"Tell me, what do you want to talk to me about?"

In the study, Xu Kaiyang asked.

Ye Cheng said: "Uncle Xu, where is your research on nuclear fusion reactors?"

"Nuclear fusion?" Xu Kaiyang was taken aback, but he didn't expect that what Ye Cheng wanted to ask was about nuclear fusion.

Afterwards, he smiled and said, "Where else can I go? This thing has to be done step by step. If you ask some confidential things, I can't tell you, even if you become my son-in-law."

The principle is quite strong, Ye Cheng smiled, but he didn't care, and said: "Then if I invest in our Huaguo nuclear fusion, you should be able to tell me, right?"

"Oh? Zhiqi wants to invest in nuclear fusion?" Xu Kaiyang frowned: "This thing is a bottomless pit, are you sure?"

"Sure. In addition, our Zhiqi will also join in the research of nuclear fusion. Maybe, because of our joining, the progress of nuclear fusion will be accelerated?"

Hearing Ye Cheng's words, Xu Kaiyang laughed loudly, "Okay! Now that you've said that, of course I believe it."

In any case, Zhiqi's scientific research strength is obvious to all the world, so there is no need to doubt it.

Even nuclear fusion already belongs to a different boundary.

Ye Cheng smiled slightly.

It’s not that he’s bragging, I’m afraid it will scare the future father-in-law. The material for the first wall has been finished, and it won’t be long before the normal temperature superconductor can be finished.

The importance of these two things to nuclear fusion is not one or two.

"In that case, you should be able to tell me, right?"

"Okay, you can ask, but I definitely can't tell you about some of the most secret technologies." Xu Kaiyang nodded.

He is not a person who sticks to the rules. Since Ye Cheng has stated that he will invest and invest in research, and he is his son-in-law, it is okay to say some unimportant things.

If it were someone else, even if he invested, he wouldn't be able to learn any technology from him unless it was approved by his superiors.

As for his superiors, he went directly to the State Council.

"Then thank you, Uncle Xu." Ye Cheng nodded with a smile, and then asked: "How far have you achieved with your superconducting materials? It's on the EAST."

"For EAST, the superconducting material is niobium-titanium alloy, and supercritical 4.5K helium forced flow cooling is used."

"What would happen if there were room temperature superconductors?" asked Ye Cheng.

"Normal temperature superconductor? Don't dare to think about it." Xu Kaiyang laughed.

"If there are normal-temperature superconductors, first of all, the cooling devices used to cool the wires can be removed, saving a lot of space. In this part of the space, we can install more superconductors, thereby increasing the force of magnetic confinement. Once we do that, we can have the plasma from nuclear fusion completely under our control."

"In addition to this, there is safety. You should know that we are using a superconducting energy storage device. Once due to some accident, the conductor inside suddenly loses its superconducting ability and the resistance suddenly increases. The heat generation is unimaginable. It may even cause an explosion directly, which is quite dangerous, but there is no such worry in room-temperature superconductors."

"Of course, room-temperature superconductors may not be realized in our lifetime, and you don't have to think too much. For now, just find a high-temperature superconductor."

Ye Cheng smiled, I'm afraid I will disappoint Uncle Xu.

After a few months, he will be able to rectify it.

"So, what about our first wall covering material?"

"As for the covering material of the first wall, I can only tell you that it is basically graphite. As for the difference between it and graphite, I can't tell you."

Ye Cheng is funny, this is not what you said, I am afraid that these things can be easily found on the Internet.

But this thing also involves core secrets, and I'm afraid it won't be revealed to him so easily.

Then don't say it, he just understands the situation.

"So how far have we achieved it now?"

"Hehe, it is still quite difficult to realize it. Although a part of the energy can already be used, you should also know that 75% of all the energy in DT fusion is actually stored in the released high-energy among the neutrons."

"But neutrons are uncharged, and uncharged neutrons are not controlled by our magnetic constraints at all. In this way, these high-energy neutrons will run around and eventually destroy the first wall of our nuclear fusion. We also have problems that we have been facing internationally."

"Look, every time we burn EAST, we send out a news, and then there is no news for a long time, why? It's because after the first burn, we have to mend the first wall inside, and then we can continue Burn it next time."

"So, we're also trying to develop other ways to deal with neutrons."

"Of course, the most ideal solution is to develop materials."

"In addition, the most critical issue is how to use this part of energy. If we just boil water now, the highest temperature of water will not exceed 700 degrees Celsius. We burn a small sun with more than 100 million degrees, just to turn the water Heating to 700 degrees Celsius? That kind of energy utilization rate will be smaller than our current thermal power and nuclear fission."

"So, it's still difficult. If you want to invest, I have no objection, but I can only say that this can only be a bottomless pit. In a few years, or even decades, you probably won't see any benefits."

Ye Cheng shook his head: "No matter what, I said that I want to invest, and I definitely want to invest. However, if our Zhiqi has brought more important results to nuclear fusion, Uncle Xu will not let our Zhiqi be rejected." pit?"

Xu Kaiyang laughed and said: "Who in Huaguo dares to trick your wisdom, as long as it is your technology, it will definitely not be able to escape you."

"I can rest assured that."

Ye Cheng nodded, and next, it's time to zoom in.

"Uncle Xu, according to what you just said, our first-wall materials are still unable to face the bombardment of high-energy neutrons, so if there is such a material that can withstand the bombardment of high-energy neutrons, how far can we do it? "

Xu Kaiyang didn't even think about it, and said directly: "I won't brag to you, just tell you this, I can immediately let our EAST burn it for a day or two, and by the way, change all the materials in it, all Use this material to make it, and then directly generate electricity from it!"

Without further ado, Ye Cheng took out a USB flash drive and said, "Uncle Xu, I have such materials."

"Let's see if we can use it."

Xu Kaiyang was taken aback: "What?"


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