Ye Cheng didn't care what Wang Shen was thinking, in his eyes, Zhao Liang was the God of Wealth.

Coincidentally, God of Wealth himself is also surnamed Zhao.

After chatting casually with Zhao Liang, Zhao Liang proposed to visit the company first.

Of course Ye Cheng didn't mind, he went upstairs with Zhao Liang and came to their company, and the government entourage and media reporters also followed.

After entering the company, seeing the old decoration inside, Zhao Liang was stunned at first, feeling a little surprised.

Then, he said: "Your company has really given full play to the spirit of hard work."

Ye Cheng immediately gave the mayor a thumbs up in his heart. Seeing how good his speech is, he insisted that their company's poor office environment was hard work.

High emotional intelligence.

So he also responded with a high EQ: "Our company used to tighten our belts to work, so we didn't dare to enjoy it. I still don’t dare to start enjoying it right away, and all the money I earn is invested in continuing production. After all, we also know that the eyes of the people all over the country are now looking at our company. .”

Zhao Liang showed a gratified smile: "Well said, it would be great if all of us Huaguo entrepreneurs have ideas like yours."

"Don't dare, it's actually because my family's conditions are not bad. It's a pity that the employees of our company can't enjoy the treatment that the company has developed for the time being if they can say such big words."

Zhao Liang nodded and said, "Of course the government won't let a company like yours fight alone. If you have any difficulties or conditions, you can raise them with the government. The government will try its best to meet them."

The smile on Ye Cheng's face became brighter.

He said so much, with such a good attitude, isn't that what he was waiting for?

He thanked and said: "Then I would like to thank the government for trusting our company. There are indeed difficulties, but I'd like to ask Mayor Zhao to finish today's inspection, and then I will talk to Mayor Zhao."

"Okay." Zhao Liang agreed.

Afterwards, Ye Cheng continued to show the mayor around their company.

There is nothing interesting about the company, at most they let the media reporters take a few photos, Ye Cheng chatted with the mayor, and then they turned to today's focus, the chip production factory.

However, now Ye Cheng has changed its name to Zhiqi Semiconductor Research Center.

It sounds like it will be much taller immediately, but well, there is still some time before the listing time.

Without any nonsense, he led the mayor and a few people from the government into the workshop. Ye Cheng once again fulfilled his role as a narrator and briefly introduced the functions of various machines to Mayor Zhao.

After all, Zhao Liang is not a professional, and he doesn't know much about it.

However, he was still able to ask some questions: "By the way, can you produce military chips?"

Ye Cheng raised his brows, "What kind of military chips?"

"It's suitable." Zhao Liang just said one sentence.

Ye Cheng couldn't help laughing, he could tell at a guess, there was a high probability that the military asked Zhao Liang to help him with the questioning.

Huaguo's military chips have always lagged behind that of the United States, but fortunately, military chips pursue stability, and there is no big requirement for the chip manufacturing process. Basically, they only stay on the 65nm or even more backward manufacturing process, but despite this, There are still a small number of military equipment that require sophisticated chips.

In the past, if they couldn't produce those sophisticated chips, they could only settle for the next best thing, but now, the emergence of Zhiqi Technology Company undoubtedly gave hope in this regard.

After all, Zhiqi Technology Company is a pure Huaguo company, the only shareholder is Ye Cheng, and there is no foreign investment in it.


Faced with this kind of request, Ye Cheng certainly could not refuse. This is a cooperation with the military, which is undoubtedly equivalent to a Shangfang sword.

So, he nodded immediately and said, "Of course, as long as the military can get the corresponding design drawings, we can start production, and even our company can send people to help the military with the design."

A smile appeared on Zhao Liang's face: "That's good, someone may contact you later, you just need to be prepared."

"I understand."

Ye Cheng nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

At this point, the production workshop is basically finished.

"Then, Mayor Zhao, I have reserved a private room at a nearby restaurant. Do you have time to eat together? I just want to chat with you about our company's current needs."

Zhao Liang looked at the time, then waved his hand: "You don't need to eat, you can just talk about it now."

Ye Cheng nodded and said, "I hope the bank can give our company a loan."

"Of course it's no problem." Zhao Liang was not surprised by this request at all. "I will call the bank and they will contact you."

"Uh... That's right, I want to borrow more, and I may need help from the government." Ye Cheng rubbed his hands, looking a little embarrassed.

Zhao Liang couldn't help showing a strange expression on his face: "The loan is more? How much is that?"

"Ten billion..."

Rao Zhao Liang's surprise when he saw the lithography machine just now was not as great as it is now.

"A loan of 10 billion? Does your company want so much money?"

He originally thought that a billion or so would be enough, ten billion?

Zhiqi, is this going to build a building?

Ye Cheng spread his hands and said: "Mayor, you also know that if our company wants to produce chips, it must import raw materials from abroad. Yes, I also need to change the office space for the company's employees with a better environment."

"It doesn't cost much, right? You import raw materials and then produce chips, and it's completely profitable, right?"

Ye Cheng thought for a while, looked around, and finally said: "Also..."

"What else?"

Ye Cheng probably felt that it might not be safe for others to listen to it, so he moved closer to Zhao Liang and said in a low voice: "Our company has a brand new technology that requires the construction of factories and assembly lines for production, but the company can't come up with such a technology. A lot of money, so I can only hope for help from the government.”

Zhao Liang narrowed his eyes.

new technology?

The new technologies of Zhiqi Technology Company are obvious to all, and they are all technologies that have been stuck, and now he can come up with a technology that has been stuck abroad?

"What technology?"

"A battery technology, I promise, can allow Huaguo to take the lead in the world's new energy industry."

Zhao Liang's pupils shrank.

battery technology?

Let Huaguo dominate the world's new energy?

"Are you sure it's not some big talk?"

"Mayor, don't worry, it's absolutely not. Our technology has matured, and it's not a laboratory product. Now we just wait for the factory to start production."

Zhao Liang pondered for a moment, then nodded.

"Okay, I agree."

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