December sixteenth.

The U.S. virtual reality network anti-addiction system has just been promulgated, and it is the fourth day of implementation.

An anti-addiction action took place. Fifteen million players who wanted to play virtual reality online took to the streets, and even directly surrounded Wright House and a certain country mountain, demanding that government personnel withdraw immediately. Anti-addiction Act, they want to play virtual reality online, they want to enter the new universe.

They see it as a violation of their rights and as a disrespect to them.

This scene made the US government very helpless.

Surround them just to play a game?

Or even 15 million people?

This is an extremely unbelievable number.

The last time it was launched for a black person named Florida, there were more than 26 million people, but who knows if there is anyone behind the scenes, how many people are going to play zero yuan shopping, and some pure It is to join in the fun.

And the 15 million people who took action for the virtual reality network are all really speaking out to be able to play the virtual reality network freely. Almost none of them came to join in the fun, and no one took this opportunity to smash or grab something.

Including a certain country mountain, it was directly surrounded by more than 100,000 people, and these people blocked the door, shouting.

People working in a certain country mountain couldn't help but think of a day when they were also surrounded.

The workers backed away and ran out the back door.

It's quite understandable that something like this happened.

The number of virtual reality Internet players in the United States is gradually approaching 70 million, of which at least 10 million spend more than 12 hours online every day, 30 million spend more than 8 hours a day online, and the number of people online for more than four hours , even as high as 50 million.

From this, it can be imagined that the virtual reality network is very popular in the United States.

Students have reduced their time out and switched to swimming in virtual reality; the elderly have also joined the virtual reality network and enjoyed a young life; people who go to church to pray every day are now replaced in virtual reality Pray, so that you don’t have to go to church early in the morning; even some suitable companies decide to go to work directly in virtual reality, so that you can save even office rent and so on, and you don’t need to spend electricity bills. There is no need to bear the cost of employees, and employees are happy to do so.

Even black uncles can enjoy the feeling of being white and then being admired by white sisters. Of course, in view of the existence of men playing female accounts in this game, since the opening of the virtual reality network, there are no shortage of some being Of course, there are relatively few cases of defrauding money, because what is said here is the same as the player's own voice, unless it is a fake voice, otherwise, if a man pretends to be a woman, the voice will definitely be seen through. Falsephones are not supported, so in view of this, most people play whatever gender they are.

But this question is not the point.

All in all, the virtual reality network has become the spiritual food of so many Americans. Now under the ban of the United States, they can no longer play games, and they will naturally make a fuss.

And the news quickly spread to the whole world.

As a result, people in almost all other countries began to gloat.

[Look! Americans who are anti-addicted! 】

【Oh! It turns out that this is democracy! 】

[When the people of the United States want the freedom of games, the US government says: No, you don’t want to]


All kinds of mocking words are flooding the Internet, and everyone is happy to see that the Americans are unlucky, and without the Americans, a lot of resources in virtual reality are freed up, allowing players from other countries to make a lot of money. The same is true for the New Universe players in the country. Although the Hua country has the largest population in the world, there is still a gap between the economy and the United States. In addition, most of the workers who work in 996 have no time to play virtual reality networks. , so the number of people who have purchased virtual reality helmets is not as many as Americans.

And this kind of ridicule makes those American players even more upset. Other countries can play as long as they want, but they can only play for two hours. At the same time, Huaguo's anti-addiction system has also begun to be used by foreign countries. You know, when the American people heard it, their mentality collapsed even more. Huaguo is used to restrict children from playing games, and their American government treats them like children!

So, December 25th.


"Manifest Destiny!"

A group of people shouted and rushed to a certain country mountain...


"Fack, those stupid things are really crazy!"

In an estate of the Rockefeller family, Johnson Rockefeller put down his mobile phone with a very annoyed face.

Those farts actually dared to rush up the mountain!

The last time a mountain in a certain country was washed away was the last time.

But that time it was due to the conflict caused by the general election, which was not a big problem, this time it was citizens who rebelled against their policies.

This means that they are likely to withdraw the anti-addiction system this time and reopen the virtual reality network.

This is equivalent to saying that all the previous actions against Zhiqi Company by these super chaebols are null and void, and Zhiqi Company has not even made any moves. , beaten and scolded.

Today, Rockefeller can even imagine Zhiqi laughing at them behind their backs.

"It's impossible! If they don't have someone behind them, how dare they do this?"

He frowned deeply. Even if he really dared to do this, he would have to wait a few months, right?

But according to their investigation, it is true that there is no Zhiqi company behind the scenes. They asked the FBI, CIA, and NSA to jointly investigate.

"No, find a few people to join their team and ask them why they dare to do this."


After Rockefeller's order went down, he got a reply soon.

"You said they all participated spontaneously? Although there was an organizer, that organizer was just a promoter and didn't charge any money?"

Listening to the narration on the other side, Rockefeller frowned again.

The promoter himself often organizes this kind of thing. He used to collect money to do this, but this time, he really initiated this action from the heart, and those participants also came from the heart. Participated with heart.

Even some of the participants, there is no lack of rich people, offered to support this action with money.

Up to now, the general trend has been established, and they, the super chaebols, don't know how to deal with this group of tens of millions.

Rockefeller sighed deeply.

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