Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 363 The Mysterious Metal Found On Mars

"Microtubule structure? I feel like I heard someone say it not long ago."

Listening to Dean's narration, Ye Cheng frowned suddenly, thinking carefully in his heart.

However, no matter how he thought about it, he had no impression.

He simply asked: "Xiaobai, has anyone else told me about 'microtubules' recently?"

Xiaobai responded, "Dean."

"It's not him, is there anyone else?" Ye Cheng said: "I have an impression that someone mentioned the word 'micro-tube' to me." 7K 妏敩

"No, I don't know, probably not. Master, I have never left your side. I have recorded all your conversations with everyone."

Ye Cheng thought about it.

Xiaobai said there was no one, so there really was no one.

Could it be that the word flashed across his consciousness?

No, if this is the case, it is impossible for him to forget. His memory is very strong now. If he really thought about these two words, it is impossible not to remember them now.

At this moment, Ye Cheng narrowed his eyes suddenly.

"Could it be that weird dream again?"

He remembered the strange dream he had experienced during the injection of the evolution virus.


After pondering for a moment, Ye Cheng said: "Xiaobai, send me all the reports of various countries' Mars exploration, and I want to have a look."

"Okay! It's been sorted out and sent to your computer."

Xiaobai said that after Ye Cheng gave the order, it did it in less than a second.

Ye Cheng got up and walked to the computer next to him.

Open a folder that has already appeared on the desktop, which contains all relevant documents kept by countries or organizations that have satellites or rover on Mars, such as Mi, Mao, China, and Europe.

These documents contain photos, texts, electromagnetic wave detection records, and various geological analysis reports. In addition, there is also a category of documents called [Top Secret Documents].

Of course, Ye Cheng didn't look at the other documents for the time being. Although there were some confidential documents among them, it was obvious that the secret hidden in the top secret documents was more important.

The United States was the first country to explore Mars, and Ye Cheng was the first to open the top secret documents of the United States.

There are quite a lot of top-secret documents in the United States, a total of nineteen, but Ye Cheng flipped through them, and the first few documents made him a little speechless.

"This is NASA, just take a photo of a stone, and say it looks like a building from Martian civilization? Are you kidding, this is cheating money and cheating."

Looking at the picture above, I even discussed in detail how this stone resembles an earth building from various aspects.

If there is a civilization on Mars, it was billions of years ago. What building remains can exist for billions of years?

It's obviously a trick.

However, these documents are all from more than 20 years ago, probably after the disintegration of the former Soviet Union and NASA's funds were directly cut to pieces, they came up with a way to defraud funds.

There is a high probability that the funds were cheated, so these documents were kept as top secret documents.

Shaking his head with a smirk, Ye Cheng continued to roll over.

Until the ninth top-secret document, Ye Cheng's brows suddenly frowned.

This top-secret document comes from the Mars Pathfinder of the United States. It was launched on December 4, 1996, and successfully landed on the surface of Mars on July 4, 1997. The Sojourner rover it carried was also the first human being. A rover successfully sent to Mars.

As for this Mars exploration rover, according to the news released by the United States to the outside world, it lost contact after operating on Mars for 84 days.

However, according to this top-secret report, the Sojourner rover has not lost contact at all.

According to the content of this top-secret report, on the 83rd day of the Sojourner rover's operation, it discovered something shocking on the pitted planet.

According to the photos sent back, it was a piece of metallic luster, which seemed to be a metal block.

It's just that because its surface is covered with a lot of dust, the first photo is a photo of the metal block covered with Martian dust.

However, the second photo is much clearer. According to inference, there should be a gust of wind blowing away a lot of the sand on it, so the things on it are much clearer.

Sure enough, it was a piece of metal. Although it was a bit irregular, it could be seen from the outside that it was very pure.

You know, generally speaking, it is impossible to have such a natural and pure metal block. Except for gold, silver and copper, other metals are highly reducing, so they generally exist as oxides, and oxygen exists on Mars. The content is very low, but after hundreds of millions or billions of years, it will inevitably form oxides.

There is basically no need to imagine such a metal block with a metallic luster and even a smooth surface.

So, NASA naturally boiled.

If this thing is not natural elemental silver, but other metals, it is enough to prove that Mars once had civilization.

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