In addition to those costumes, even the architecture is rich in the culture of Huaguo.

For example, there will be stone Pixiu, stone Qilin, stone lions, etc. at the gate. The buildings are all inspired by a traditional Chinese object.

Moreover, this Huacheng is very large, with an area as large as five Shangjing, so in addition to the different Bund scene in front of Ye Cheng's eyes, it also includes other famous scenery in Huaguo.

For example, there is the Forbidden City in Shangjing, Tiananmen Square, the Summer Palace and Yuanmingyuan, which have been restored one-to-one according to ancient records. There are all treasures inside, carved railings, painted buildings, pavilions, pavilions, etc., as well as the Great Wall and the Bell Tower in Xijing. , Big Wild Goose Pagoda, and Qin Terracotta Army.

In addition, in addition to Huacheng, almost all the unique scenery of the whole country will be included, and then a function will be launched at that time, that is, the virtual reality tourism function, and these tourist scenery will only include Huaguo in the early stage. All foreigners can only see the scenery of their Huaguo.

Through this method, it can also be regarded as helping those scenic spots in China to carry out publicity. At that time, those foreigners who watched these scenery in virtual reality may also go to China to travel in reality. You can also experience Huaguo culture when visiting the country's scenic spots.

As for foreign scenic spots wanting to enter the virtual reality world, it’s okay, first pay the money, which is regarded as an advertising fee, but even so, Ye Cheng will let Xiaobai make a scene that is much worse than the real world. You will feel that the virtual reality is so ugly, so there will be fewer people willing to travel to that foreign scenic spot. People will think that it is so ugly because they have seen it in virtual reality once and preconceived it. , It doesn't make sense to go there.

Of course, Ye Cheng will let Xiaobai make the domestic scenery the same as in reality, or even a little more spectacular than reality. When people see such beautiful scenery in virtual reality, they will naturally They will be more willing to travel to China.

As for the reality, even if they will find some difference, but the difference is not big, so they will not be too disappointed.

What's more, for most people, some scenic spots may only be visited once in a lifetime, so it is enough for scenic spots to squeeze wool once.

All in all, with the right to speak on the virtual reality network, Zhiqi Company can make a lot of small moves in it. Unless foreigners can bear the attraction brought to them by the virtual reality network, otherwise, they must learn from culture and Cognitively, they began to accept the 5,000-year-old culture of Huaguo. At that time, they would discover how profound and attractive the culture of this ancient civilization is.

Things with a strong entertainment nature such as virtual reality networks have always played a great role in cultural output.

Just like electronic games, Japan's game industry and animation industry are very developed, which has enabled many Japanese cultures to be successfully exported to the world, such as ninjas and Bushido.

And the game developers in Huaguo feel helpless in the environment. Although they have enough money to develop their own 3A masterpieces, the goal of domestic game developers is always to make more money, so they will not I am concerned about whether the traditional culture of Italy Hua can be exported abroad.

That being the case, Ye Cheng can only say that their Zhiqi Company has taken over this matter, and in the future, the domestic game manufacturers will not even want to share a penny of this profit.

With Xiaobai, plus it has now entered the quantum computer, basically, various fields such as computer systems, software, etc., can’t do without it, just like the Taishi engine system, it only took less than seventy-two It was completed in an hour, so Xiaobai can easily handle designing games and so on. It can quickly reproduce all first-person games in reality on the virtual reality network, and it can also easily handle first-person fighting games.

It's just that because Lao Dianbo has not yet developed a complete human operating system, these games have not yet been produced.

Ye Cheng stopped thinking about it, and continued to walk in the virtual reality, looking at the real scenes around him, as if he was in the world of The Matrix.

Because it is on the Bund, he can see the river next to it at a glance, which is the copied Huangpu River.

This meandering Jiang Liu is very clear and clean, unlike in reality, the water quality is turbid.

Of course, the turbidity is mostly due to the silt brought by the upstream, just like the Yellow River, but in virtual reality, the silt that makes Jiang Liu turbid is very little, at least two or three meters below the water surface can be seen clearly, so Make the water look extra clear.

There are also many creatures in the water, and the waves on the water surface also look very real, with ups and downs and irregularities.

For Xiaobai, it can easily simulate all water waves on the earth.

Although it occupies a lot of computing power, it is just a Huangpu River, and it does not take much effort for it.

Like the water flow in ordinary games, it looks the same, and the waves are all made of the same model. This is because the fluid flow models used in the water flow of these games are the same, and then the effect of copying the model, and Xiaobai's The simulation is to calculate the collision effects of all molecules, and finally form this completely realistic scene.

Of course, only Ye Cheng can enjoy this kind of treatment. In the future, other people will only be able to see the irregular movement of the waves on the surface. As for the water flow inside, they will not be able to feel it.

After all, once there are more people in the future, if you want to reach the level of Ye Cheng, the required computing power will have to be multiplied by the number of people. The most powerful planetary-level quantum computer rewarded by the system can only calculate the particle collision effect of the entire earth. If there are tens of millions of people online, it is estimated that the fluid movements of several earths are included, and the computing power burden will be even greater.

Of course, there is another solution, which is to solve the problem of NS equations.

The NS equation will be able to list the motion law of the fluid flow with a simple equation. In this way, when the fluid particles collide with the momentum change, there is no need for Xiaobai to use huge computing power to calculate it. Equations can then give their subsequent changes.

In this way, Xiaobai can save an unknown amount of computing power, and all users can easily experience the extremely real water flow effect.

As for the NS equation problem, Xiaobai is still working hard to solve it. However, it has some eyebrows now. It is developing a new mathematical tool to make it easier to understand this problem. In the future, it will probably be completed. its proof.

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