the palm of the hand. People generally use the palm of their hand to feel things, and if it is realized in all parts, it will have a greater burden on the battery.

He thought about it again, and then said: "By the way, let's add a switch to this function. When the tactile sensation is needed, the user can manually turn on the switch."

Gu Ge nodded: "No problem."

"Well, when does the clinical trial start next month?"

"August eleventh."

Ye Cheng narrowed his eyes.

On August 11th, the clinical trial of the nerve-controlled exoskeleton, on August 20th, the Warwick S equipped with a lithium-air battery was released, and on August 30th, the Biatihan lithium-air battery version was released.

It seems that in this new month, Zhiqi will set off a new trend.

"Okay, I'll see for myself then."

Ye Cheng said.

Gu Ge continued to study his equipment, but responded to Ye Cheng with "good boss".

His character is the kind that can't extricate himself when he gets caught up in research.

Ye Cheng didn't bother to care about him, he checked the time and could go back.

So he stopped staying, turned around and left, and returned to his car.

However, before starting the car, his cell phone rang.

Slightly taken aback, he picked up his phone and glanced at it.

The vice president of the military industry group that signed the contract with him.

Did you call to ask him for help?

Ye Cheng answered the phone and said, "Hey, Mr. Yao, what's the matter?"

"Boss Ye, uh...is it convenient to meet up?"

"Inconvenient." Ye Cheng smiled lightly.

The person on the other side probably didn't expect him to say that directly. He was stunned for a while, and then said with a wry smile: "Mr. Ye, Mr. Xu is a bit too stubborn about the matter of lithium-air batteries, which has caused dissatisfaction among many of us. Can't help, can you persuade me?"

"It seems that Mr. Yao didn't understand what I meant." Ye Cheng said: "Mr. Xu means what I mean. If you are dissatisfied, you will be dissatisfied. It has nothing to do with Zhiqi. The key technology of lithium-air batteries can only be developed by Zhiqi." Master it, it is impossible to hand it over to you."

"Besides, didn't Mr. Xu give you a solution? We produce oxygen carbon membranes, solid electrolytes, three-dimensional porous diaphragms, and battery design drawings, and then you assemble them yourself. Why are you unwilling to accept it?"

Ye Cheng suddenly said in a suddenly enlightened tone: "Oh, I understand, you are just coveting our Zhiqi's technology, aren't you?"

"Mr. Ye, don't get me wrong!" The other party didn't expect Ye Cheng to say that, and quickly argued: "How could we do such a thing? Aren't we willing to cooperate with Zhiqi in production? Like nanomaterials, Zhiqi can Monitor!"

"If supervision is useful, where does the idiom of guarding oneself and stealing come from?"

"This..." Mr. Yao was helpless, Ye Cheng is determined to ignore it?

He paused for a long time before he said, "Mr. Ye, just give me a promise. What will you do to agree?"

Ye Cheng said directly: "Okay, either agree to our plan or stop cooperating. Zhiqi is the best, but he will not be manipulated arbitrarily in terms of core technology. Also, don't call me in the future. I will not hesitate to call you." I won’t pick it up anymore, if you have anything to do, please contact our Mr. Xu, thank you.”

Without talking nonsense, he hung up the phone decisively.

He unconditionally supports Xu Xin's decision. What's more, he just handed over the power to Xu Xin, and he passed her to give orders, which is obviously not good.

Forgot about it, started the vehicle, and he got out of here.

He really has a lot to do, and the next step is to design a new Taibai architecture chip for the company.

Since he regards himself as a researcher now, he happens to be involved in the chip design work.

And when it comes to chip design work, now the company is not only supported by Zhong Xin alone, the company now has its own chip design team, many of which are top chip designers from abroad, from ARM, fruit It's coming, it's coming from Xiaotong and so on.

Although these people are all new to the Taibai structure, they are still a little unfamiliar at the beginning, but after they have fully mastered it, it will be another look.

The knowledge of chip design is basically the same. How to realize the circuit logic of a certain function is the most important. These people already have strong ability to design logic circuits, and they have the assistance of Xiaobai when designing, which is even more powerful for them. , and they now find that the design language of the Taibai architecture is also very easy. Although it is more complicated than ARM, it is easier to understand.

Moreover, there is Zhong Xin, a big boss, who gave them a main frame, and then they designed the circuit in the chip, and Zhong Xin checked it again.

At the beginning, they were still proud and arrogant. They looked at Zhong Xin, a young man in his thirties, but after seeing the circuit optimized by Zhong Xin for them, they were a little ashamed. 1 and Taibai's structure was designed by Zhong Xin, and they admired it even more.

Up to now, their chip design is almost at the final stage, and maybe they can start tape-out before October.

All in all, things with the new chip are going very well.

In addition, Android has also completed the adaptation to the Taibai architecture, as for the win system, there is no response, although Microsoft is also contacting Zhiqi, wanting to buy lithium-air batteries for use in their electronic devices.

However, the win system is Microsoft's flagship product after all, so they will not mess with it casually. Besides, maybe Intel is also making efforts to prevent Microsoft from adapting to the Taibai architecture.

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