Of course, there are also some virtual reality helmet Internet cafes that have opened. After all, a virtual reality helmet and a computer that can meet the configuration need to spend about 16,000 yuan, so most of them still don’t have the spending power, such as those who haven’t adults.

So such Internet cafes opened up. Of course, the hourly price is not cheap. Most of them cost 20 yuan an hour. It is 25 yuan an hour, which means that a piece of equipment can be rented for about 600 to 800 hours, and Internet cafes can earn back the cost. With the current popularity of virtual reality, maybe a piece of equipment can be rented for 24 hours. If someone knows how to play, he can earn back the cost of the equipment in a month. As for the electricity bill, that’s another story, but at least the probability of getting back the cost is very high.

Therefore, seven or eight such Internet cafes have opened in the country, and the virtual reality experience halls built by Zhiqi Company in several major cities across the country have naturally become such Internet cafes.

Of course, virtual reality helmet Internet cafes are also very meaningful for the promotion of virtual reality helmets, so Zhiqi Company provides cheap prices for customers who run Internet cafes, and this kind of helmet allows logging in to different accounts, unlike individual purchases The helmet can only be bound to one account.

In short, the virtual reality helmet not only brought huge profits to Zhiqi Company, but also allowed Ye Cheng to earn a huge amount of points in a short period of time, and exchanged for the design of the magnetic fluid generator.

This means that everything is ready for the Golden Crow Project, and Dongfeng is also ready.

Just waiting for the day when it's all built.

Professor Chen's topic ended soon.

Then continue with other topics, mainly for everyone to discuss their own issues.

Until the end, after everyone seemed to have finished talking about their respective situations, Ye Cheng said at this time: "Then, let me talk about it next."

"A question about the magnetic fluid generator."

As soon as these words came out, everyone raised their attention.

The magnetic fluid generator is handed over to Zhiqi Company, which can also be considered as Ye Cheng. Is it finally possible to produce the finished product now?

Ye Cheng said: "The structure of the magnetic fluid generator has now been studied. Compared with the efficiency of boiling water, which is less than one percent, according to our computer simulation, its actual utilization efficiency of nuclear fusion will be as high as 16.7%."

When everyone heard it, they couldn't believe it in their eyes.

Is it as high as 16.7% efficiency?

The boiling water is less than 1%, to 16.7%. They are too aware of the gap. What's more, for nuclear fusion, even a 0.1% utilization rate means the efficiency that a city can use.

This 16.7% was unimaginable before.

Calculated in this way, the nuclear fusion built according to their previously estimated specifications may not only be able to supply Fujian and Guangdong provinces, but also the nearby Jiangxi province and some cities in Zhejiang province. They estimated that The utilization efficiency of the magnetic fluid generator is about 12%. Including the steam turbine generator, the total efficiency is estimated to be barely 12.5%. Now it is directly increased by 4.2%, which is equivalent to an increase of one third. It's just unbelievable.

However, amid the excitement, someone immediately asked Ye Cheng: "Vice President Ye, is your data true? Is it really 16.7?"

Ye Cheng smiled: "Everyone, take a look."

He then presented the model to the researchers.

The overall structure of this magnetic fluid generator is not complicated, but the key lies in its exquisite design.

The energy of nuclear fusion mainly lies in its huge thermal energy. This magnetic fluid generator uses a precise structure to inject some gas that can be ionized at high temperature into the channel, and is blown by the plasma generated in DT fusion. At that time, it can also become plasma, which can be added to the power generation process.

And because of the special structure inside, the injected plasma will not contaminate the original DT gas. In addition, it will definitely not be possible to install only one plasma generator at that time, and there will be many combinations. This structure is also very good. solved this problem.

In addition, it can also embed the structure used to heat water well, so as to make better use of the remaining heat energy to boil water to generate electricity.

After these experts read it, they couldn't help but nodded.

If you look at it this way, this magnetic fluid generator has a lot to do.

Everyone's eyes lit up.

Seeing their reactions, Ye Cheng knew that he had initially gained their trust, and the next step was to persuade them mathematically.

Then he opened another PPT, on which were a series of calculation formulas.

"It is not credible to say it directly, so we will calculate it directly."

Ye Cheng said, and began to use the series of calculations on the PPT to present these researchers, why is it 16.7%.

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