"Do you really want to directly rise to the level of the Japanese government?"

Xu Xin couldn't help but said.

"Why not?"

Ye Cheng lay on the bed, put his arms around Xu Xin, and said with a smile, "We want to show our prestige and bully the Japanese by the way."

Leaning in his arms, Xu Xin said softly, "It's not very good to confront the Japanese government."

After all, Japan's GDP ranks third in the world and belongs to the second rank of world economic powers.

It would be irrational for Zhiqi Company to really fight Japan.

"Because of the difficulty, if you use it to stand up, the effect will be more obvious."

Ye Cheng smiled, finally put down the phone in his hand, hugged her into his arms, and said, "Okay, it's already ten o'clock, go to bed early, you have to go to work tomorrow."

Seeing Ye Cheng's worry-free appearance, Xu Xin stopped talking and approached him with peace of mind. Anyway, this man has brought Zhiqi Company to where it is today. I believe he can also change the company. to a greater extent.

Ye Cheng turned off the light and fell asleep with Xu Xin.

It's just that they were asleep, an hour ahead of China's time, and it was already eleven o'clock in the evening in Japan, but the Prime Minister's Office was brightly lit.

"This Zhiqi company, did it make the Americans bow their heads once, thinking that they are invincible in the world!"

said the prime minister angrily.

Their Japanese country is not a democratic election system. The prime ministers of the Japanese country are all elected by people from political families, which is the so-called clan politics.

Therefore, the method used by Zhiqi Company to deal with the United States cannot deal with them.

But what I have to admit is that Zhiqi Company can indeed have a great impact on their Japan.

For example, in terms of semiconductors, the semiconductor industry in Huaguo was supported by Zhiqi Company, which is known to almost the whole world.

Therefore, Zhiqi Company is the culprit, which caused a lot of damage to their Japanese semiconductor industry, and even reached the point of arbitrary control.

That is to say, until now, considering the humanitarian spirit, Japan's concessions in other areas, and the demands of other countries, China has not yet given them the final blow, allowing them to survive.

So the Prime Minister has to think about it, maybe this is a bureau made by Zhiqi Company, just to completely cut off their semiconductor industry in an open and honest manner.

After all, Japan is currently the last capitalist country capable of producing semiconductor materials.

This is why other countries want to speak for Japan. If Japan's semiconductor industry is completely gone, then the world's semiconductors will be completely controlled by China.

Other countries are unwilling to accept this consequence, such as the United States, so in fact, in some countries, there are still semiconductor material production plants, just to avoid that when Huaguo imposes sanctions one day, they will not completely lose their future. road.

"Prime Minister, according to our analysis, it is very likely that Zhiqi Company is protesting against us, so that foreign companies in Huaguo can become more honest. Similarly, they probably want to continue to improve the status of Huaguo people."

The prime minister snorted coldly: "A demonstration is a demonstration, how dare you use us to demonstrate?"

"Then... Prime Minister, what should we do? You mean, do we want to refuse to respond?"

The prime minister immediately glared at this man, why is he so unresponsive?

Is this something he can say to refuse? Because of the decrease in the share of the semiconductor industry, the number of unemployed people in their country has increased sharply. If they respond directly and forcefully now, God knows how many people will be unemployed in the future.

Japan is a high-welfare country. The high welfare is based on their high taxes. Now that so many people are unemployed, it means that the unemployed people have to be supported by their government, which makes them feel very miserable.

If they cannot survive the period of high unemployment, maybe the spirit of "down to top" will be aroused among those unemployed people, and they may face a political crisis.

At this time, the Prime Minister even secretly felt that it was unlucky. Why should he be elected as the Prime Minister? It would be better to let others go first, such as Jian Yiwei, the civilian Prime Minister, who was promoted by them to top the bag.

"Wait!" he said at last.

"Waiting for what?"

"Wait for someone from Mitsubishi to contact me."

The prime minister said, "This incident was caused by Mitsubishi, so ask them what they think. Otherwise, the Japanese people will be unemployed, and their company's interests will be lost."


The Mitsubishi connection came quickly too.

As one of the chaebols in Japan, the government must also treat Mitsubishi equally. Of course, the government is not completely afraid of Mitsubishi. After all, Japan has six chaebols. That's all.

After some exchanges, the two parties finally reached a consensus, that is, to deal with Zhiqi company first, and then look at the situation.

If the other party has been yelling a few words without pain, then they really have nothing to worry about.


Zhiqi Company quickly received a response from the Japanese government.

"The Japanese government has no right to deal with the behavior of any company. Zhiqi Company should also play a leading role as a large company, and should not be aggressive about a small matter today."

Not long after the Japanese government gave this response, Zhiqi Company joined forces with the Huaguo government to criticize the cover-up behavior of the Japanese government, and stated that if this matter is not properly resolved in a timely manner, Huaguo will use economic means to target.

This statement is undoubtedly coming true.

This left Japan with no choice, but Mitsubishi still did not give in, and immediately stated that once Huaguo took economic measures to retaliate, they would stop all business in Huaguo.

Inside Ye Cheng's office.

"It's finally coming for real."

Seeing this scene, Ye Cheng smiled.

He has been waiting for this day for a long time, and there are only two weeks left before the ignition test of the EAST device.

Afterwards, he made a phone call: "Give final sanctions on Japan's semiconductors. In addition, temporarily suspend our supply of lithium-air batteries, as well as super-strength steel, sieve oxygen carbon membranes, etc., and cooperate with Sansang and Wanji The wafer foundries of China Electronics and Hynix have notified them to stop supplying chips to Japan, otherwise we will also restrict the supply of semiconductor materials to them, and..."

Now, they also have the ability to ask those foundries to submit.

With these various sanctions programs, many production and business environments in Japan will fall into a very bad situation.


Ye Cheng found those black materials from Japan, and smiled slightly on his face, "Xiaobai, please send it to Taro Iwasaki, and others."

"Good master!" Xiaobai replied.

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