Of course, the Secretary of State didn't always eat dry food, he quickly thought of it.

"By the way, there is also the technology of Zhiqi. There is a problem, that is, how they analyze the human nerve electrical signals."

"This technology, if they don't have a large number of human neural samples, basically there is no way to make it, so we have every reason to doubt whether they have experimented on living people, which is against ethics and morality. one thing."

"In this way, we can mobilize our media power to accuse Hua Guo, raise questions at the United Nations, and let those NGOs condemn Zhiqi's behavior. As long as Zhiqi can't come up with a reasonable explanation, we will definitely It can deal a blow to Zhiqi."

The president's eyes lit up. He didn't expect the Secretary of State to come up with some useful suggestions.

He asked: "Then tell me, did Zhiqi really conduct experiments on living people?"

The Secretary of State shook his head: "We can't be sure about this matter, maybe they have some technology that we don't know about. But they will definitely not admit it, just like us..."

"Well, though, as long as we spread the word, whether it's true or not, our citizens will always believe it."

The president nodded: "Okay, then do as you said, and you are responsible."

"Okay, Mr. President."

The Secretary of State responded and took on this seemingly simple task.


Not only the U.S. government reacted, but also some wealthy people in the U.S., they would not go crazy like those ordinary people and want to replace themselves with robotic hands, but faced with such a technology that can treat disabilities, they still Can't say no.

Some of them are disabled themselves, or their relatives are disabled,

So these rich people also put pressure on the US government, which made the president even more headache.

Regarding the issue of flower policy, it has been discussed in meetings more times than before. The same is true on the Congress side. There are more people in Congress, including more interest groups, and the quarrel is even more fierce.

The noise from the American side was quickly learned by the Shangjing side. Although it would not be possible to laugh at the American side face to face, private ridicule is indispensable.

Shangjing, in that office.

The elder looked at the evaluation report handed over by the middle-aged man.

"You mean, it's not ruled out that some people will ask the hospital to replace themselves with exoskeleton prostheses?"

The middle-aged man smiled wryly and nodded: "It is indeed possible. Now there is no concept of parents who have body, hair and skin. It is true that some young people may have this concept."

The Great Elder frowned. As a person in the 1950s, he really didn't think anyone would be able to do such a thing, but as a Great Elder, he had to accept that such outrageous things would happen in society.

In a country of 9.6 million square kilometers and a population of 1.4 billion, it is normal to have all sorts of strange things.

The Great Elder thought for a moment, and then said: "Then give the regulations earlier. Any hospital can only perform operations on people with disabilities, and it is forbidden to replace exoskeleton prostheses for people with healthy limbs."

"Okay Great Elder." The middle-aged man nodded and asked again: "Then, maybe some people will deliberately break their hands or legs and want to replace them with exoskeleton prostheses?"

The Great Elder shook his head helplessly: "How can we manage this kind of thing?"

"Don't worry about it, not all people who break their hands and legs need to be amputated. If they really have the courage to break themselves to the point where they must be amputated, then why bother to stop them."

The Great Elder waved his hand, no longer dwelling on this issue.

The middle-aged man thought about it too. If he fell casually, his limb would be amputated. I guess only that kind of black-hearted hospital can do it.

"Yes, Great Elder." The middle-aged man replied, and then said rather gloatingly: "In fact, the situation in the United States is probably more serious than ours, and the young people there are even more desperate."

The Great Elder smiled and said a polite word: "You have to believe in the strength of the American government, they will definitely be able to avoid this kind of thing from happening."

Of course, this is the case. When he saw the information from the United States before, he still found it interesting. The president of the United States gave a speech for several days in a row, declaring that Huaguo’s technology is immature, at least it is still in the clinical stage. Let their young people calm down and be rational, reality is not science fiction.

But, the young people who can't stand them don't believe it. As we all know, the video can't be P, can it be fake?

And at least for now, after Zhao Guoping used the new prosthetic limbs, he has never had any problems. Now that several days have passed, he has become more and more comfortable with the new limbs. From time to time, a video is sent out. People become more and more unable to restrain themselves.

In addition, it is not too far away from the second phase of clinical trials, which will start next month, and Zhao Guoping also agreed to undergo surgery on his left arm in a week, so that both of his arms will fully recover.

At that time, foreigners may be even more envious.

The middle-aged man said with a smile: "I think we can let our people do a good job of promoting it abroad, so that people abroad will be more excited."

The Great Elder nodded: "Okay."

Reducing the happiness of foreign nationals is equivalent to increasing the happiness of their own nationals.

Make sure you don't lose.

But when they were talking about pleasant topics, the middle-aged man suddenly received a call, and his brows frowned soon.

After hanging up the phone, he looked at the Great Elder and said, "The Great Elder, the Americans and their forces, are now simultaneously condemning Zhiqi Company for using living people for experiments."

"BCC, CCN... those media have started to publicize this matter."

The elder immediately frowned.

"It's menacing."

This is clearly a crisis of public opinion.

"Ask Zhiqi how they want to solve this matter. If we can't respond with evidence, we will always be passive."


The middle-aged man responded immediately, and then quickly left here.

In the office, the Great Elder thought deeply, and finally looked out the window.

"I hope Zhiqi can shut them up as soon as possible."

As for whether Zhiqi really experimented with living people?

Of course he wouldn't believe it.

But evidence must be produced.

Convincing foreigners is secondary, and more importantly, convincing Chinese people.

Huaguo, which has always been at a disadvantage in public opinion, if it cannot fight back against this crisis forcefully, some people in the country may have to make noise for a long time.


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