When Ye Cheng made a decision in his heart to inherit the original owner's will, the system suddenly rang.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for achieving the achievement [Choice of Life], reward: technology proficiency."

"Proficient in technology: After the host has seen any scientific principles, they will be familiar with them, and will receive bonuses when conducting scientific research, greatly improving the efficiency of scientific research."

Ye Cheng was taken aback, he didn't expect to trigger an achievement.

In an instant, he felt that his brain was much clearer, and many scientific principles inherited from the memory of the original owner seemed to have a deeper understanding at this time, and even integrated them.

His eyes lit up, this is a good thing!

If he comes up with some technology in the future, even if someone asks him why, he will be able to explain it!

Otherwise, the boss of a technology company does not understand technology, and it would be a bit unpleasant to say it.

Just at this time.

His cell phone rang suddenly, and when he picked it up, the caller was Chen Ping, whom he knew, and he was his father's assistant.

This probably means that the location of the corresponding factory has been arranged for him.

He couldn't help but sigh with emotion, as expected of a real estate business, finding a place is really fast.

After answering the phone, he said to the person: "Master Cheng, the location of the factory you want has been found, and it is not far from your company's location, about two kilometers away. When is it convenient to visit?"

Ye Cheng: "Go right away."

Because the system said that it needs to be assembled by a special person, God knows how long it will take, so the sooner the better.

"Okay, I'll be right over."

"Well, it's troublesome."

"No trouble no trouble."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Cheng looked at the USB flash drive in his hand, then inserted it into his computer, and began to browse the contents inside.

Soon, relying on the technology proficiency he had just acquired, he understood the content inside, 5G radio frequency chip technology, feasible!

Moreover, a comparison is also given here. Compared with all 5G RF chips on the market today, this new technology 5G RF chip has stronger performance and lower cost!

Knowing these detailed information, Ye Cheng felt certain in his eyes, then immediately picked up his mobile phone and sent a message to Wang Shen just now: "Come to the office." 』

Soon, Wang Shen ran in, looked at his young boss, and asked, "Boss Ye, what's wrong?"

He was a little puzzled, why did his boss look so radiant now?

Could it be... there is a turning point?

"Look at this." Ye Cheng pointed to his computer screen.

Wang Shen walked up and looked at the screen.

After a while, he froze.

"Mr. Ye, this... what is this? 5G radio frequency chip?"

"That's right." Ye Cheng nodded, then copied all the information in it to his computer, then pulled out the USB flash drive, and handed it to Wang Shen: "Take this thing to the R&D department and let them start developing it. , the patents in it should be applied for, and those that cannot be reversed by others do not need to be applied for.”

There are already companies in China that can produce 5G radio frequency chips, but the 5G radio frequency chips of these companies have the same patents as foreign ones and must be restricted.

"You mean... this thing is real?"

"Nonsense, is it possible that I can use a fake one to fool you?" Ye Cheng waved his hand, unplugged the USB flash drive at the same time, put it in front of Wang Shen, and said, "The technology of this radio frequency chip is comparable to Western technology. It’s different, don’t worry about being accused of patents.”

Wang Shen suddenly became excited: "I! I understand! I will prepare right away!"

"Yeah." Ye Cheng nodded.

He still believed in Wang Shen, he was capable and loyal, and if he was entrusted with this matter, there would be no problems.

As for Wang Shen, who left the office, he was so excited that he forgot to ask where this thing came from.

5G RF chip!

And it is a new technology, avoiding all patents!

Better performance, cheaper.

The current 5G era is popular. Huaguo is the world's largest mobile phone market, let alone Huawei. Maybe when other mobile phone manufacturers such as Guoguo, Remy, and Blue Green Factory produce 5G mobile phones in China, they will also choose their company for 5G RF chips. !

How much does this mean?

Relying on this technology alone is enough for their company to flourish again!

Think about it, every 5G mobile phone in the future will have a chip from their company installed in it.

Wang Shen felt a huge motivation in an instant.

Ye Cheng did not continue to pay attention to this matter, and he left the company after half an hour.

Because Chen Ping is here, he can now visit his future chip factory.

Of course, he didn't forget to remind the lady at the front desk of the company that if a thirty-five-year-old man came to him later, just let him wait in his office.


This is what appears to be an abandoned warehouse.

This is the place that Ye Cheng's cheap dad arranged for him.

But it's not just a warehouse, there are four or five outside, adding up to more than ten or twenty acres, and counting the vacant land, there are more than one hundred acres.

It was his father's land that he had built at the beginning, waiting for the land price to go up completely, and then he planned to resell it, but now that his son wanted it, he simply handed it over to Ye Cheng.

Ye Cheng was very moved. This land was bought when the land price had not yet risen, and it only cost a few hundred million, but it is not so cheap now.

His father gave him all of them, of course he was touched.

It's just that after being moved, I felt a little helpless.

People's lithography machines are all built in very high-end places. First of all, they are required to be dust-free workshops. What is he here?

Full dust workshop?

Through the light from the surrounding windows, he could clearly see all kinds of dust floating in the air.

There is nothing good about this place other than its size.

"Master Cheng, look, what's going on here?"

Beside, Chen Ping didn't know what Ye Cheng was thinking, and asked.

Ye Cheng didn't rush to answer, but asked in his mind: "System, is it okay here?"

System: "Host, please rest assured, the chip production line includes the decoration of the workshop."

Ye Cheng's eyes lit up, conscience system!

So he nodded to Chen Ping and said, "Yes, that's it."

"That's good, do you think there is anything else I need to do?"

"No, you can go back now, I won't delay you, I'll go shopping by myself." Ye Cheng waved his hand and said.

"Okay." Chen Ping nodded, and said again: "By the way, the chairman has already explained that the property rights of this place will be directly transferred to your name. Do you want me to help you with the relevant procedures?"

"You can handle it for me directly." Ye Cheng nodded, he naturally didn't have time to find time to deal with such trivial matters.

"Okay." Chen Ping nodded, and left here.

Afterwards, Ye Cheng was the only one left in the factory.

After leaving the factory building, he looked around the entire open space.

Although it is in the suburbs of Shanghai, it is still rare to find such a large open space.

"System, install it for me now."

"Okay, scanning selected sites..."

"The scan is successful! The usable area of ​​the site is: 90152.89 square meters, and the estimated usable area is: 20000 square meters."

"Please choose a decoration plan, you can use the system recommended plan."

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