August 22.

The Qixi Festival in 2023.

Getting married today is obviously a good day for Hua people.

Even people who firmly believe in materialism and science will involuntarily choose a good day in metaphysics when faced with such a thing.

The wedding of Ye Cheng and Xu Xin will also be held today.

The wedding was held in Shanghai, and the scale was quite large. There were two to three hundred people attending the wedding. In addition to the relatives of both parties, there were also some important people from the business world. Boss Zhiqi and Zhiqi are now If the person in charge gets married, of course these people will come.

In addition, there are also some big names in the academic world, such as academicians, or Changjiang Scholars.

Of course, many senior executives of the Zhiqi Group also came here.

So at the wedding scene, it can be said that if you bump into someone casually, it may be a rich man worth tens of billions, or an academician.

However, it is difficult for ordinary people to participate in this wedding.

Soon, the wedding banquet officially began.

The convoy to pick up the bride came back, and a Hongqi L5 headed out. The hood was covered with a layer of flowers, and there were red flags on both sides.

A convoy of more than 20 luxury cars came from the other side of the road.

More than 20 vehicles, in fact, is relatively small. With Ye Cheng's financial resources, of course, a fleet of hundreds of vehicles can be assembled, but it is possible but not necessary.

These twenty cars are enough.

As for the car that the bride and groom are sitting in, it is in the middle. It is a top-of-the-line Pullman, worth tens of millions, and very expensive. It is the car of leaders of various countries or important business figures, and it has excellent comfort. and protection performance.

The car door opened, and the bride came down from the top. Xu Xin was wearing a bright red wedding dress, embroidered with various exquisite tattoos and many jewels.

With a happy smile on her face, she had been looking forward to this wedding for a long time.

Outside the wedding car, people applauded and sent blessings.

Soon, Ye Cheng also came down, and the applause was even more enthusiastic. In any case, most of the people here came for him, after all, the real boss of Zhiqi Company is still him.

Afterwards, the two entered the wedding banquet scene.

One of the top hotels in the magic capital is under the name of the Ye Group. It has already been cleared at this time, and even the houses are empty. It is used to entertain guests who came from afar, and all the waiters Arrange to come and service this wedding.

Everything went according to the wedding process.

The parents of both parties sat on the stage and greeted their children with tea.

Xu Kaiyang, who was supposed to be used to the Golden Crow Project in Ludao City, also took a special leave of absence. As for not being allowed to leave? Just kidding, Boss Zhiqi, the richest man in the world, got married. He is the father-in-law, who would dare to stop him?

After drinking the tea that Ye Cheng respected him, he said with a smile: "Besides, as entrusted, I have brought you a surprise."

He gestured to the people next to him, and then several people walked over from the side, walked to the stage with a scroll in their arms, and unfolded the scroll.

In the letter "Hundred Years of Love", the four big characters are powerful in the sky, and the signature is the name of the Great Elder.

This inscription immediately surprised everyone present. It was actually signed by the Great Elder, which is really unbelievable.

It is obvious how important the elder's signature is. Every signature almost means the approval of an important policy of Huaguo.

However, this is not over yet, another person next to him brought up a gift box and handed it to Ye Cheng.

Ye Cheng opened it with his own hands. Inside was a jade bracelet, which was obviously given to Xu Xin, but there was also a piece of paper inside. When he opened it, it was a letter of blessing, and the signer was the Second Elder.

Xu Xin next to him saw it, and couldn't help being surprised.

Both the First Elder and the Second Elder sent things over. Everyone can guess what this means.

However, Ye Cheng was not surprised.

Xiaobai had told him long ago.

He felt a little emotional in his heart, this feeling of knowing everything, although it sounds powerful, but it always makes life less surprises.

Xu Kaiyang didn't know what Ye Cheng was thinking, and said with a smile: "When I went to Beijing some time ago, the First Elder and Second Elder handed it to me. They also know about your marriage."

Ye Cheng said with a smile: "I will thank the two of them if I have the opportunity in the future."

Xu Kaiyang nodded and said no more.

The wedding reception continued as usual.

At the same time, in the new universe.

The first batch of helmets basically arrived on August 21, and most of the new space citizens are still swimming in the second world, almost unable to extricate themselves.

And today, they all received a notice, 【whether to participate in the wedding banquet of the creator of the new universe】.

Everyone who saw this notice was puzzled, who is the creator of the new universe?

Could it be some easter egg?

Some people also clicked to agree, and then entered an extremely wide hall with many tables and chairs, and in the middle was a couple of newcomers.

These people couldn't help being surprised.

Isn't that groom Ye Cheng?

Most people still recognize Ye Cheng's face.

At this time, everyone will know what the wedding banquet of the creator of the new universe means.

It turned out that Ye Cheng was married.

Everyone immediately felt interesting, so they stayed at the scene to watch.

So just like that, tens of thousands of people watched the wedding in virtual reality.

And this wedding in the new universe has also given many people an inspiration.

This might not be a new type of marriage, although Ye Cheng's wedding itself was held in reality.

The grand occasion in virtual reality has also been known to the outside world. When Xu Xin learned that there are so many people watching the wedding in the virtual universe, she was even more surprised.

I was a little shy in my heart, but fortunately, at least I wasn't really on the scene.

By this time, the two had already finished their wedding banquet and headed to their new house.

The new house is located in the quiet area of ​​Shanghai. It is a garden-style single-family villa. The construction of this single-family villa began after the wedding date was confirmed. It took two months to buy the land and approve the house building procedures, and the remaining four months were completed. used to build this extremely luxurious villa.

It covers an area of ​​5,000 square meters, more than 3,000 square meters are used to build a garden, and the remaining 1,000 square meters are the floor area of ​​the house, and the house itself is a four-story villa with a combination of Chinese and Western styles.

At this time, in the master bedroom on the second floor, Ye Cheng and Xu Xin were lying on the bed, motionless.

Today they are tired all day, feeling more tired than work.

Of course, it always makes them happy.

Xu Xin turned around, wrapped Ye Cheng's waist, and said softly, "Where shall we go to play this month?"

They still have a month of honeymoon.

However, traveling around the world is out of the question.

Ye Cheng smiled slightly: "I have a surprise for you."


Ye Cheng brought two virtual reality helmets from the side: "Put on the helmets."

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