Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 337: Life Escape Velocity, Kidney Transplantation Begins

The lifespan escape velocity of human beings refers to, with the advancement of medical technology, the lifespan of human beings is increased for a certain period of time, and then during this time of increased lifespan, medical technology is continued to be developed, and then the lifespan is increased again.

Such a cycle goes on and on, and the lifespan of human beings can achieve the ending of escaping death.

Just like a spacecraft, the gravitational pull on the planet achieves escape.

Ye Cheng has also sorted out the life extension technology in the system mall these days.

There is no technology that can directly achieve immortality, but there are still a lot of technologies that can prolong life.

Serious technologies include the aforementioned stem cell cloning and transplantation technologies, as well as gene coding technologies, DNA telomere extension technologies, and so on.

In addition, there are some drugs, such as OXPHOS mechanism reversal drugs, which mainly restore the OXPHOS mechanism, which can repair DNA, because human aging and DNA damage have problems, and in the aging process, the OXPHOS mechanism will also be damaged. Once damaged, the drug reactivates the mechanism so DNA can continue to be repaired.

In addition, there is a drug that can extend the length of DNA telomeres, which means that the number of cell divisions will not be limited to 56 times, and human life span will be extended again.

However, the points of this drug are very expensive, as high as 200 million points, which is more expensive than nuclear fusion. Ye Cheng estimates that this technology is already an interstellar technology.

According to the points required for these technologies in the system mall and the possible meanings they may represent, he called technologies with a price of 100 million points or less as planetary-level technologies, and those with more than 100 million points were called interstellar-level technologies. , Those technologies with more than 100 million points, no matter how you look at them, are all technologies that can only be used by space-level civilizations.

For example, there is a thing called [GOD Virus (Human Enhanced Controllable Version)], which is worth 500 million points.

Judging by its name, you know it's not a good thing.

The GOD virus, for short, isn't it just the G virus?

The G virus in Resident Evil is called the Golgothavirus, but the Dr. William who developed it prefers to call it the GOD virus, because his original intention to study this virus is to create a new human race that can be called a god. .

And this thing worth 500 million points, Ye Cheng wondered, since it has a suffix [Human Enhanced Controllable Version], does it mean that this kind of thing is really not harmful to humans? Then can people's physical fitness be super-evolved?

He finally shook his head, this thing is worth 500 million points, maybe there is such a possibility, look at other things with hundreds of millions of points, such as anti-gravity system, inertial damper, biological force field controller and so on.

All of them are technologies that are unimaginable on the earth. The biological force field controller may make people become non-human like superman.

Of course, because these need to spend too many points, for the time being, Ye Cheng doesn't even have to think about it.

However, there are still some things that Ye Cheng can afford. For example, a technology called Cell Active Nutrient Solution is only worth 10 million points. It can maintain the activity of cells, reduce the damage of oxygen free radicals to cells, and prolong the cell cycle. The functions, etc., are more comprehensive. Of course, although it has many functions, it is not very effective in effect, and it is still somewhat different from other technologies, because it cannot allow human beings to break through the limit of lifespan.

It is almost like a health product, which can allow human beings to reach the limit of life as much as possible, because it is suitable for all ages, and people of any age can take it. If it is taken consistently, it will be able to reduce the possibility of cell disease.

Therefore, Ye Cheng decided to buy it the next time he accumulated points. Now Zhiqi Company can bring him more than one million points in income every month, and he can earn it in eight or nine months at most.

Regardless of whether it is to prolong human life or for the health of his parents, Ye Cheng thinks it is necessary to buy it.


Time passed in a blink of an eye.

Another month.

The new year has passed, and the spring breeze in March 2024 has blown across the earth.

Everything is flourishing, and creatures are beginning to be full of vitality.

including humans.

The Affiliated Hospital of Magic Jiaotong University, operating room.

Around the operating room, there were many people standing, all wearing sterile gowns, with serious faces. Among them were some well-known doctors, and not only from the Affiliated Hospital of Shanghai Jiaotong University, but also doctors from several other famous hospitals in Shanghai. These doctors can all be called hanging pots to help the world. In the world, Hua Tuo's house is full of silk banners.

Usually, it is basically impossible for them to observe an operation together. After all, each of them has their own things to do, such as surgery, or flying knives. As doctors with high qualifications and skills , it is impossible for them to spend time to see other people's surgery.

Unless the operation is very important.

Obviously, today's operation is very important to them.

In fact, the operation to be performed here today is a kidney transplant operation.

If it is purely kidney transplantation, it is of course not very important. There are many cases of kidney transplantation in the world every year, and the number of kidney transplantation in Huaguo ranks second in the world.

For these big doctors, it's nothing to look at.

However, the reason that really attracts them to come here is that the people performing the operation today are from Zhiqi Company, and Zhiqi Company invited them to visit and stated that they will perform an unprecedented kidney transplant operation. After the transplant, immune rejection will not occur.

This successfully hangs these doctors.

Kidney transplant?

Immune rejection will not occur?

Are you funny?

Immune rejection is a blow to DNA. Can the things you transplanted avoid the recognition of human white blood cells?

None of these doctors believed it.

However, this was an invitation from Zhiqi Company, and they had to have doubts.

Zhiqi Company has invited so many of them, so it can't be just for fun, right?

So they all kept their doubts in their hearts and didn't say anything.

At this time, the transplant operation was halfway through. The chief surgeon was Dean. They didn't know each other, but the operation was done very well, and they all had to admire it.

As for the donor kidney, it will be sent over soon.

Sure enough, as soon as Dean opened the surgical field of view, the donor kidney arrived.

For kidney transplantation, the original kidney does not need to be removed, and the new kidney can be inserted directly. The operation process is also very smooth.

But these doctors were shocked.

Are you really not injecting anti-rejection drugs?

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