Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 280 Get Off The Plane, The Blind Man's Helmet

Now Ye Cheng comes in with his own body and face on his back. In the future, when others enter virtual reality, they need to pinch their own body and shape first.

Many MMORPG games also require players to pinch their faces when entering the game.

Therefore, it is conceivable that in the future, there will be people who make money exclusively by pinching the faces of others.

Of course, there are many places where virtual reality can be used to make money. Ye Cheng also has a plan, which is to make virtual reality a platform that can make money, and even a place that can replace real work.

This aspect needs to be taken slowly, but at least, there will not be too few opportunities.

"It's done!"

Xiaobai said: "Does the master want to set his appearance now? I don't think the master needs to change it. Xiaobai likes the current appearance very much."

Ye Cheng: "I know, I'm here to see how the face pinching function is doing. But in the virtual reality world, you always have to change your face, otherwise, if you go in with a real person's face, that's a big deal. It's easy to spot."

"Oh! Xiaobai got it." Xiaobai responded, and the next moment, Ye Cheng saw a panel in front of his eyes, which displayed various attributes of pinching the face. Adjusting these attribute values ​​can change A certain part of the face, in addition to body shape changes and so on.

All in all, pinching the face and body shape is definitely a complicated job. There are 206 bones in the human body, and there are so many muscle fats. Xiaobai's setting system basically adds all the things that can be changed.

At that time, probably everyone will have a headache for the pinching face setting, but even if it is a headache, many people will spend a long time designing a satisfactory face shape for themselves. Of course, the system also provides those who are too lazy to pinch their faces. If the random option is selected, a face or body shape will be randomly generated, but it is only guaranteed to be visible, not good-looking.

"Xiaobai, show me another face."


Every time Xiaobai spoke, Ye Cheng's face changed accordingly.

Turned into an uncle face.

Then there was a mirror in front of him, through which Ye Cheng could see his own face.

It is indeed full of the mature feeling of an uncle, especially the characteristic stubble around the mouth, which highlights a vicissitudes of sex appeal, which is definitely the kind that kills all ages.

However, he is now the face under an anime-level filter.

"Switch to a realistic filter, and I'll see how it works."

Then, the scene in front of him blurred for a while, and the real world appeared, Ye Cheng nodded with satisfaction, it was still good, the three-dimensional and two-dimensional looks are very attractive.

However, this does not guarantee that each face will look good in the anime-level filter when the realistic-level filter looks good. It depends on the face the user uses.

Of course, putting aside the reality, there should be more people using anime-grade filters in the future. This is Ye Cheng’s guess. Real-life filters will probably be used by people to look at the scenery.

Ye Cheng doesn't consider these issues, as a boss, he considers other issues.

"Well, the face is like a virtual reality business card. If it is exchanged, it will not be conducive to users to establish their own social relationships in the virtual reality network..."

In order for virtual reality to truly become people's second world, social interaction must be done well. Like some games, the social atmosphere is good, and players have their own social circles, so they cannot do without this game.

In games, IDs are used to confirm identities, but in virtual reality, although IDs are equally important, since appearances become clearly visible, appearances will also become a symbol of the user's identity.

Therefore, it is necessary to limit the number of times users can change faces, such as once a year. As for the ID, one device has one ID and cannot be modified.

Ye Cheng does not intend to learn from a certain company to make money on it.

Of course, this also needs to consider a problem, if someone's equipment is broken, wouldn't it be a waste.

So it should be a double confirmation system for the device and the account.

Once a device is bound to an account, it cannot be replaced.

In addition, there are some measures to avoid account theft. This is not a big problem, and we can learn from other companies' methods. However, Ye Cheng does not need to consider these things for the time being.

After reading the face-pinching system, Ye Cheng nodded in satisfaction. In this way, several important points that constitute the virtual reality online community have been completed.

Next, after Lao Dianbo completes all the procedures, the virtual reality helmet will be officially launched and will change people's way of life in the future.

"Okay, Xiaobai, I'm done reading and I have to go."

Ye Cheng said to the little loli who was still on top of him.

"Ah? Master, why don't you stay a little longer." Little Loli twisted her body.

In the past, there was a screen between it and its master, so it couldn't enter the reality by itself, but now that the master's consciousness has come to the virtual world, it is of course reluctant to part with the master.

Ye Cheng shook his head: "No, I have other things to do."

"Oh, okay."

Xiaobai could only say so.

Returning to the ground from the air, Xiaobai jumped from Ye Cheng's arms, and Ye Cheng was finally able to touch Little Lolita's head now.

After rubbing it lightly twice, Ye Cheng smiled and said, "Okay, Xiaobai, I'm going to turn off the phone."

"Yeah!" Xiaobai nodded, and was about to return to reality and watch his master secretly.


Ye Cheng pressed the power off button, then took off his eye mask and helmet.

"How about the boss?" Lao Dianbo asked.

"Hehe, it's not bad, but there are still problems with the coordinated movements of the whole body."

"Well, I know, I plan to perfect this in the third week."

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you."

Ye Cheng nodded, and then said: "By the way, about the helmet for the blind, how are you doing?"

"There are still some problems, such as the appearance of the helmet." Lao Dianbo said: "We have to consider the position of the camera. There are four positions for the camera, two eyes, the center of the eyebrows, and the forehead."

"In addition, because this thing needs to take into account the camera, brain wave processing device and electromagnetic wave emission device, it consumes a lot of power. Therefore, in order to give the helmet more places to place batteries, we need to make the helmet bigger. Assuming that the battery life of a single use can be maintained at If it takes twelve hours, the weight of the entire helmet may reach a kilogram, and this has to be taken into account, if the helmet is too heavy, it cannot be worn for too long, otherwise it will affect the health of the spine of the user."

"Beyond that, there are other considerations."

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