Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 320 Mouse Organ Transplantation Experiment

This kind of picture made Ye Cheng feel the magic of life. Why do the organs of animals grow like this? How do animals develop blood vessels to serve as bridges connecting various organs and tissues?

How did single-celled organisms evolve into such an organ with such a complex structure from ancient times?

Even a mouse can do it, let alone a human? The size of a human organ alone is estimated to be about the same as that of a mouse.

Ye Cheng recovered from his thoughts, looked at the beating organs again, and said, "How long does their development cycle take?"

"I developed a special hormone that stimulates rapid organ maturation in mice."

"Does the growth-promoting effect of this hormone affect organ function?"

"No." Dean shook his head: "This hormone is similar to a growth-promoting hormone secreted by human organs when they develop. The hormones secreted by the organs themselves are limited, which makes the organs grow slowly. If provided, the speed of organ development will be able to increase many times."

"It takes several weeks for mouse organs to fully develop and mature, but this time can be shortened to five to seven days through this hormone, while the development period of humans is longer, but human organs are better tolerated, It can shorten the time by 30 to 40 times. Generally speaking, human organs are basically mature at the age of 15. If this hormone is used, it means that this time can be shortened to four to six months. "

"Yeah." Ye Cheng nodded.

If it can be shortened to four to six months, it will be of great help to organ transplants, which means that people who need organ transplants can reduce the waiting time.

It doesn't make sense to wait too long for cloned organs to develop and those patients die while waiting.

"When will the operation begin?"

"Today we're going to do the transplant," Dean said.

Ye Cheng frowned: "It seems that I came at the right time."

Dean smiled slightly: "Of course."

So Ye Cheng stayed and watched his surgery on the mice.

The sterile room was ready, and several assistants and Dean pushed the incubator into the sterile room, along with three mice.

The mice were assigned a number that indicated what transplant they would receive.

The first to be transplanted was the No. 1 mouse, which needed to be replaced with a heart.

After the anesthesia treatment, the struggling mice fell into silence, and then collapsed on the mouse operating table.

The body of the mouse was fixed, and the operation began. First, the thorax was cut to expose the surgical field, and then the small heart of the mouse was carefully cut out.

Dean is not only a genetic expert, but also a superb doctor. This is due to the fact that as a system character, his hands are very stable, even more stable than a machine, and his eyes are very delicate, just like a human being. eye magnifying glass.

In this way, it is only a matter of performing an operation on mice, which is very simple, and he can even write an article about a new operation for human heart transplantation, and then send it to The Lancet.

Of course, these things are just little Doyle to him.

When he cut the mouse heart, he also put the cloned heart into the mouse's cut chest cavity, connecting various blood vessels.

This is a very complicated process, and a doctor who can perform a heart transplant is a treasure for any hospital in the world.

In this way, Dean joined together while cutting, the original heart was completely cut off, and the cloned heart was just added in.

The new heart beat again.

The function of the heart is to serve as a blood pump to eject blood. The beating of the heart means the contraction of the myocardium to eject the blood in the cavity, so that the blood can flow throughout the body.

This new heart can beat, which means it can replace work.

The old heart was placed in the iron pan beside it, and Dean began sewing up the mouse's incision.

Ten minutes later, the incision was sutured, and the next step was to judge the condition of the mouse.

Whether there is a rejection reaction and whether the mouse can move normally, these all need to be judged. If it can survive for a month and nothing happens, it means that there is basically no problem.

Dean was so confident about this that he handed over the matter directly to his assistant, while he continued with the transplantation of the other two mice.

The transplantation of the other two mice was easier. The kidneys were far less troublesome than the hearts, and with Dean's surgical skills, the job was done almost with ease.

"Okay, let's take the laboratory to observe, and I will write down the process tonight."

Then, he left the operating room and came to the observation room next to him.

"Boss, it's done."

Ye Cheng nodded and said, "Wait until the mouse wakes up."


Then, they walked to the laboratory, and the three mice that had undergone surgery had also been brought here.

Because Dean's operation was very fast, he completed the transplantation of three mice in less than an hour, and the anesthesia took more than an hour, so the first mouse that underwent heart transplantation has not yet recovered.

However, in about ten minutes, the mouse had already started to move.

A few minutes later, the mouse turned up from the ground, looking a little listless, which is normal, because the whole body is working hard to repair the internal and external wounds after the operation, just like people who are recovering from a serious illness. I'm bored.

However, although the mouse was listless, it still habitually came to the food bowl, its small nose smelled the smell, the beards on both sides trembled accordingly, and then began to eat the food in the food bowl.

After eating, start drinking water again.

Can eat and drink, which means that there is basically no problem.

A smile appeared on Ye Cheng's face.

He looked at Dean and said, "It seems that you have reached a new stage."

Dean smiled: "The next step is to ask the boss to help apply for primate experiments."

"No problem at all."

Ye Cheng nodded.

Applying for experiments on primates naturally requires approval. Of course, it is not difficult for Zhiqi Company.

"Okay, then I won't bother you, you still have to post the paper?"

Dean nodded, "Yes."

After the mouse experiment was completed, he had to publish a paper to the "Cell" magazine to let the world witness how he succeeded step by step.

At that time, others will only be surprised by his success.

Ye Cheng won't stay any longer, this project is in charge of Dean, he doesn't need to worry.

Next, he will officially return to the nuclear fusion project. The next step is to build the world's first controllable nuclear fusion demonstration reactor and control the sun on the earth!

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