Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 229 Is The Mitsubishi Group Very Powerful?

Magic City, Industrial Exhibition Center.

The International Automation Production Exhibition will be held in the last three days.

As the world's largest industrial country, Huaguo has the strongest demand for automated production equipment.

In addition, after the Huami negotiations, all kinds of foreign advanced industrial equipment have also stopped selling to China. Therefore, at this exhibition, many large international companies are ready to gear up. Earn a fortune.

Similarly, there will be many domestic industrial production companies in Huaguo, sending people here to find out if there is any equipment suitable for the company.

Exhibition hall A, as the largest exhibition hall, is also the exhibition hall with the largest passenger flow. This is the golden exhibition hall for major companies. Showing supernatural powers, of course, only those truly large international companies can participate in this kind of competition. As for the local companies in Huaguo, there are very few, or even less than three.

There are only two of them alone, but when it comes to the weight of one of the companies, no one dares to underestimate it, and that is Zhiqi Machinery Technology Company.

Zhiqi Machinery Technology Co., Ltd. is located on the right hand side of the entrance of the exhibition hall. You can see the two big characters of "Zhiqi" almost when you walk in. With the popularity of Zhiqi Company in China and the world, I am afraid it will attract many tourists. past.

Of course, it's eight in the morning and the fair starts at nine, so the visitors haven't come in yet.

And Zhiqi Company, like most other companies, covered the equipment they were going to exhibit in a red cloth, so as not to be inquired by other companies, and would not reveal it until the exhibition started later.

In addition, because the booth is small, there are only a few employees of Zhiqi Company here.

However, at this moment, in the booth of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, there was a short, bearded Japanese man staring angrily at the booth of Zhiqi Company.

"Damn Hua people! You actually took such a key position away from our booth!"

The booth of Zhiqi Company was separated from the original booth set by Mitsubishi, and that location is such a central location, directly facing the gate!

"Bageya Road!"

He slapped the pillar next to him suddenly, and became more and more angry, so that the Mitsubishi employees next to him dared not speak. Of course, they still slandered in their hearts: Little devil, you have trouble finding Zhiqi Company!

Of course, to trouble Zhiqi Company, it is basically not that people who are out of their minds will not do so.

Excluding Zhiqi's battery technology that dared to sanction the United States, let's say that the super-strength steel they have now has become their upstream company of Mitsubishi.

The emergence of super-strength steel is even more powerful for many industrial equipment. It is said that Mitsubishi used this super-strength steel in some industrial equipment placed in the exhibition hall, and even used it as an excellent place to promote.

Moreover, super-strength steel is not without other substitutes with poor performance. The most important thing is the sieve oxygen carbon membrane.

This thing is an essential thing for large industrial groups all over the world, which means that they can prepare industrial oxygen at a very low price.

This makes many heavy industry companies stop buying oxygen, but build their own factories. Because of the sieve carbon membrane, the cost of their own factories is even lower, just buy a pump and an air compression chamber , plus a sieve oxygen carbon membrane thing.

With these two things, no large industrial company in the world dares to challenge Zhiqi Company.

As for the super-strength titanium that Ye Cheng obtained last time, although it is also an extremely powerful alloy for industry, it has not been disclosed because of its effect on military equipment.

Zhiqi has once again reached a cooperation with the Huaguo military. The former will provide the Huaguo military with super-strength titanium for military equipment. There are even rumors that because of this super-strength titanium, the original J-20 reform has been overthrown. And it was redesigned, and the J-35 that just flew over the head of the US aircraft carrier, the improved version is also on the schedule.

Therefore, no matter what, although Zhiqi did not formally develop into heavy industry before, the heavy industry field is already full of legends about Zhiqi.

Therefore, the general manager of Mitsubishi Group's industrial equipment branch in Huaguo did not dare to easily offend Zhiqi Company.

But no matter what, being robbed of the place like this made him feel a little unhappy, and felt that he should go up and ask.

So without further ado, he took two employees and walked over directly.

"Hello, what can I do?"

An employee at Zhiqi's booth saw a few people coming, as well as the short man who looked very Japanese, so he went up to ask.

The employees here are basically real employees recruited by Zhiqi Machinery Technology Company, not system labor.

"I'm Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, the general manager of Industrial Equipment Manufacturing Company, Kojima Nuxing, are you from Zhiqi Machinery Technology Company?"

Because he stayed in Huaguo for a long time, Nuxing, a small island, also learned to speak Huaguo dialect.

When Zhiqi's employees heard that they were indeed Japanese and came from Mitsubishi next door, they immediately lost interest.

Everyone is a competitor, so there is nothing to talk about.

In the view of this employee, he just wanted to find out what they are exhibiting today.

And he was also upset that Mitsubishi took up such a large booth, and their Zhiqi company was such a small one.

So he pouted his lips towards the billboard marking Zhiqi Machinery Technology Company over there, and said, "It doesn't say that?"

Kojima Nuxing frowned, how could he be so rude!

But thinking that the other party was Zhiqi Company, he endured it, and then showed a forced smile, and said, "I remember that Zhiqi Company didn't have any industrial equipment for automatic production before. Why are you participating in the exhibition today?"

Zhiqi's employees couldn't help complaining in their hearts: There was no such thing before, so now it can't be?

So he pointed to the big thing covered by the red cloth, and said, "Here, we have it now, so here we come."

Kojima Nuxing twitched again, and continued to ask: "What kind of equipment is your equipment? Can you tell me? Anyway, the exhibition will start soon."

"Then you can watch it after it starts. What's there to see? Don't come here if you have nothing to do." The employee was a little impatient. Why is this Japanese talking nonsense?

Kojima Nuxing was a little angry. You snatched our booth. We are not angry yet, but you are in a hurry?

He said: "Do you know that this booth was originally prepared for Mitsubishi! But you snatched it away!"

The employee said angrily: "Then you go to the organizing committee! Why are you looking for us!"

"I'm looking for you because you robbed our place! Can you be more polite?!" Kojima Nuxing said loudly.

The employees of Zhiqi also said loudly: "Why are you shouting so loudly? I told you to go to the organizing committee!"

Kojima Nuxing's face turned blue and white, and finally said angrily: "We belong to Mitsubishi Heavy Industries!"

Zhiqi employees picked out their ears, gave a "cut", and said, "Is Mitsubishi Heavy Industries very powerful?

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