The face of the Chinese was revealed, and there was a breathable membrane around his head to prevent hair from being pinched, making him look a little funny.

But no one cares about that.

Everyone looked at Ye Cheng with disbelief on their faces.

This is not white.

Of course, this is what white people think.

What the black people thought in their hearts was how could this be a yellow-skinned person.

There are other races, so I won't list them one by one.

All in all, these Americans couldn't believe it.

After Ye Cheng took a glance, the corners of his mouth curled up. It seemed that the effect had been achieved.

Then, with a serious face, he said to the American policeman: "I am Ye Cheng, the chairman of Zhiqi Company, and I seriously doubt the role played by you in the United States behind this incident."

"If the U.S. government can't give me an explanation, Zhiqi will definitely make the U.S. government regret it!"

The policeman froze for a moment.

This is actually the boss of Zhiqi Company.

It's over, it's bad.

This is the person their police station has emphasized!

"Ye... Mr. Ye, please calm down first! We will definitely investigate this matter, it has absolutely nothing to do with us!"

The policeman said quickly.

Ye Cheng snorted coldly: "I hope it's the best, otherwise, you can just wait for our counterattack."

Afterwards, he turned and left, walking towards his car. Along the way, the onlookers gave way to him one after another.

Although these people couldn't believe it, this real-life Iron Man was actually a Chinese. Even from what he said just now, the people in the nearby American country knew that he was not even American.

But no matter what, looking at the hard shell with a real metallic color and the marks of bullets on it, all these made them not want to take their eyes away.

This is not the kind of ostentation, this is a steel battle suit that can really be used for fighting. Just looking at the gangster who was kicked out just now, they can imagine how powerful it is, And the speed at which Ye Cheng was running just now, those things used for cosplay, it is even more impossible to achieve this level.

The policeman was sweating coldly at this moment, and shouted: "Mr. Ye! Mr. Ye! Don't leave yet! Our police station wants to understand the situation with you!"

However, Ye Cheng didn't stop at all.

What he has to do now is to express his incomparable anger, and then contact the Huaguo embassy, ​​let Huaguo stand behind him, speak out together with Zhiqi Company, and put pressure on the US government.

In this way, under the watchful eyes of hundreds of people at the scene, he returned to his car. Although the exterior of the car was full of bullet marks, it could still be driven.

After closing the car door, he quickly stretched out his hand, pressed a hidden button on the back shell of the helmet, then took it off, and then quickly pulled off the headgear.

"It's really suffocating me."

He couldn't help but complain.

With the existing technology, it is temporarily impossible to make a constant temperature system that can take into account the defensive power of the suit.

As for how to take off the battle suit on his body, when he was wearing it just now, he wore it through the iron box, but if he took it off, he had to take it off manually.

So he took off the battle suit on his body while looking at the situation outside.

The few gangsters who are still alive have been arrested. As for the dead, they are dead. People in the United States are basically killed by gunshots every day. The seven people who died here are just trivial things, let alone Those who came here by smuggling are not counted as Americans, and it is estimated that they will not be counted in the number of gun deaths.

"Foreign countries are really dangerous."

Ye Cheng sighed in his heart.

Afterwards, he took out the communicator and said to the three bodyguards: "Take the time to clean up the scene later to make sure they won't find any incomplete carbon-tungsten-molybdenum alloy."

"Yes, boss."

The three bodyguards quickly responded that their eyesight has reached the micron level, even if it is only 0.001mm, they can see clearly.

Ye Cheng continued to remove the chest protector, and at the same time asked, "Xiaobai, did you find anything?"

Xiaobai said: "It has been found out that the Mexican drug dealer group behind these twelve people is called Luke Lucas, the leader is a well-known drug dealer group in Mexico. This person named Luke Lucas has always been behind A Middle Eastern warlord is supporting him, providing him with advanced arms and manpower."

"This Middle Eastern warlord is called Abdul Mohammad Zalaka."

A photo of the warlord was displayed on the large central screen.

"Only one arm?" Ye Cheng frowned when he saw the empty sleeve.

"Yes." Xiaobai replied: "He once wanted to spend one million dollars to buy an exoskeleton prosthesis from the company, but his warlord once killed a peacekeeping soldier in Huaguo, so he was forever denied the service."

"Killed a soldier from China?" Ye Cheng was stunned, "Does he have any relationship with the US government?"

Xiaobai said: "It does matter. This Middle Eastern warlord is supported by several major arms dealers in the United States to help the United States sell arms in the Middle East. These arms dealers have considerable influence within the US government and both parties power, but Abdul was chosen because his ancestors were warlords for generations. The Ottoman Empire had not been disintegrated in the last century. His family was still the Pasha of the Ottoman Empire. One of the biggest warlords in the region."

"Heh, the biggest warlord?"

Ye Cheng snorted coldly.

He killed a Hua Guo soldier and was refused service by Zhiqi Company as a matter of course, yet he still wants to trouble him?

Then don't blame him for being rude.

"Since it has something to do with the Americans, let the Americans hand him over."

"In addition, the United States must also pay the due price for this incident."

This time, Ye Cheng will take a good look at the wool of the United States.

If the U.S. doesn’t offer more compensation, then the U.S. people will never even think about enjoying all the services of Zhiqi Company in the country.

"Xiaobai, sort out all the evidence as soon as possible, and give it to the person surnamed Bai who came to Boda."

"Good master!" Xiaobai replied.

Suddenly, Xiaobai said again: "Master, someone from the Chinese embassy in Mimi called you."

"Is it the embassy in Milan? OK."

Ye Cheng picked up the phone and got through quickly.

The person on the opposite side spoke first, and his voice was a little anxious: "Excuse me, is this Mr. Ye?"


"Mr. Ye, how are you doing now? Are there any problems?"

Ye Cheng said: "There is no problem."

"That's really great." The person on the opposite side breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "By the way, I forgot to introduce myself. I am the ambassador of the Chinese Embassy in the United States, Liang Hai."

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