This humorous title easily attracted many people, and those related practitioners were naturally attracted by the keyword Turing Award.

So Zhiqi Company received various emails from abroad early the next morning.

In short, this unexpected speech by Zhong Xin also successfully brought an unexpected effect to the company.

"It's outrageous."

When Ye Cheng heard the news, he couldn't help but feel amused.

That is to say, he doesn't care about the company's affairs, otherwise he must be happy for a few days.

At this time, he was driving around the prosperous neighborhood of Houston, planning to buy some gifts for his parents to take back home, and also some skin care products for Xu Xin to treat acne.

At this time, he suddenly received a call.

"Mr. Ye, your jewelry has arrived downstairs in your hotel. Is it convenient for you? We will deliver it right now."

"Oh? Is it already there?" Ye Cheng said, "I'm outside now, please wait a moment below, I will go there to pick it up."

"Ah... oh, that's fine, we will wait for you."

The other side seemed a little surprised, but said quickly.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Cheng was about to start the car, but at this moment, Xiao Bai's voice suddenly sounded: "Master! The other party is not the one who should deliver the goods to you!"

Ye Cheng was taken aback: "What do you mean?"

"The person who delivered the goods to the owner should be three white Americans, but the person who called you has become two Asians, three Arabs, and seven whites. These twelve people should all be They came from Mexico, and they were all smuggled in."

"In addition, according to what I saw through their mobile phone cameras, each of them carried guns, including five AK47s, seven TEC-9 submachine guns, and each carried a pistol. In addition, they also had an RPG. , and ten grenades, it is not ruled out that they have more grenades hidden.”

Ye Cheng frowned.

"Hey guys, are they going to rob a bank?"

"Uh, I think they are here to rob the master."

Ye Cheng: "..."

"Where's the jewelry I bought? Where did they put it for me?"

"In their car."

"That's good." Ye Cheng felt relieved, as long as the other party wasn't a jewelry grabber.

However, if he didn't snatch jewelry and carried so many weapons, it was obvious that he was here to trouble him.

"Smuggled from Mexico?"

"Smuggled here to trouble me?"

"What about the person who was supposed to deliver the goods to me?" Ye Cheng asked.

"Killed by them."

Ye Cheng couldn't help being taken aback.

directly killed?

These foreign terrorists are really terrifying enough.

In his heart, he apologized to the three deliverymen from the jewelry company who died innocently. After pondering for a moment, he asked, "Do they have anything to do with the US government?"

"It doesn't matter directly, they are all thugs of a drug cartel in Mexico."

"Drug cartel? Not the U.S. government?" Ye Cheng wondered, what enmity did he have with the Mexican drug cartel?

Hungry for their Zhiqi profits?

This kind of drug cartel is not honestly doing its own business, but also wants to get involved in the field of technology?

Ye Cheng thought for a while and said, "Afterwards, you will investigate whether there is anyone behind this drug cartel, and investigate all relationships."

"Yes!" Xiaobai replied.

Afterwards, Ye Cheng touched his seat, and suddenly felt a sense of excitement in his heart.

"Life really needs some surprises to bring some excitement."

After the Shrine No. 2 was built by him, it has never been shown to the world.

It seems that this time, he has the opportunity to show the real Iron Man in this world.

As for the opponent's firepower, ordinary guns and grenades are impossible to cause damage to his Shrine No. 2, and the protection power of his Shrine No. 2 is enough to withstand these ordinary injuries.

But RPG has to be guarded against.

The impact produced by the explosion of the RPG rocket is much stronger than the grenade, enough to cause damage to him in the armor.

But soon, he glanced at the three burly bodyguards in the car. All three of them had a gun on their bodies, and they were all placed in the most conspicuous place.

There are 50 states in the United States, and 50 systems in one country. Regarding the gun-holding system, although guns are basically allowed, Texas is still the most outrageous. Texas can directly carry an AK47 through the streets and alleys, and even buy it in supermarkets. People with open guns can be seen everywhere, so they do as the Romans do.

Ye Cheng then said: "Later, you should be wary of the other party taking out the RPG, and you don't need to worry about other things, just cover me."

Although Shrine No. 2 is powerful, it can be taken just in case.

"Yes, boss." The three Type I guards responded in unison.

"Okay." Ye Cheng didn't say any more, and continued to drive towards the hotel - as for why he was driving instead of the Type I guard, there was no way, only when he was sitting in the driver's seat could he wear the Shrine No. 2.


Downstairs from the Hilton Hotel.

A Cadillac is parked here, and not far away, there are two Volkswagen Tiguans.

"Damn, he's not in the hotel."

A white man sitting in the co-pilot hung up the phone and cursed.

"Where is he?"

The eyes of the people around were fixed.

"He's outside, let's wait here for him to come back."

Everyone's faces were ugly.

Originally, according to their plan, the set of expensive jewelry was delivered to their door.

In addition, they also prepared a large safe, enough for one person to put in it, and it was called, as it was called, for jewelry.

When Ye Cheng opened the door in person, they immediately knocked Ye Cheng unconscious and took him away.

Of course, it is not ruled out that it was Ye Cheng's bodyguard who opened the door, but it doesn't matter, as long as the gun is put on the head, no matter how loyal the bodyguard is, he will not continue to speak.

They have already investigated Ye Cheng's bodyguards, and they have never heard of any reputation other than the scary-looking body.

For their drug dealers, this kind of scary body is just a show, and those who eat protein powder are all deadbeats and useless. When the trigger is pulled, no matter how hard the muscles are, they will fall down.

Not to mention, the twelve of them were the elite of the drug cartel, and they never worried about those bodyguards at all.

When the time comes, they will directly put Ye Cheng into the safe that originally held the jewelry, and then take it away without attracting any attention.

But now, because the other party is not upstairs, they will come directly to their car to make a transaction, which means that they must do it in a public place, otherwise they will not have any chance in the future.

However, this is the Hilton Hotel, and it is surrounded by the most prosperous area in Houston, with a considerable flow of people.

They hijack people in this kind of place?

What a joke!

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