"By the way, boss, our place is a bit small, we need to change to a bigger place."

Guge said suddenly at this moment.

Ye Cheng was taken aback for a moment, and it seemed to be true.

This villa has been crammed with a bunch of people.

Gu Ge, Ji Xie, Hua Dongji, Cai Liao, etc., several masters and experts, as well as some laborers who do manual labor, are basically crowded in this villa to work, so this small villa is already a bit stretched. , the various production equipment inside cannot be used together.

"I see." Ye Cheng nodded: "I'll buy you a bigger place when the time comes."

Their company headquarters has only been built for almost a year now, and there are still almost two years before it is fully built, so they can only buy a big house again.

"Okay." Guge nodded.

"Well, now take me to see our CNC machine tools." Ye Cheng said at this time.

"Okay, it's in the basement."

Afterwards, Gu Ge took Ye Cheng to the basement.

The basement is Ji Xie's working place. There is a super spacious large room with all kinds of equipment placed in it, and in the center of the room, there is a big guy.

From the appearance, familiar people can generally tell that this is a horizontal CNC machine tool.

If you take a closer look, you can intuitively see the complexity in it.

Probably because of the rush of time, it has not been wrapped with some beautiful shells for the time being, so the various internal structures are displayed, which looks very shocking.

"Tsk tsk, I really can't believe that human beings can create such sophisticated and complicated things."

This machine tool is no less complex than the various precision structures inside the shrine armor, and it is even more complicated because it is bigger.

Ji Xie next to him said with a smile: "It's nothing more than assembling parts one by one. It depends on who is more capable and can assemble them in different three-dimensional coordinates, and then play a better performance."

Ye Cheng nodded: "That's true, but the machine tool is not just about assembling parts, you still need to master the key parts inside."

"Indeed." Ji Xie nodded.

The most critical precision of a machine tool is not a matter that can be solved by a simple combination of parts, but depends on the precision of those electronic components. Only by installing more precise electronic components can the machine tools be realized at the micron level. of the mobile.

"By the way, boss, how is our room temperature superconductor factory going?"

"It was completed in June," Ye Cheng said.

Because of this kind of extreme working environment, it is one thing to build it, and another thing to formally produce it, especially to pass government acceptance.

As for the product they declared, it indicated a "high-end niobium-titanium alloy wire". Although the person in charge of the government's inspection and acceptance didn't know what kind of wire was so complicated to produce, it was Zhiqi Company after all, so they didn't ask much.

"After using room temperature superconductors, I can continue to improve the precision of these machine tools."

"Yeah." Ye Cheng nodded. The precise control of the current by the room temperature superconductor can indeed make the machine tool more precise.

However, when it comes to room temperature superconductors, Ye Cheng thought of his own paper.

He has written it and sent it to the most famous journal in the world, Science.

His theory is a purely mathematical demonstration, which shows that in a special case, it is possible to make a conductor superconducting.

Mathematics is the language of God. Since the mathematical theory he gave proves that there is a chance of success, then there is no need to talk about other things, which is how to apply the theory to practice.

Just like the theory of relativity and the atomic bomb, the theory of relativity shows that the loss of 1 unit of mass can produce energy at the level of the square of the speed of light, so we need to figure out how to lose mass.

There is also a theory of mass loss, and people know that when atoms undergo fission or fusion, mass will be lost.

Two supporting theories laid the foundation for the birth of the atomic bomb.

As for the theory of room-temperature superconductors, Ye Cheng’s paper just shows that there is an opportunity to realize room-temperature superconductors, which is equivalent to the mass-energy equation to atomic bombs. As for how to realize room-temperature superconductors according to this theory, it is equivalent to the method of mass loss to atomic bombs. Ye Cheng didn't give it out, this part can only be mastered by himself.

After the paper is published, he can officially announce the news of room temperature superconductors.

Of course, before that, he had to give his future husband a thorough investigation.

Show this thing to Xu Kaiyang.

At that time, Xu Kaiyang can be prepared to remove the 4.5K supercritical helium forced-flow cooling system of EAST, and then replace all the niobium-titanium alloy wires inside with niobium-titanium alloy room temperature superconductors.

He was somewhat looking forward to what his father-in-law's expression would be like then.

After recovering, Ye Cheng said: "The numerical control system should be done well."

"nailed it."

Ji Xie couldn't help but said: "The numerical control system given by Xiaobai is so good that I can't believe it."

"Oh?" Ye Cheng frowned: "Now process something and show me."

"Okay!" Ji Xie said immediately, "Then I will simply process a nut and bolt."


Ye Cheng nodded.

Nuts and bolts, like gears, are the most basic and fundamental parts of industry.

Although they look very simple, the simpler they are, the more difficult they are.

The more precise the nuts and screws, the smoother they are to use, and also the firmer and stronger they are.

Therefore, processing them is enough to see the precision of a machine tool.

There were ready-made materials in the room, and soon Ji Xie found a small piece of stainless steel.

Stuck into the CNC machine tool, Ji Xie started modeling.

He modeled very fast, and began to input data almost without looking at it. It didn't take long for the bolts to be ready, and then the nuts, which was even faster.

So, in less than five minutes, Ji Xie completed the modeling of two things.

Then it is the setting in the control system.

Such as tool path, such as precision, and what tool to use.

After another few minutes, Ji Xie completed all the settings, and then pressed the start button, and the shafts and gears in this CNC machine started to work.

Because there is no shell to block it, Ye Cheng can see how the machinery inside rotates. The gears are driven one by one, driving other components to twist. If ordinary people come to take a look, they may be stunned by the things inside.

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