Ye Cheng's hair stood on end.

Turning around suddenly, there was still nothing.

And the door he opened just now was closed at some point.

However, he could once again feel that there was a bunch of mysterious air currents similar to the one he encountered in the pipeline just now, surrounding him.

Like a group of ghosts.

He calmed down a bit and said, "Okay, shouldn't you come out? Did you let me come here just to play hide-and-seek with me?"

After he finished speaking, there was a surge of air in the space in front of him, and finally, a woman's body gradually appeared in front of him.

This scene once again surprised Ye Cheng, what kind of technology is this?

Could it be that this woman passed through his body just now?

But it's not right, he clearly felt that there was also some airflow moving around, which meant that these 'ghosts' might appear like this woman.

However, she is called a woman only because her face looks like a woman, but her body does not have any sexual characteristics of a woman. There is no excrement opening on the face, and it is completely smooth skin, which is more crisp than a mosaic.

In addition, this woman is also very tall, at least two or three heads taller than Ye Cheng.

This surprised Ye Cheng, no wonder he walked all the way and found that those buildings were very big, including the doors were also very high.

Does this mean that the humans here are all tall?

At this moment, the woman spoke: "Earth humans, welcome to come here."

Ye Cheng was stunned for a moment.

Earth humans?

This sentence told him a lot of news.

The first point is that it might not be an accident that he came here in a dream, and of course it is not ruled out that it is still his imagination. On this point, he has no evidence to prove it.

The second point is that this person is not from the earth, and the place he dreams of is not from the earth.

The third point is that this person may have been waiting for him to come here, and she knew he would come here.

The fourth point is that the other party speaks Chinese and is not from Earth. This point made Ye Cheng feel that it might prove that this place is really purely a dream. However, it does not rule out that the other party is an alien with corresponding translation skills.

Fifth point, if the other party is an alien, they should look different from humans, but apart from the fact that the other party lacks the most attractive parts of an earth woman and is much larger than an earth person, the other party looks very similar. This made Ye Cheng even more puzzled.

Thinking is thinking, and he responded to this man's words: "Who are you?"

"Strictly speaking, I am not a human being. The consciousness that talks to you is just an intelligence."

"The body I am in is a quantum ghost. Only after it collapses can you observe me."

Ye Cheng was shocked again: "Quantum ghost? Can you collapse on your own initiative, instead of collapsing after being observed?"

"Hehe, everything has positive and negative, just like there is a material world and an anti-matter world. Since the quantum state can be passively collapsed after being observed, why can't it be observed after actively collapsing?"

Ye Cheng suddenly thought of something.

Could it be, Bose-Einstein condensate?

This is an artificially created macro-level quantum state substance, which makes the quantum state no longer limited to the micro-level, but can realize the quantum state at the macro-level.

And this Bose-Einstein condensate needs to be at absolute zero temperature, and at the same time be in a superfluid state, superfluid, without friction, and in the quantum state of Bose-Einstein condensate , So they become ghosts, able to pass through walls and transmit light.

And just this is nothing, the key is that the woman in front of me, or the intelligently controlled woman, can actually collapse on her own initiative, showing her own appearance.

What is this?

Inverse quantum state technology?

Ye Cheng took a deep breath, and suddenly he felt that what he was breathing might not be real.

"Well, then I want to know why I'm here," he asked.

"You have injected our evolutionary virus, which shows that you are a person who is unwilling to be ordinary and dares to take risks. Therefore, after you inject, your consciousness will feel here."

"Strictly speaking, I brought your consciousness here in the form of a quantum state, just like us in front of you, you can grasp whether you have a form, you can become like us, a quantum state, because you Consciousness itself is a quantum state that exists in the microtubules of your brain, but you 'think' you have a body, so you have your own form."

Listening to the other party's words, Ye Cheng suddenly felt that the amount of information was too much.

"My consciousness? I think? The evolutionary virus will make my consciousness feel here? What the hell are you talking about!"

"Hehe, it doesn't make sense for you to know too much. Anyway, after you wake up, these news will be automatically forgotten by your brain. For you, this place is just a dream."

Ye Cheng became anxious, how could such an important thing be forgotten?

"Can't I remember?"

"No, if you remember, you may give up what I want you to do next."

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