Ye Cheng didn't care about the scolding on the Internet.

Comments on a hot topic on the Internet are divided into three categories, one is melon-eating, which is the most;

The first category has no independent opinion, and is easily influenced by certain unfounded speculations, thus making some not-so-neutral remarks;

The last category is to make money from comments. Since it is to make money, of course you don't care whether what you say is true or not.

And Ye Cheng, as the boss of a company, if he gets angry so easily because of some words on the Internet, then he is not the boss.

Just like he can now spend money to hire a sailor, and then scold him back.

However, he doesn't have time to spend so much money to buy naval forces for public relations. He just needs to accept the offer quietly. If the other party just relies on such a simple method as suing, then they just wait to win. After all, their company The patents are placed on the bright side, and when the time comes to compare them one by one, it is very simple to win the lawsuit, which is almost a win-win situation.

When the other party loses the lawsuit, it will be beneficial to their company's reputation.

Look, a technology company in Huaguo, in the face of the joint lawsuits of several international giants such as Xiaotong, Sansang, and Ericsson, stood firm and unafraid, and even defeated them in the end.

Especially these three giants, Ericsson and Sansang are both the world's top 500, and Xiaotong was once also the world's top 500. On the other hand, this Zhiqi technology company is unknown and has never been known. Not even the top five hundred.

In this way, Zhiqi Technology Company will seem to become a hero in the eyes of Huaguo people.

So, now is definitely an opportunity for Zhiqi.

Ye Cheng squinted his eyes, and suddenly felt a little doubtful in his heart. If these three companies really just sued in court, it would be impossible.

What will they do next?

Ye Cheng couldn't think of it for a while, and finally shook his head: "Forget it, don't care, the soldiers will block you, the water will cover you with soil, so you're afraid?"

Once the raw materials for chip production arrive, no one can stop him.


Time passed slowly, and the public opinion that Xiaotong, Sansang, and Ericsson sued Zhiqi Technology Company began to circulate on the Internet.

Netizens began to talk about this matter, and the public opinion on the Internet was also guided by caring people, and more and more people attacked Zhiqi.

[It was so loud before, what is the light of Huaguo's technology, the light of chips, that's it? It's a shame to be caught copying other people's technology. 】

【Oh, I thought this company was awesome, but it’s nothing more than that】

[That is to say, it’s not that I raise others’ aspirations to destroy my prestige, but at Huaguo’s current stage, it is impossible to completely bypass foreign technology and develop a chip. 】

[This company is too high-profile, but if it is a little more low-key, isn't it possible to make a fortune in silence? If you have to make it known to everyone, you deserve it. 】


The previous digital blogger who posted a post on his scarf praising Zhiqi, under the original blog post, a group of netizens who came over to mock him also poured in.

[Blogger, how much did you charge back then? It's only been a few days, have you been slapped in the face? 】

[I believed your nonsense back then, bah, disgusting. 】

[I understand what the blogger thinks, it’s nothing more than to make us confident, but self-confidence must be based on strength. Your untenable self-confidence is simply deceiving yourself. 】

【Win again! 】


Of course, although there are many people who scold him, it is not that there are still people who still support Zhiqi.

[No, several foreign companies said that they sued, so you believe it to be true? It's really funny, Huaguo can't independently research chip technology, can it? Really kneeling for a long time, can't stand up, right? 】

There were many replies like this, but they were quickly drowned out by other scolding voices.

And this time, it finally managed to get on the hot search of the bib, attracting more people's attention.

Warwick headquarters.

It was still Ren Fei's office.

Xu Yun knocked on the office door.

"Please come in." The old man's voice came out.

Xu Yun walked in, looked at the old man sitting on the sofa, and shouted, "Mr. Ren."

"Well, sit down first."

Ren Fei pointed to the location next to him.

Xu Yun was a little puzzled. He was leading his subordinates to conduct research when he was suddenly called over by Ren Fei. He sat down and asked, "Mr. Ren, what do you need?"

"Look at this news." Ren Fei placed a tablet in front of Xu Yun.

Xu Yun glanced at it and was shocked.

"What?! Xiaotong, Sansang and Ailixin are jointly suing Zhiqi?"

"Damn it, it's definitely the work of that bastard Xiaotong."

In his eyes, Xiaotong is an absolute rogue company.

Colleagues are enemies, never too much.

But soon he realized that Ren Fei was right in front of him, and it was not good to swear directly.

So he quickly apologized and said, "Don't worry about it, Mr. Ren, I just can't help it."

Ren Fei waved his hand and said, "It's okay, I usually scold Xiaotong."

Xu Yun couldn't help smiling, but turned to show embarrassment on his face: "It's good now, I don't know if my friend's company can support these three companies?"

Ren Fei glanced at him and said, "Didn't you say that before? The technology of Zhiqi Company belongs to them completely. Even if it goes to court, they will win the case."

After Ren Fei's suggestion, Xu Yun was stunned for a moment, and immediately reacted: "That's right!"

After all, he is purely technical, and he doesn't know too much about these legal matters. He just thinks that Zhiqi Technology is so small, and those three companies are so huge, especially Sansang, who is listed on the world's top 500 companies. Ranking higher than their Warwick, he had to worry.

There was a smile on his face: "Then it's all right."

He thought for a while, then took out his mobile phone, "I have to congratulate my friend in advance. Now they have stood up to the three giants, and they will definitely be famous all over the country by then."

Ren Fei stopped him: "Wait a minute, I'll call you over, it's definitely not that simple."

Xu Yun was taken aback: "Is there any question?"

"How much money do you think your friend's company has now?"

"How much is it?" Xu Yun thought for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I'm not sure, didn't they just get orders from companies like Remy and Blue Green Factory? Even if there is only a deposit, they should be rich now, right?" .”

"But now they don't have any money left besides this money." Ren Fei shook his head: "Forget it, let me tell you directly."

"Your friend's company has received so many orders now, at least 20 to 30 million orders, right? If Gulf Semiconductors suddenly cuts off their supply, they will definitely not be able to continue to provide 5G RF chips."

"In that case, it means that they are going to breach the contract, and if they breach the contract, if companies like Remy and Blue Green Factory ask them for compensation for breach of contract, do you think they can afford to pay so much?"


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