Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 245 Follow-Up Plan, There Really Is Such A Lunatic

As for how to solve this problem in the computer field, it still depends on Xiaobai.

No one can understand algorithms better than Xiaobai.

After all, this thing involves algorithms, and of course it's not just algorithms.

After those pictures enter the brain through electromagnetic waves, they are finally transformed into electrical signals.

The electrical signal is accepted by the brain again, and there is a very complicated process in it.

But the brain has its own processing mechanism, so for the time being, they only need to find a way to convert the picture into their corresponding electrical signals, and then hand it over to the brain.

As for the remaining difficulties, Ye Cheng didn't know how long it would take Lao Dianbo to solve them.

However, he searched in the system mall, and found a thing that converts human eye-level image signals into electromagnetic wave signals.

This thing can convert the picture processed on the computer into an electromagnetic wave signal, and then input it into the human brain.

Moreover, the picture "seeed" by the human brain can be as fine as the human eye.

That's 576 million pixels.

However, the price is 5 million points, which is obviously not a simple thing.

Ye Cheng had no choice but to give up, and when he had free points and Lao Dianbo couldn't get them out, he would redeem them.

"Okay, you can follow your own plan first, you really can't overcome it, and the current 2K picture quality is no problem."

Anyway, with the 2K picture quality, the human eye will not feel that there is too much unreality.

"It's the boss." Lao Dianbo nodded.

"That's it, you continue to study."

Ye Cheng didn't bother anymore. Of course, he didn't forget to arrange people. He planned to rent a shop in the largest shopping mall in Shanghai. He wanted to open a virtual reality movie experience hall, and it cost 1,000 yuan per person.

In the future, every time Lao Dianbo came up with some new functions, he would move them to the experience hall to whet people's appetite.

In addition, through this thing, he can also start to think about building a system.

Virtual reality, a new form of network, will certainly not continue to let the WIN system dominate the world, Ye Cheng will naturally take this opportunity to launch their own system.

In the future, all the functions implemented in virtual reality can only use their system, such as those games, and of course the virtual social community in the future. This is the most attractive point of virtual reality, and it is not Difficult, you only need to build a city, but this thing has higher requirements on the server.

Because each terminal, that is, the data stream represented by the "players" connected to the server, is much larger than each terminal in a normal game, a server that can accommodate 10,000 League of Legends players may only be able to Accommodates five hundred people.

In addition, it is also a test for the database.

Of course, it is also possible to develop a distributed storage system, that is, to use the storage space of end users' own devices, which can greatly reduce their storage pressure.

This storage method is not uncommon at present, and Penguin Company likes to do this kind of thing.

Why Penguin's extremely large software takes up so much space is related to this reason.

Now it seems that Zhiqi Company is going to do the same.

Of course, virtual reality occupies the space on the computer, and it is basically not a computer with a medium-to-high configuration, and it cannot use a virtual reality network, and a computer with a medium-to-high configuration generally has a large storage space.

So compared to penguins occupying mobile phone space, they occupy computer space, relatively speaking, it is not too obvious.

As for how to implement distributed storage, this is still left to Xiaobai.

Xiaobai is a veteran of distributed storage. Now the computer that becomes its clone is its distributed storage space. It can be said that it is the largest server in the world. If Zhiqi Company needs a server, Xiaobai can do it at any time. A space of hundreds of millions of G is released.

"Let's do it slowly first, at worst, just limit the number of registrations at that time."

Ye Cheng shook his head, no longer dwelling on this question.

Then he didn't say any more and left here.


Virtual reality headsets are one aspect.

Zhiqi Company now has a fairly wide spread, so there is a technological breakthrough from time to time.

With the guidance of several masters, they have almost no bottlenecks.

Especially in terms of lithography machines, Zhongxin has completed all the designs, and has also purchased related parts from abroad to start assembly.

And it is an EUV lithography machine.

Moreover, the design of the clock core has a more sci-fi feel than that of Asmail.

The lithography machine he designed is composed of a triangular pyramid and a cylinder. The triangular pyramid is the area for photolithography. It looks angular and quite delicate.

Of course, it is also quite convenient to operate, and the estimated production efficiency is basically the same as the fifteen lithography machines provided by the system.

It is estimated that it will be officially produced by the end of the month, but Zhiqi Company does not intend to sell it to the outside world, at most it will be sold to the country.

This is naturally because Zhiqi Company intends to completely monopolize the domestic high-end chip market, and compete with companies such as Gulf Semiconductors and Sansang in the international market.

Of course, the company can’t just have EUV lithography machines, so it will continue to produce DUV lithography machines and other low-end lithography machines in the future.

After all, in the current chip market, DUV lithography machines still produce more chips than EUV lithography machines, and not all equipment needs to use chips with a process below 10nm.

In addition to lithography machines, exoskeleton prosthetics have also become common in society.

There are many disabled people in Huaguo, but they were rarely seen on the streets before. This is because disabled people have a barrier in their hearts and are unwilling to go to the street and accept all kinds of strange looks.

But now, because of the cool-looking exoskeleton prosthetics, this group of people has become enviable to others. Even many students who dropped out of school because of disabilities are now equipped with prosthetics and enter the school openly. , and most of them have become the envy of other children in the class.

Disability is no longer a psychological burden, but a possibility of being envied, which is undoubtedly quite dangerous.

There is already such a news abroad.

In order to install an exoskeleton prosthesis, a man in Massachusetts in the United States asked the hospital to perform a painless amputation on himself, and then went to the hospital to place an order for the exoskeleton prosthesis.

After this news appeared, people all over the world were surprised that there really was such a lunatic!

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