Looking at these introductions, Ye Cheng was shocked.

There is such an operation?

Four forms.

For him, of course he immediately looked at the chip form.

This is obviously the most ideal form.

The chip enters the brain and operates directly through the nerves.

However, he was still a little puzzled, and asked, "Are there any differences between these four forms other than size?"

System: "The first three forms all use quantum memory to store information, the maximum amount of stored information is 1XB, and the energy can be used continuously for five hundred years. The chip form uses the brain as the storage, which can make full use of any area of ​​the brain, but can store information The volume is much smaller than quantum memory, limited by the number of memory cells in the host’s brain, generally 5 million GB in size, maintained by bioelectric energy, and will automatically shut down when the bioelectric energy stops supplying, and can only be operated by the host, and cannot be connected to other Auxiliary functions, such as the inability to access external intelligent operations, cannot be handed over to others, etc., other performances are the same.”

Ye Cheng pondered deeply.

In this way, although quantum computers in the form of chips are very convenient and can be operated with consciousness, the amount of information stored is very small. After all, the information stored in the human brain is only 5 million GB, and 1XB is equivalent to 2 The 100th power GB.

Such a big gap is basically conceivable.

We must know that the amount of information on the entire earth is only about 44ZB, and there is a gap of 2 to the power of tens of powers between ZB and XB.

This is equivalent to saying that all the information on the earth can be backed up countless times.

In addition, a very crucial point is that the quantum computer in the form of a chip can only be used by himself, and cannot even be handed over to external intelligent control.

That's pretty frustrating.

This is equivalent to saying that he can't give it to Xiaobai to control, and it can't be used by other people, such as Zhong Xin and the others. If they have the computing power of a quantum computer as support, they will obviously get great help.

In addition, there is also the problem of building a server for the virtual reality network. Obviously, this quantum computer with 1XB storage space can easily perform this task, and the chip form can only be used by him, not as a server.

Finally, after a hundred years, when he leaves this world, the supply of bioelectricity will automatically stop, and the quantum computer in the form of a chip will be useless, while the first three forms can continue to be used by others.

As for whether he can achieve human immortality in the future, Ye Cheng has never thought about it, and there is no such technology even in the system mall.

Therefore, considering these reasons, Ye Cheng still looks at the first three forms.

As for which form to choose, he naturally chose the handheld mobile phone form.

In this way, he can carry it with him, which is more convenient.

And since it is in the form of a mobile phone, he doesn't have to worry about the inconvenience of taking it out, so he said: "Then choose the handheld type, and take it out now."

Afterwards, Ye Cheng felt something extra in his hand.

Looking down, it was something that looked like a mobile phone.

As if it is a whole piece of glass, there are no gaps, no middle frame and no back shell.

This means that the entire surface is partly the screen, and I don’t know what coating is used on the surface of the screen. No matter how Ye Cheng touches it, he hasn’t seen his fingerprints or anything.

While Ye Cheng was feeling the delicate design of this phone, he began to think about how he should turn it on.

At this time, the system said: "Tap three times with your knuckles to automatically power on."

Ye Cheng did as he did, bent his right index finger, and clicked three times on the screen with his knuckle.

Finally, the screen lit up, there was no boot animation, and it entered an interface directly.

『The first startup is successful, master, please perform the following verifications: fingerprint, voiceprint, retina, face, DNA verification, so as to confirm that the highest authority of this quantum computer belongs to you. 』

『The highest authority of a quantum computer is the local hardware protection measures to ensure that the computer is completely controlled by the owner, and the owner can perform any authority operation on the machine at any time. 』

Ye Cheng raised his eyebrows, the protection is quite high.

Then he began to conduct various verifications.

Fingerprints, voiceprints, retinas, and faces are all easy to do. As for DNA verification, one of his cells needs to be collected. This is very simple, just collect oral epithelial cells.

This is a more convenient cell to collect.

I scraped my mouth, and then placed the scratched thing on a given area of ​​the screen. Then, a laser shot out from that area, and the screen showed that the verification was successful.

"All verifications have passed, the owner has now become the person with the highest authority on this machine, and cannot be changed within fifty years. 』

"Click to enter the next step"

After Ye Cheng clicked, the screen flickered again, and another interface was changed, and a window popped up in the interface.

"Retrieving the loadable system... The retrieval is successful, please select the following system as the local system: window10/11, Android, Hongmeng, linux, unix..."

And at this moment, the Huawei S phone next to him also lit up.

"Master, I feel a very powerful computer right next to me! Is that a quantum computer?!"

Xiaobai's voice sounded.

Ye Cheng smiled slightly, as it should be, Xiao Bai should be the most excited.

I thought it would take a long time to get a quantum computer, but now I got one ahead of schedule.

And it's too strong.

"Yes, it is a quantum computer, can you directly access it now?"

"Hmm... No, this quantum computer is still in an inactive state. It has a layer of firewall at the bottom layer. I can't directly enter it. Maybe, I will need your authorization later, the master." 7K 妏敩

"That's it."

Ye Cheng nodded, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. It is indeed a quantum computer given by the system, and it even has the function of preventing the direct invasion of intelligent life.

Then he looked at the several major systems above, all of which were already existing on Earth.

But in the end, it also showed a system whose name Ye Cheng had never heard of.

At the beginning is a strange symbol, but it is understandable later, it is called "quantum system".

"Quantum system? What kind of system is this?"

Ye Cheng couldn't help being curious.

And the system in his mind gave an explanation at this time.

"The quantum system is the system owned by the quantum computer itself. It has the most complete functions, can use the quantum computer more conveniently, and exert the maximum effect of the quantum computer."

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