Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 249 The End Of The Incident, The Change Of The Phenomenon

Like what happened to Taro Iwasaki, the new prime minister also faced difficulties in the prime minister's mansion.

In the end, he also chose to surrender.

Three days later, the Japanese government stated that it would impose requirements on the personnel quality of enterprises in China, and Mitsubishi Corporation also issued a written apology letter overnight. The corresponding compensation is 30,000 yuan. In addition, there is also the matter of quality training for their employees in China.

The response of Mitsubishi and the Japanese government surprised everyone.

Just softened like this?

Do you still have a bottom line?

Didn't you say you wanted to fight with others?

Everyone is waiting to see the play.

However, the fact is that, without experiencing a wonderful economic war, the Mitsubishi Group simply gave up.

Everyone began to explore why this happened, but no one knew the deep-seated reasons. They could only know that this was an order issued by the behind-the-scenes controller of Mitsubishi Corporation, and the Japanese Prime Minister also directly succumbed.

American White House.

The president was very confused: "What kind of method did the Zhiqi company use to make Japan just admit defeat?"

The Secretary of State spread his hands helplessly: "No one knows, it may be the same as the method used to deal with us back then."

The way to deal with them at the beginning was to threaten them with black materials.

This thing is too much of a threat to people like them, unless they are willing to give up their current status and interests, but this is basically impossible, they don't have that determination.

The president was silent for a moment, then suddenly thought of something, and said, "Has Huaguo stopped the matter of semiconductor materials?"

The Secretary of State shook his head: "No, it is very likely that Hua Guo's main purpose this time is the semiconductor material, which is why he made such a big move."

"Can you stop them?"

The Secretary of State sighed and shook his head: "It doesn't work either."

"Why were you able to let them stop before?"

"In the past, because of the sudden increase in the number of unemployed people in Japan at the United Nations, some families lost their sources of income, and even the separation of wives and children, and the collapse of families, let China consider humanitarianism and slow down the squeeze on Japan's semiconductor industry. Because we have a large number of people, Huaguo also wants to maintain their image, perhaps to reduce our hostility and avoid making us feel that they will deal with us as soon as they have mastered the semiconductor, so they agreed, otherwise , The world's semiconductor material market has long been taken over by Hua Guo."

"But now that China is protecting the legitimate rights and interests of its citizens, Japan does not cooperate. Naturally, they don't need to continue to consider Japan's humanitarianism. Especially now, they are carried out by Zhiqi Company as an enterprise, and The country doesn't matter, after all, almost half of Huaguo's semiconductor industry chain is owned by Zhiqi Company."

The president frowned: "Is there a way to stop them? We can't completely lose the semiconductor material industry chain! Just like Jerusalem!"

The Secretary of State sighed: "Of course there is a way, that is to make the fruit companies willing to accept the chips at the original price, and those foundries willing to accept the materials at the original price, but the material price in Huaguo is only 70% of our 'original price'! They probably would rather do charity than spend the 30% more... Strictly speaking, they would spend nearly 50% more to buy those raw materials.” VII

The original price is more than 40% more expensive than the 70% price.

The president sarcastically said: "Doing charity...doing charity is not about their left hand and right hand."

The Secretary of State spread out his hands: "That's right."

In the end, both of them sighed at the same time, feeling powerless about the matter.

"By the way, I heard that there have been many actions near Huaguo's EAST device recently?"

"Do you know what they are planning to do?"

"It's probably because they are going to ignite it again. Anyway, they used to release news from time to time, so it's not worth mentioning." The Secretary of State shook his head, and he was not in the mood to pay attention to this matter, "It is impossible that they just solved the semiconductor problem The problem has only been a year or two, and nuclear fusion can be solved soon, so God is on their side."

The president nodded, saying it was true, if Huaguo developed controlled nuclear fusion, he would be able to undergo colonoscopies every day.

So he stopped paying attention to this matter, and he might as well pay attention to how he should continue to be the president at the end of next year. After all, he announced the news and plans to run for re-election.



With the end of the incident, this time at the request of Huaguo, the matter of Japan's subduing softness began to spread on Huaguo's Internet, and it was even called the victory of the Anti-Japanese War in the 21st century.

At the beginning, Japan also said that a certain problem was its own problem. Since they dared to control it so leniently, we will control it more leniently.

As soon as this bad breath came out, people all over the country expressed their refreshment.

Of course, the deeper level of confrontation is naturally not humane. For example, Huaguo will completely occupy the world's semiconductor material supply market from now on. No company is willing to give up buying Huaguo's cheap materials and buy Japanese materials. expensive materials.

Of course, perhaps some people in the industry will give analysis in some articles, which will arouse the interest of some readers again.

And within a few days, some people working in foreign companies began to post some news on the Internet.

"It's really strange that a foreign leader of my company didn't harass me recently. 』

"Coincidentally, me too, we are also a foreign leader. One day I wore a pair of silk stockings to the company, and the leader said that my legs were good-looking. After that, I dared not wear them anymore. As a result, every time he saw me, he would ask Why don’t you wear it, and even want to invite me to KTV, that guy is so fat that I want to quit my job, but he didn’t say anything when he saw me these days, and he said hello to me very politely , what the hell. 』

"Our boss has also become honest. He used to reprimand us Chinese employees, but he suddenly restrained himself these two days. 』

"Damn it, my blonde boss doesn't know why she doesn't bother me anymore, she's so mad at me!" I just broke up with my girlfriend and am about to take this boss down. 』


A personal discussion attracted the attention of someone who had the same experience, and a group of people began to discuss it.

Although some people say that their foreign leadership has not changed, this does not prevent this from starting to appear.

"Everyone should thank Zhiqi Company. If Zhiqi Company hadn't taught the Japanese a lesson, don't think that those foreigners can restrain themselves. 』

At this time, a comment revealed the reason for this.

Someone asked: "What did Zhiqi Company do?" 』

The respondent told them exactly what Zhiqi Company had done.

Those who learned the reason were all excited in their hearts because there was such a strong company in China.

And at the same time, they suddenly had a spirit in their hearts. Why should they respect those foreigners in the past? Don't these foreigners have to be afraid of the Chinese who can teach them a lesson?

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