Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 165 Our Police Also Want To Buy Your Drone

The red and white things flew out.

About 0.9 seconds later, a gunshot sounded from above, like the thunder of judgment.

Wang Qiang's vision turned black.

He opened his mouth, and finally stood aside powerlessly. With the last light, he could only notice a moving black spot in the air.

The dagger he trusted was also lying on the cold ground.

In Liang County in October, it was already a bit chilly.

This scene made everyone present quiet down for a while.

Afterwards, everyone realized that the sniper had killed the nasty gangster!

The boy was a little dazed, what's wrong?

Didn't the person behind just say he was going to stab himself?

To be honest, he still felt scared in his heart just now.

However, what is the situation now?

What happened to that guy in the back?

Is it dead?

He remembered that he had just heard the gunshot.

He also felt something on his head and body.

But at this time, he saw the negotiator and the police rushing up quickly. The negotiator pulled him up, hugged him into his arms, and praised with a smile: "Not bad, kid, you are very courageous!"

The policemen quickly stepped forward, lifted the gangster whose head was still dripping with paste, and began to deal with the scene.

The boy turned his head to take a look, and saw the scruffy gangster, who fell powerlessly to the ground, and the things inside his head.

really dead!

He widened his eyes: "Fuck, awesome!"

The negotiator turned his head away at this time, so that he could not see the bloody scene, "Don't look around, kid, your father and your mother are here, you have to comfort your father and your mother, They were terrified, and don't forget to thank your father, who knelt down for you."

The boy immediately turned his head to look, and sure enough, he saw his parents running towards him.

He also stopped caring about the gangster and rushed towards his parents.

The hostages are safe and the family is reunited.

There was overwhelming applause, and everyone was excited about this scene.

Evil fell before them once again.

Harmony filled the air again.

"it is good!"


"Finally killed!"

"Where is the sniper? Where is the sniper?"

"Snipers are amazing!"

People started shouting, and if it weren't for the cordon around them, they would have rushed up too.

And someone also remembered that the gunshot just now came from the sky, so they looked up into the sky, searched around, and finally found two drones flying in the sky.

Can drones kill?

Naturally, people didn't believe it, but they couldn't find a place where snipers could be hidden.

In other words, where the sound of gunfire came, it was impossible to hide people.

There is only one more dignified gate at the school gate, surrounded by green belts, and there are no windows of houses that snipers can attack.

Where did the sniper come from?

The director took a deep look at the drone in the sky.

"Amazing, is this new equipment from the military? It can actually hit..."

"This kind of thing must be told to the people above."

The director thought in his mind that good equipment must be snatched up, just like they snatched up lithium-air battery equipment from the military.

Anyway, Huaguo is so safe, no one really dares to go to war with Huaguo, so it's better to hand over this kind of thing to the police.

The Huaguo police sacrifice a lot of people every year, not to mention the number of casualties.

"Director, people from the military are here."

The director came back to his senses and said, "Take me to see them."

On the street not far away, a military off-road vehicle is parked here.

Ye Cheng got out of the car with General Zhao, looked at the drone in the sky, and a person who was lifted up at the school gate in the distance, probably the gangster who was shot dead.


General Zhao couldn't help but said again.

While they were still on their way to their destination, news came that their drone had completed its mission, which seemed unbelievable to them.

However, they still confirmed this fact from the photos sent back from the drone.

Before people arrive, the enemy will be killed first.

As expected, high technology.

At this time, the chief who shouldered the first-level police inspector came over.

He saw that there was actually a mid-term future, and he couldn't help being surprised. There was a general in that army training ground?

"Hi sir!"

He himself retired from the army, and naturally he still has the habit of saluting when he sees the general.

General Zhao glanced at the policeman, identified his position, and asked, "Are you the director of the Liang County Public Security Bureau?"

"Yes! My name is Zhu Junri. I was discharged from the XX Battalion of the XX Regiment of the People's Liberation Army in 2015." The director nodded, "I didn't expect the chief to come here in person."

"Hehe, I happened to be in the military area, so I stopped by to have a look."

General Zhao smiled, and mainly came to look at the drone, otherwise, he would definitely not take care of this kind of thing himself, and the military and police should not be too entangled.

"Who is this?"

At this time, the director looked at Ye Cheng again. Why was this young man able to walk with this lieutenant general?

"Zhiqi Company, Ye Cheng."

Ye Cheng nodded to the chief.

"Zhiqi? Ye Cheng?" The director was taken aback.

Soon he remembered, of course he knew the name of Zhiqi Company, as for Ye Cheng, wasn't he the boss of Zhiqi?

Although the bureau chief didn't know much about Ye Cheng's appearance, he was still no stranger to the name.

No wonder, he was able to walk with this lieutenant general.

"I didn't expect it to be Mr. Ye, hello, hello."

The director smiled and extended his hand to shake Ye Cheng.

However, his only question is, what is Ye Cheng doing here?

At this moment, there was a strong wind from the sky, and two drones quickly fell from the sky and flew over Ye Cheng's head.

At this time, Xiaobai took the initiative to take over the two drones.

All drones can be regarded as its clone, and it can be directly controlled.

And under its personal control, the drone is more flexible, flying around Ye Cheng's head.

In General Zhao's view, it was this intelligence that demonstrated its powerful manipulation ability.

But Ye Cheng knew that Xiaobai was asking him for credit.

Xiaobai's ability to write such a powerful drone intelligent control program is actually related to the drone that Ye Cheng bought for him. He played every day and flew around. He naturally learned a lot and wrote it so powerfully now. The program is no surprise.

Ye Cheng stretched out his two hands, and the two drones landed on his hands automatically, steadily.

Looking at this scene, the director was a little dazed for a while.

"Mr. Ye, what is this?"

"Oh, you should have seen it just now, this drone belongs to our Zhiqi company."

The director was taken aback for a moment, as if to say...

Isn't this a military production?

He immediately said: "Mr. Ye, our police also want to buy your drone!"

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