Although it is done in private, this means that it is not disclosed to the public, but after it is reported to the government, the government is allowed to directly conduct human organ cloning experiments without disclosing relevant documents.

The country naturally has related confidentiality procedures, and it is of course easy for Zhiqi Company to apply.

As for this kind of clinical trial, there is actually no harm to people.

Since it is cloning, it is only necessary to extract an autologous cell, and then conduct directional induction and differentiation. Because the experiment is conducted directly in vitro, it will not cause harm to the human body, so it is relatively safe, and there is no need to worry about any problems.

Then wait until the cloning is completed, and then transplant it to the patient. At that time, it is time to test whether this organ can avoid the attack of the immune system.

Of course, since Dean is sure, he doesn't need to worry about this issue.

The probability of success is 100%.


Three weeks passed in a blink of an eye, in the suburbs of Shanghai, Zhiqi Biosafety Laboratory.

The specification of this laboratory is BSL-2, that is, a P2-level biosafety laboratory, funded and constructed by Zhiqi Company, and located in the suburbs of Modu.

It is a real suburb. It is built on a hill less than 100 meters high. The environment is good and suitable for experiments. At the same time, all the core personnel of Zhiqi Company work here.

So in addition to Dean's laboratory, other mechanical laboratories like Guge's are also here.

On this day Ye Cheng entered the laboratory again.

"Boss." Dean greeted Ye Cheng when he saw Ye Cheng walk in.

Ye Cheng nodded: "Get ready, the volunteers are in touch."

"That's good." Dean nodded, with a little eagerness on his face.

When he learned that Ye Cheng planned to directly clone human organs, he was of course quite happy. Before that, he had to slowly clone mice and orangutans before he could start cloning human organs. For his knowledge base, it is obviously like killing a chicken with a bull's knife. According to the character Ye Cheng designed for him, he feels a little unmotivated.

Now, he can finally play his true role.

"When to set off?"

"Let's go now. In the Affiliated Hospital of Shanghai Jiaotong University, he is a patient with advanced kidney failure. What we want to clone is his kidney," Ye Cheng said.


Dean nodded.

Then he called his assistant, brought the tools he needed at that time, and went directly to the hospital.

Soon they drove to the entrance of the hospital. Ye Cheng and Dean entered the hospital. Led by a deputy director of the hospital, they came to a single ward in the inpatient department and saw the patient.

The patient had edema on his face, his face looked very dull, and there was a hint of pain in his eyes from time to time.

The patient is Liu Depei, 67 years old this year, and he is relatively wealthy, with assets of hundreds of millions in his family.

He was diagnosed with late-stage renal failure fifteen years ago. Most people with this disease will not live for such a long time, but there is a saying that there is only one disease in the world, and that is the disease of poverty.

So he was able to live so long.

For example, the gambling king He received an injection of medicine worth 860,000 yuan a day, and finally lived to be 98 years old.

So this Liu Depei is also the same.

But despite this, he also suffered from kidney failure for fifteen years. Now, because of his old age, his condition is getting worse and worse. Even if he needs dialysis, it has already come to an end, and his life can no longer continue.

Of course he can directly choose a kidney transplant. However, he is unlucky. He has not found an organ that can match him for so many years. In addition, his blood type is a very rare type, Rh negative blood, which is the so-called panda. Blood, if you want to find a person with Rh-negative blood type and healthy kidneys who is willing to provide a kidney and match the type, the probability is very low.

Therefore, the 15-year extension of his life is already approaching his end. According to a top foreign doctor he hired, his condition is getting worse and worse. After about a year, if he still cannot find a suitable organ for transplantation , he can only face death, no matter if he goes to any hospital in the world.

This made Liu Depei feel very scared.

Obviously, he is unwilling to accept this situation. He still has hundreds of millions of assets that have not been spent, and he still has a lot of things to do, but he has only lived less than seventy years old, and he has not even reached the average life expectancy.

Over the past ten years, he has tried both formal and informal channels, and he has been constantly looking for something that can keep him alive, but all of them have failed.

Just like that, when he was almost desperate, he suddenly got news that Zhiqi Company was recruiting clinical volunteers for a medical technology that could treat kidney disease patients like him.

Hearing the news, of course he couldn't sit still for a moment.

Generally speaking, it is impossible for a rich man like him to agree to be this kind of volunteer. However, the doctors have said that he only has about a year left. Can he wait?

He would rather be a clinical volunteer himself than to wait for other people's volunteers to finish and make sure that there is no problem before doing it himself.

Of course, what made him willing to do this was that the other party was Zhiqi Company.

No one knows about Zhiqi Company. Although Zhiqi Company used to be in other industries, what is commendable in the medical industry is the nerve-controlled exoskeleton, and the recently released one that can restore the sight of the blind, so that A helmet for deaf people to listen again, but considering the biological technology involved in these two technologies, maybe people can really succeed in this?

"Mr. Ye, hello."

Seeing Ye Cheng enter the ward, Liu Depei on the hospital bed immediately supported himself to sit up, and a middle-aged woman sitting next to him hurried up to help him up, "Dad, you are not in good health, lie down."

"Don't worry about it, go to the side first." Liu Depei pushed the woman aside and didn't care about it. In fact, this woman is one of his daughter-in-laws. He has three sons, three legitimate daughter-in-laws, and some unauthentic ones. Well, these daughter-in-laws often came to look after him, so he naturally knew what was on his mind. They just valued his property and wanted to share more in the future.

But when Zhiqi Company came, he suddenly didn't think he would really die.

Liu Depei looked at the young man in front of him, his eyes were very serious, even flattering.

Millionaires want to be friends with multimillionaires, and multimillionaires want to be friends with billionaires.

And he, a billionaire, knows what kind of trillionaire this young man is. Of course, the most important thing is that his life now depends on others.

Ye Cheng nodded politely towards the rich man who was facing death.

"You are Mr. Liu Depei, right?"

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