Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 288: Aerospace Engines Are Being Developed

This scene made the mouths of these Huaguo fighter experts grow wide, and they felt extremely dumbfounded for a moment.

28.3 tons!

And it's still so small.

If this is installed on a bomber, what's the deal?

As far as bombers are concerned, the B2 and Tu-160 both have four engines.

The engine of Maozi's Tu-160 bomber has a single maximum thrust of 25 tons, and because it uses a large bypass ratio, it is much larger than the Yinglong-1 engine in front of me.

As for the B2 bomber in the United States, the maximum thrust of a single unit is only more than 8 tons, and the total of four units is more than 30 tons. This kind of thrust may make it unable to run even a civil aviation airliner. Therefore, in addition to its beautiful appearance, the B2 bomber has the largest The biggest advantage is its invisibility ability.

Of course, the reason why the B2 engine is so backward is that it did not consider high speed at the beginning of the design, but only considered stealth capability. Of course, the arms dealers will not consider it.

However, the stealth performance of B2 is still strong enough. You must know that it is known as the black ghost. Even if it runs slowly, it can still treat other people's radars as blind. 7K 妏敩

Of course, for any military aircraft, the more powerful the engine, the better.

This Yinglong-1 engine has such a small size, but its maximum thrust is as high as 28.3 tons. If it is installed on a bomber, four engines will be installed. Because of its small size, the bomber can carry more fuel, thereby increasing the combat radius.

Of course, it is completely meaningless to think this way. If you can make this engine, you can use the same materials and technology to make a bomber engine. I am afraid that the thrust will be even greater.

Thinking about it this way, these experts were startled, what the hell did Zhiqi Company come up with, you are unscientific, you are too sci-fi.

Mr. Yang didn't know what to say at this time. Looking at the indicators, the thrust-to-weight ratio has exceeded 20 without any surprise, the boost ratio has also exceeded 50, and the temperature in front of the vortex is even closer to 2400K.

Recalling what Ye Cheng said before, the new material they used in this engine has a melting point of more than 2700 degrees Celsius, which is nearly 3000K. No wonder it can increase the temperature before the vortex to 2400K.

The reason why it is not raised to a level close to 3000K is because it is worried that the local temperature will be close to 3000K or even exceed it, which will cause the engine in front of it to be directly invalidated, or even explode.

Yang Wei couldn't help asking: "Mr. Ye, can I ask who developed this engine?"

Ye Cheng laughed: "It's an expert in our company who specializes in engine research and development."

"Can I recommend you?"

Ye Cheng said: "Oh, he is developing another engine now, and is now in another research institute of our company."

Gu Ge's villa was not big enough, so Ye Cheng had already replaced them with a new research institute.

"Another engine?"

These national team experts looked at each other in blank dismay.

"What engine? A bomber?"

"Oh, the aerospace engine."

The experts gasped.


How far is Zhiqi Company ahead of them?

Ye Cheng nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, it is the aerospace engine."

The aerospace engine is naturally the engine used by the aerospace fighter.

The sky refers to the atmosphere, and the sky refers to space.

An aerospace fighter is an aircraft that can perform tasks in the earth's atmosphere and in space.

This also means that aerospace fighters are likely to use dual-engine technology.

That is, the combination of aero engine and aerospace engine.

It needs to be clarified that aero-engines rely on the reaction force of the air to generate thrust in the atmosphere, but in outer space, it is obviously impossible to rely on air to achieve thrust, and they can only rely on aerospace engines, which can also be understood as rockets engine.

Aerospace fighter is a new type of weapon developed by the three major powers in this century. After all, the consensus of the three major powers is that space warfare will become the main battlefield of future wars.

The reason is to occupy the high ground.

Fly higher and be able to drop bombs from higher places.

At that time, aerospace fighter jets drop nuclear bombs directly from space and hit the enemy's territory. No radar or anti-missile system will work.

And Huaguo has actually successfully tested the aerospace plane, but it used a two-section aerospace plane, that is, launching the plane with a rocket, then jettisoning the rocket, and the plane went to the sky.

Strictly speaking, this kind of aerospace plane is not what people want. After all, the cost is too high, especially now that recyclable rockets still have great difficulties.

Therefore, Yang Wei had to wonder at this time, to what extent the aerospace engine that Ye Cheng and the others are researching has reached.

What kind of type is used, is it disposable or integrated.

He asked the same question.

"Of course it's a one-piece, the disposable one is too tasteless." Ye Cheng replied.

This answer made Yang Wei think that it was actually a one-piece!

Of course, regarding the progress of research and development, Ye Cheng only replied: "It is still in the research process, and the design drawing is being designed, and it will not be launched in a short time. After all, even if it is developed, we may not be able to use it. "

Aerospace fighters are not just engines, but also a complete set of systems, so they will definitely be quite large by then, at least the size of the current J-20, F22, and Su-57 fighters is certainly impossible.

Only then did Yang Wei heave a sigh of relief. It turned out that he was still in the PPT stage, otherwise, this would be too shocking.

Although Huaguo has also invested in the research and development of the integrated aerospace fighter, but the investment is not much. In Yang Wei's view, that thing is like developing controllable nuclear fusion. It is completely a bottomless pit, and there is no need to do it at all. .

As for the Nantianmen plan circulated on the Internet, the Xuannv aerospace fighter, Luanniao large-scale strategic aerospace carrier platform, etc., are all created by a sci-fi IP, but because this company has a relationship with China Airlines, so let Some netizens thought that the country was really doing this stuff.

In fact, the country has so much money that it has nowhere to spend it, so it will be burned on it.

"Then I wish you success." Yang Wei said with a smile.

"I've borrowed a good word from Master Yang."

Ye Cheng responded with a smile.

Yang Wei nodded, said no more, and continued to look at the engine.

The engine is very stable without any trembling, which shows that its mechanical stability is very good. If it trembles, it is easy to cause resonance and damage the structure.

Moreover, its thrust is also very stable, and there is no change in the indication.

Until the end, Yang Wei finally said: "I will apply for funding from my superiors to purchase a Yinglong engine from your company."

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