Both Ye Cheng and Xu Xin took a shower and lay on the bed together.

Sleeping on the same bed with a man for the first time, Xu Xin's face turned slightly red, but compared to seeing Ye Cheng come back safe and sound, these are not important.

Anyway, sooner or later I have to sleep.

On the contrary, Ye Cheng didn't seem to care about this matter at all. He was surfing the Internet with a Warwick S in his hand, and he smiled from time to time, as if he was very proud.

Xu Xin pouted, leaned closer and asked, "What are you looking at?"

Ye Cheng pointed to the screen: "Here, look at those people's comments on the Internet, it's so fun."

Xu Xin leaned over to take a look, and rolled his eyes, obviously all praised him for his strength.

But soon the corners of her mouth turned up slightly again. At least, his happy appearance also showed that he was still in a good state of mind, and he was not frightened by the attack.

She suddenly remembered something, and said: "On the Internet, some foreigners still think that you are actually white, saying that your skin looks like white."

Ye Cheng couldn't help feeling amused, he looks like a white man?

What a joke.

"Let me see, where is it?"

He was curious about how these people said he was white.

Xu Xin picked up her phone and looked for it, and it was quite easy to find. The most popular video on Youtube was that comment, which was still in the front row of popular comments.

Ye Cheng looked up.

The more you look at it, the more outrageous it becomes.

There are quite a lot of foreigners who support this kind of remarks. This is probably because in the video, due to the quality and lighting problems of him, his skin looks quite white.

Sneering a few words, he said, "These white people are really the same from ancient times to the present."

"Huh?" Xu Xin didn't know why Ye Cheng said that.

Ye Cheng said slowly: "Before the eighteenth century, most travelers from the West to the East described us Chinese as fair, slightly darker white and other colors, and rarely thought that we were too different from Europeans in terms of skin color. The difference, back then they classified Ah San as a yellow-skinned race."

"Afterwards, their industrial revolution made them more and more powerful, and we began to fall behind more and more, so they stopped saying that we were white, and they should say other colors. They began to say that we are of the yellow race."

Xu Xin was taken aback, "Is that so?"

Ye Cheng stretched out his hand, pulled one of her catkins, and said, "Look, are your hands yellow?"

Xu Xin subconsciously took a look at her skin, because it was well maintained, so her skin was very fair, although it was not pure white, but the feeling of rosy white, it was hard to see that it was yellow.

"It's... a whiter color." She said.

Ye Cheng nodded: "So, what a ridiculous theory it is to divide people by skin color."

"Walk around the streets of the United States, and you will find that more of them have yellow skin. If you search for photos of the presidents of the United States, their skin is not white."

"Of course, the exposure to ultraviolet light has a greater impact. The only way Westerners can make people feel that their skin is pale is that kind of paleness. We Chinese people can also do other whiteness. Your skin is also quite white. Is it?"

Xu Xin suddenly felt that a concept that had been instilled since childhood disappeared.

Ye Cheng said: "So the yellow race is just a definition imposed by Westerners. It is not determined from empirical observation at all. It is just a way to distinguish them from us."

"You know, in the traditional Western concept, white represents things like sacredness and purity, while yellow represents uncleanness, vulgarity, sickness and horror."

"Of course, we don't have to follow their concept. According to our own concept, yellow was only used by emperors before, and white was used by dead people."

"All in all, just don't take this kind of skin color race seriously. Westerners still classify skin colors other than white people as colored people. It is obvious that they want to show that white people are superior to colored people. group."

"It's really hateful..." Under Ye Cheng's words, Xu Xin also became angry with those hateful Westerners.

Then Ye Cheng pointed to the comment on the phone that said he was a 'white man', and said: "So I said they are Westerners, as always."

"When we were strong, they thought we should be white people. Later, when we were not strong, they thought we were yellow people."

"Now, I show a little bit of a great thing, and they start thinking I'm white again."

"Unsurprisingly, when the national power of our country in Hua surpasses that of the United States in the future, they will have to quote the classics and bring us back into the white people."

Ye Cheng sneered: "If there is such a day, then I will quote the scriptures and describe Westerners as yellow people, and see if they are in a hurry."

Seeing his domineering appearance, Xu Xin actually wanted to attack the racial issue that Westerners value most. She couldn't help stretching out her hand and wrapping her arms around Ye Cheng's neck.

"I'm looking forward to that day too."

Feeling her movement, Ye Cheng was taken aback for a moment, watching her blushing as she hugged him.

He suddenly remembered something and pushed Xu Xin away.

"Wait a minute."

Xu Xin was taken aback, it was the first time she hugged him so intimately, and he actually pushed himself away!

Damn guy, if there is no good reason, she will...

Uh, she found feebly that she really didn't have the means to threaten Ye Cheng.

But at this time, she saw Ye Cheng open his suitcase, and then took out a large and exquisite gift box from it.

She quickly saw the LOGO above, which is a small but very famous jewelry design company.

Women know more about this kind of thing, especially rich women, and she is no exception.

There was a look of surprise on her face.

Is that what Ye Cheng gave her?

Holding the big gift box, Ye Cheng felt a little emotional.

Fortunately, the twelve gangsters did not touch the packaging box at that time, and they did not even remove the strap. Probably after dealing with the three delivery employees of the jewelry company, they had no time to dig through the packaging because of time. Jewelry too.

Therefore, this thing was returned to the original owner. As for the jewelry company, it could only consider itself unlucky. The three employees who died were also considered to have died of work-related injuries. The compensation they had to pay was quite a lot.

Of course, it's nothing compared to the money they made from Ye Cheng.

Back on the bed again, Ye Cheng pushed the gift box in front of Xu Xin, and said with a smile, "This is for you, let's see if you like it?"

Xu Xin gave a "hmm", took the gift box, untied the outer bag, and then lifted the lid of the box.

Seeing a set of exquisite jewelry neatly placed inside, she was filled with joy.

Then she threw herself straight into Ye Cheng's arms and passionately asked for a kiss.

Ye Cheng was stunned for a moment, then hugged Xu Xin tightly, briefly regaining his most primitive hobbies as a man.


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