As a result, the existence of the grid loses its meaning, the states of 'energized' and 'not powered' will become random, the output of '1' and '0' will become uncontrollable, and the circuit will become extremely disordered.

As an analogy, think of a chip as a crossroad, the people and cars on the crossroad are transistors, and the gates are traffic lights.

When the chip manufacturing process is large, it means that there are only a few people and cars at this intersection. As long as they obey the rules of traffic lights, they can reach the other side regularly.

However, now that the manufacturing process has become 2nm, hundreds of cars and hundreds of people are pouring into this intersection. Although there are still gates, there are a few people or cars among them who do not want to obey the rules. People and vehicles scurry around, and finally chaos.

Therefore, if the manufacturing process of the chip is to be shortened, it is necessary to find a way to prevent electrons from passing through the gate.

The method is to increase the bit potential barrier between them.

Potential barrier is a concept in quantum mechanics.

This potential barrier can be reached to an energy limit.

According to the principles of classical mechanics, any particle has energy itself. If they want to cross the potential barrier, their own energy needs to be greater than the energy limit of the potential barrier. It is absolutely impossible for particles to break through the limit of the potential barrier.

In quantum mechanics, this is possible. When the potential of the potential barrier does not greatly exceed the energy of the particle, and the barrier width of the potential barrier is not very wide, the probability of the particle crossing the potential barrier will be In a relatively large situation, when the particle passes through this potential barrier, it is equal to the quantum tunneling effect.

In a transistor, the gate can be used as a potential barrier between the source and the drain. Its length is reflected in its barrier width, which means that the process is relatively high, and the source electrons will be difficult to break through. It's a potential barrier.

And if you want to make it smaller, that is, shorten the process to 2nm or even 1nm, and the barrier width becomes smaller, you can only increase its potential.

The higher the potential, the electrons can be effectively confined, and when the electrons want to jump, tell it that this way is blocked unless the gate is turned on.

According to this principle, the atomic-level carbon electron barrier can be wrapped on the gate to increase the potential barrier of the gate, which can greatly increase the potential of the gate, thereby avoiding the quantum tunneling effect of electrons.

Moreover, even if the length of the grid is only 0.5nm, this atomic-level carbon electron barrier can limit the tunneling effect of electrons due to its special atomic arrangement structure. On the gate of the nanometer, it is equivalent to 0.7nm in the end.

However, the biggest problem is how to cover this thing on the grid, which obviously requires the help of an ion implanter.

It is equivalent to changing the process of the ion implanter, and also needs to improve its manufacturing process.

Of course, as far as the current situation is concerned, it is enough to make chips with a 2nm process, and there is no need to adjust the 0.5nm process as soon as it comes up.

For example, the performance of their current 4nm Taichu 2 chip has improved by about 20% compared to the 3nm Taichu 1 chip.

This is also the advantage of the Taibai architecture, and at the end of January next year, the blue-green factory will get the first launch of the Taichu 2 chip. At that time, after the Taichu 2 has shown terrifying performance, other chip design companies around the world will definitely invest in it. In the research of Taibai architecture.

In the next few years, the number of transistors on a chip will actually decrease.

Moore's Law will be set back a few years.

Maybe other companies will turn around to make 5nm Taibai architecture chips. After all, 5nm is much cheaper than 4nm and 3nm.

Therefore, it is not in a hurry to make chips with a 2nm process.

At best, it can be used as a mascot or something.

"However, this thing seems to be able to make carbon-based chips..."

After re-browsing the information on the atomic-level carbon electronic barrier, Ye Cheng suddenly had this idea in his heart.

Through this thing, the problem of controlling the current, and it is made of carbon, and it can also have better compatibility with carbon-based chips.

The more he thought about it, the more possible it became in Ye Cheng's heart.

Of course, this is only one aspect. It can only be said that a solution has been found for the leakage effect of carbon-based chips.

This material does not mean that it can only be made into a resistor cover, and it can also be used as a good insulator on a carbon-based chip.

On a chip, there are not only transistors, but also other devices such as resistors and capacitors, and silicon chips are not entirely composed of silicon.

Those who say that chips are sand are basically talking nonsense without knowing anything.

"Forget it, it's better to study carbon-based chips slowly. Now that there is a chance to make silicon-based chips to 1nm, don't worry about it."

Even if it is a carbon-based chip, if you want to compare it with a 1nm silicon-based chip, you need a 7nm process or even a 5nm process, which also requires a lot of investment. It is better to research silicon-based chips.

Now that Huaguo has broken through the foreign blockade on silicon-based chips, research on carbon-based chips has also slowed down.

Of course, it's not without research.

In the past, Huaguo did not master much technology, but Huaguo is developing every technology in the future direction, and the development is not much worse than that of foreign countries, or even better.

The 5G network is one example. Another example is quantum computers. In fact, carbon-based chips, Huaguo and the United States are also on par, but the research directions of Huaguo and the United States are different.

Continuously mastering the core patents of advanced technology, it is impossible for foreign countries to continue to block China in terms of future technology.

When a hundred years later, all technologies are updated and the theories of all technologies are replaced with new theories, Huaguo will also be very different.

Ye Cheng also quickly made a decision in his mind, and decided to develop on carbon-based chips.

Of course, if you buy by points, the price of carbon-based chips is 40-60 million points, and the difference of 20 million points is the part that can be saved through the front-end technology tree.

However, if you can research some of these technologies by yourself, it is really uncertain, and it is obviously more appropriate to buy them with points.

"Let's show Zhong Xin this carbon electronic mask, and then make a 2nm chip first to see how it works."

It is this thing that is added to the chip, and the price is estimated to be higher.

"There is also this super strong titanium alloy, show Cai Liao how to optimize the production process, and sell it later."

This super strong titanium alloy is more expensive, but after all, it is super strong, so what's the matter with it, it is definitely suitable for aero engines.

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