Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 185 Is It Time For The Two Of You To Settle?

In addition to the Plasma Research Institute, there are several other research institutes on Science Island, among which there are countless high-end talents from Huaguo, and among them, the top ones naturally have to have a better living environment, so the one in front of them The neighborhood is also beautifully built.

Many of them are courtyard-style villas, basically with three floors.

Although it can't compare with Ye Cheng's, it still looks more comfortable.

And probably because of the Chinese New Year, there is quite a Chinese New Year atmosphere here, with lights and festoons everywhere, and there are children running around in the community, playing some fancy tricks. The only regret is that there are no firecrackers to play with.

Of course, Ye Cheng didn't mind letting out the 18 rounds of QN202 in his car to cheer up the kids.

The only problem is that he might be court-martialed.

The car drove into the community, and finally arrived in front of the most luxurious looking villa, which was Xu Xin's home.

After parking the car at the door, he got out of the car, and the door didn't need to be closed, Xiaobai would control the door to close automatically.

At this time, the Maybach also drove over.

Ye Guo and Chen Rong got out of the car, and the driver would stop there.

Chen Rong grabbed Ye Cheng's arm and gave another warning. Ye Cheng could only say repeatedly: "Mom, let's stop talking and go in first. Uncle Xu and the others must be waiting impatiently."

Chen Rong just gave up.

At the door, Ye Cheng knocked on the door of the villa.

After a while, the door opened.

Xu Xin appeared behind the door, and when she saw her big boss standing outside, she smiled, "Oh, big boss, you're finally here."

She pushed open the door and saw Ye's father and Ye's mother behind her, her face blushed. She just called Ye Cheng 'boss' just now, and she was afraid that Uncle Aunt heard her.

But she hurriedly said hello: "Uncle, Aunt, happy new year."

Chen Rong laughed, remembering what Xu Xin said just now when she opened the door to see Ye Cheng, it was obviously a joking greeting, it seems that the relationship between these two young people is still very good.

She smiled and said, "Xinxin, the bigger the better, the more beautiful it is. Aunt didn't prepare any red envelopes for the Chinese New Year. I bought you a bracelet. You can see if it suits you."

As she spoke, she took out a gift box from her bag.

Xu Xin quickly said, "Hey, Aunt, no need, really no need."

"Hey, take it quickly, you grew up under the watch of Aunt." Chen Rong insisted, and forced it to Xu Xin.

Xu Xin had no choice but to accept it.

"Then Uncle Aunt, let's go in first, it's cold outside."

"Well, fine." Both Ye Guo and Chen Rong nodded with a smile.

Ye Cheng then said, "I, the boss, don't need to go in, do I?"

Xu Xin rolled his eyes at him, stretched out his hand to grab his arm, and pulled him directly into the door: "Come in, how old are you?"

"It's fine if it's not younger than you."

Xu Xin was taken aback, and looked at Ye Cheng quietly: "You're talking like that, I won't give you a part-time job!"

The age of a woman is the last thing to talk about, especially for older leftover women.

Ye Cheng hurriedly begged for mercy: "Okay, okay, pretend I didn't say anything."

Chen Rong and Ye Guo, who were beside them, felt relieved when they saw the appearance of the two of them. It seems that the matter of the two children can also be mentioned to the Xu family today.

Several people walked into the house, and Xu Kaiyang had already greeted them. Xu Xin's mother pulled Ye Cheng and started talking, seemingly very happy.

But Ye Cheng is a little strange, why does Xu's mother look at herself as she looks at her son?


The two families were chatting, and the time soon reached noon. Mother Xu made a big lunch, ate and chatted

Ye Cheng and Xu Xin were sitting together, talking about some interesting things, or things in the company.

However, their voices were so small that they seemed to be whispering.

Although the four elders talked about themselves from time to time, they also looked at the two young people with smiles on their faces.

In this way, after drinking for three rounds, both Ye Guo and Xu Kaiyang drank, although they were not completely drunk, but they also started to brag.

Ye Guo patted the table and said, "Old Xu, it's not me bragging with you. I gave the boss of Zhiqi Company a scolding today."

Xu Kaiyang laughed and scolded: "Then isn't that your son? You are blowing my ass!"

"Hey, that's my skill, otherwise, who can scold this brat?"

"I have something to do with you." Xu Kaiyang said angrily, "I'm afraid you don't even know how chips are made."

"It's okay for my son to know."

"Too lazy to talk to you! Drink!" Xu Kaiyang hammered Ye Guo's shoulder, then put his arms around his neck, and touched him with a wine glass.

After drinking another glass of wine, Xu Kaiyang glanced at the two young men over the table and said, "Ye Cheng."

Ye Cheng looked at this Uncle Xu. He looked like he was half drunk. He originally planned to chat with him about nuclear fusion in the afternoon.

"Uncle Xu." He replied.

"Are you going to be twenty-nine this year?"

"Yes." Ye Cheng nodded, feeling a little emotional in his heart. After coming to this world, two Spring Festivals have passed, and he is also twenty-nine.

"Then don't you think about it, the rest of your life?" Xu Kaiyang continued.

"The rest of my life? I've thought about it very clearly." A smile appeared on Ye Cheng's face.

The four elders also showed smiles on their faces, but Xu Xin's face turned redder.

"Oh? How did you think about it?"

"Create out more advanced technologies, such as nuclear fusion, spaceships, quantum computers, etc., all out, make Zhiqi company bigger and stronger, and let our Huaguo create greater glories!"

Ye Cheng spoke arrogantly, full of passion.

However, after he spoke, he found that the dining table became quiet.

Everyone at the table stared at him, as if what he just said was not good.

Xu Xin next to him also opened his eyes wide, looking at Ye Cheng.

God, this man is hopeless! There is no edge!

Xu Kaiyang coughed twice at this time, and then said: "Well, your ambition is very good, I trust you and Zhiqi."

"However, what I mean is, you are also twenty-nine this year, and Xinxin is also thirty, so your business should be done, right?"

Ye Cheng was stunned.


About me and Xu Xin?

I do not know how?

He turned to look at Xu Xin, Xu Xin's face was already flushed, she looked like a shy big girl, but her small eyes were still looking at him, as if she was also waiting for his response.

He finally came to his senses. It turned out that they all thought this was the purpose of my coming to pay New Year's greetings?

No matter how insensitive he was, he finally understood everything at this moment.

After hesitating for a long time, he suddenly felt relieved. It seems that, from a certain aspect, this is the optimal solution?

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