Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 136 This Is A Threat To The Federation

Time passed quickly.

Groups of pictures suddenly circulated on the Internet.

Moreover, the people who posted these pictures were all well-known people on Twitter, Youtube, and Instagram.

This has caused this group of pictures to spread widely on the Internet.

And the content in the picture shocked the whole world.

Inside is the US military biological laboratory, the scene of experiments with living people.

In the pictures, the faces of those being tested are in pain, obviously suffering unbearable pain for ordinary people, and there are even videos.

What the people inside said was even more shocking.

"Experiment No. XXX, the liver became cancerous, and the experiment failed."

"Experiment No. SSS, the heart stopped beating, and the experiment failed."


For a while, it was almost difficult for people to tell whether this was acting or not.

However, in the picture, the identities of some experimenters and researchers are given.

Some experimenters are missing persons reported in the news, and some are death row prisoners who should have been executed...

And those researchers, some are biologists who became famous many years ago, and there is even a Nobel Prize winner.

In this group of pictures, there are a total of five subjects, all of whom are real people.

And the bloody scene made countless netizens who saw these things feel horrified.

Undoubtedly, they reveal the evil that exists in the dark corners of American society.

In an instant, the people of the United States exploded.

Their free and democratic government actually does this kind of thing secretly?

Secretly experiment on living people?

Even if there are death row prisoners among them, there are still missing persons?

Missing persons are absolutely innocent people!

The people became angry and began to condemn their government and their military.

The U.S. government quickly declared that it was a fake, someone deliberately smeared them, and there was no such thing happening.

But no matter how they justify, they can't come up with definite evidence to refute.

It can only make their people more angry.

People in other countries gloated, but since it was the United States, not many countries dared to make accusations.

Of course, country C is an exception.

The wj officials were so happy that they fired all their firepower, went crazy on the UN and the Internet, and kept accusing the United States of not doing anything.

After all, a few days ago they were still refuting these people's framing of Zhiqi, but it didn't take long, and the feng shui took turns, so they must be crazy?

And a certain painter also drew a picture, satirizing this kind of thing in the United States.

Washington's accusations against country C are almost ignored, because they are already a mess.

"Tell me! Those stars, who gave them the guts to let them publish these photos! Also, where did they get this kind of evidence?!"

The president roared in the office, this kind of shocking scandal is simply making him lose his life.

A group of people standing in the office were all silent, with ugly faces. It was a huge disaster for them to have such a thing happen.

"That old man, now he's giving speeches everywhere again, do you want to watch him come back to the stage next time?"

"And the sons of Bitch from the opposition party, they definitely know about these things, and they even come up to criticize us! Do they understand politics!"

"Let's all get ready to step down!"

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and the director of the NSA walked in.

He said with a serious face: "Mr. President, we have found out that the accounts of those who posted those pictures and videos were not posted by themselves, but someone manipulated their social accounts and directly uploaded the pictures. "

The president frowned: "Who manipulated it? Find it out for me!"

The NSA showed a embarrassed expression on its face, but after taking a look at the president's angry look, it finally said: "We... are still investigating for the time being."

In fact, they didn't find out at all, and they had no clue at all. None of the IP addresses found out were correct, and the most outrageous ones even came from their space station.

"Then check it out for me!" the president said angrily, "No matter how long it takes, find it out for me!"

"Yes!" was all the NSA director could say.

The president took a few short breaths, and finally asked: "Those videos and pictures, have they been deleted now?"

"Those celebrities' photos have been deleted, but... other people's photos and videos can't be deleted at all. Many people have downloaded pictures and videos, and now they are spreading everywhere."

"Fakxet! Fake Fake!"

The president was furious: "Let me figure out how to deal with this matter!"

After a moment of silence, the Secretary of State said cautiously, "President, I suspect that this has something to do with that Zhiqi company."


"Didn't we just publicize the Zhiqi living human experiment a while ago? Then it broke out that we were doing the living human experiment. I think it is very likely that they got these pictures and videos and then retaliated against us."

"They, a company from country C, dare to retaliate against us!" The president became furious, "We must let them know the consequences!"

The secretary of state showed embarrassment on his face. Looking at the president, he wondered if he was mad?

After coughing twice, he said, "Mr. President, regarding this matter, we may... have no way to counter them for the time being. Besides, the top priority is to resolve this public opinion incident."

The president was silent for a moment and said, "What can you do?"

"Uh... still thinking about it for the time being."

The Secretary of State does not know what to do.

"If there is no way, then think about it!" The president could only continue to vent his anger.

At this moment, the door was knocked again.

The deputy director of the NSA walked in.

"Mr. President, we suddenly received an email just now, and the content in it is very important."

"What?" the President asked, frowning.

The deputy director of the NSA came over with a laptop and opened the email.

When everyone saw it, their faces became even more ugly.

In the email, they are asked to stop all smearing of Zhiqi immediately, otherwise they will produce more evidence about their human experimentation and make it public, so that everyone can see how many dirty things your US government is hiding.

"This is a threat! This is a threat to the Federation!"

The president slapped the table vigorously and said angrily.

"Mr. President, there are attachments in the email..."

The deputy director said quickly.

"Annex?" The president was taken aback: "Open it for me quickly."

Opening the attachment, the contents inside shocked everyone again.

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