It has only been less than two days since the chip production workshop was put into production, but two million 5g radio frequency chips have been produced.

In fact, the production of two million pieces is still relatively small.

Since the production machines are started for the first time, it will take some time for relevant debugging and warm-up, and not all fifteen production lines are put into production, but only three production lines are in operation.

After all, these machines all come from the system, not only the efficiency of the lithography machine is higher than that of Asmail, but also all kinds of other machines are more advanced than the most advanced machines of the same kind in the world. efficient.

However, these are not important things. The important thing is that Ye Cheng can announce to the outside world now that his company will be able to provide 5g radio frequency chips normally.

Ye Cheng narrowed his eyes and thought for a moment, then said: "Xiaobai, among the media that wanted to interview me a while ago, which media has the most weight?"

"'s Oriental Daily."

"Oriental Daily? Find their phone number, and I want to be interviewed by them."

"Okay, master, their phone number is: XXXXXXX... Do you want to call yourself, or should I call for you?"

"Can you still make calls?" Ye Cheng couldn't help being surprised.

"Of course!"

"Then you call."

"Okay! Then when do you plan to be interviewed, master?"

"This afternoon or tomorrow morning, the sooner the better."


After a while, Xiaobai's voice sounded again: "It's over."

Ye Cheng was taken aback: "Finished?"


"Why didn't I hear you?"

"Oh, my voice is directly converted into an electrical signal, and then transmitted from their mobile phone speakers. Master, you can't hear it here."

Ye Cheng: "..."

He also wanted to see how this guy made calls to other people.

"Okay, when will they come to interview."

"At six o'clock this afternoon."

"I see." Ye Cheng stood up: "I have to get ready."

"By the way, I have to contact Huawei and the others, and ask them to come to inspect the goods the day after tomorrow. We can deliver the goods on time after inspection."

Thinking of this incident, Ye Cheng smiled, looking forward to the expressions of those companies when they knew that they could actually produce 5g radio frequency chips.

Xiaobai immediately said, "Master, do you need me to contact you?"

"Then you can contact me."

He didn't have a secretary, and now he suddenly felt that Xiaobai seemed to be able to act as a secretary?


Ye Cheng thought for a while and said, "By the way, I want to hear how you made the call."

"Good master!"

Soon, Ye Cheng heard the sound of a phone call coming from the computer.

After connecting, a voice of "Hello" came from the opposite side.

Then, Xiaobai's voice also sounded: "Excuse me, is this Mr. Xu Yun from Huawei Company?"


"Oh, hello, my owner is Ye Cheng, the chairman of Zhiqi Technology Company. On behalf of my owner, I am notifying your company..."

Hearing Xiaobai's words, Ye Cheng's eyes widened immediately: "???"

What the hell? !

What is 'my master'?

Well you little white, is this how you call people?

How much misunderstanding did this bring to him?

"Little Bai! Shut up!"

Xiao Bai's voice faltered, and he asked, "Master, what's the matter?"

"How do you say to others, 'my master'?"

"The master is the master."

Ye Cheng: " call first, but you can't say 'my master' anymore, you have to call me 'chairman'."

"All right."

And at this time, there was a voice from the opposite side who suppressed a smile: "Yes... I'm sorry, what did you say?"

Xiaobai: "My chairman..."

Ye Cheng raised his forehead.

Now he can completely substitute for the person on the other end of the phone.

Think about it, a female secretary whose voice is full of allure just calls herself on behalf of her company boss and says "my master", what would she think of that boss?

It took Ye Cheng a long time until Xiaobai's phone call was finished, and he finished educating Xiaobai.

In the end, an agreement was reached that if he makes a phone call with others in the future, he must address Ye Cheng as 'Boss' or 'Chairman', and words such as 'my family' that are easily misunderstood cannot be added. As for ' It is absolutely forbidden to say things like "Master" to others.

Although Xiaobai felt aggrieved at first, Ye Cheng forced the order, and it must obey.

But Ye Cheng still had a huge headache, because now he could already guess what Warwick Company and the Oriental News newspaper would think of him.



Xu Yun couldn't help but smile on his face.

"'My master'?"

"This Ye Cheng, how can he play like this?"

"However, I don't remember seeing him with a female secretary last time. Could it be that he was recruited recently?"

Finally he shook his head.

He was already in his fifties, he couldn't read it, but he was greatly shocked.

But for a person like him, gossip is only a momentary interest, and after the gossip is over, his brows frown.

"Zhiqi said that they will be able to deliver the first and second batches the day after tomorrow?"

According to the original contract agreement, each batch of their shipments has 250,000 5g radio frequency chips, which will be completed in four months, but now that Gulf Semiconductor does not produce for Zhiqi, how will Zhiqi deliver the goods?

This became Xu Yun's biggest doubt.

But it's impossible to lie to him, right?

He frowned and thought for a long time, and finally chose to go to Ren Fei.

Soon came to Ren Fei's office, and Ren Fei couldn't help being surprised when he heard the news.

"Are you sure that's what they said?"

"I'm sure, the phone number is also the number of Zhiqi's boss."

Ren Fei was lost in thought.

But he really couldn't think of where the other party got the goods from.

It is impossible to recycle 500,000 second-hand 5g mobile phones, and then get out the radio frequency chips inside, right?

They have so much money?

Then Ren Fei said, "Anyway, the goods should be inspected or inspected. As long as they can deliver the goods, we will naturally go ahead with the transaction."

"Okay Mr. Ren." Xu Yun nodded, indicating that he understood.

Not just Huawei, several other mobile phone manufacturers that did not sue Zhiqi have also received notices from Zhiqi that they will deliver on time, with two shipments in two months.

These companies were all puzzled, and they all started to contact each other and ask each other, and finally learned that the companies that did not sue Zhiqi received such notices, but the companies that sued Zhiqi did not.

The three companies suing Zhiqi are naturally unwilling to believe that this matter is true.

Although these companies are already considering withdrawing the lawsuit because of Ye Guo's claim, they are not ready yet after all.

So they don't want to believe that Zhiqi Technology Company, which is still a rival, can really deliver on time.

So the three companies began to mock Remy and the others, saying that they must have been cheated.

However, just as they were mocking, Dongfang Daily released such a news.

"Chairman of Zhiqi Technology Company: We can produce chips"

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