Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 371 Rothschild, You Have Been Brainwashed

Although regulating endocrine disorders is of no use to Rothschild, after all, he is the kind who attaches great importance to his own health, and his usual living habits are very good, so there is no need to worry about endocrine problems.

But he also knows the significance of this drug.

If it can really be like the introduction of the effect of Qiongyu Capsule, people will no longer have to worry about staying up late or eating food that affects endocrine problems.

Obviously, this is another product that can set off a global boom.

Of course, what Rothschild cares about is not this, but the meaning behind this incident.

This means that Zhiqi really has the ability to continuously bring new products in life sciences.

He was silent for a moment, then remembered Ye Cheng's last warning just now.

Don't annoy him?

Joseph Rothschild couldn't help laughing bitterly.

He was being held hostage.

Yes, it is a threat, and this kind of threat is not illegal, and his freedom is still restricted.

And this freedom is the freedom to let him live.

If you insist, this is a free restriction of advanced science and technology on backward science and technology.

Freedom means that you can do whatever you want without restriction.

But obviously, this sentence is not entirely correct.

A person wants to fly freely in the universe, visit Proxima Centauri, or even visit Betelgeuse, but obviously, with the current science and technology, this kind of thing is impossible, so from this level In other words, this person is not free.

Hundreds of years ago, there were no trains or airplanes, and most people would not choose to travel far. They basically stayed on one-third of an acre of land where they were born. For example, that is a kind of lack of freedom in science and technology. Nowadays, people can fly to all parts of the world. Obviously, people are more free now.

And this range of activities is just a kind of freedom. For people, the greater freedom should be the freedom of lifespan.

The longer a man lives, the freer he is.

As for Joseph Rothschild, if he could use Zhiqi's life science technology, he would obviously be able to live longer, but now Ye Cheng is testing him on whether he can accept this technology. Coercion is undoubtedly a restriction on his freedom.

But obviously, he couldn't help it. After he almost died of a heart attack last time, he was already full of fear of death.

There is a physiological characteristic of a person called [near-death experience], that is, when a person is about to die, he recalls what he has experienced in his life in his mind. He also had such an experience at that time. The bad things that happened, and finally fantasized about the scene of going to hell.

He didn't want to face such a terrible thing again, so he wanted to live, to live longer.

After pondering for a long time, he contacted those chaebols again.

"Old Ross, it seems that you have already contacted that Chinese man." Rockefeller said.

Joseph Rothschild was silent for a moment, and then said: "I didn't get any useful news, but I was warned by him instead."

There was a moment of silence in this online meeting, and the heads of these chaebol families all showed surprise on their faces.

But after a while, these people all laughed.

"Hahaha, old Ross, are you sure I heard you right? You were warned?"

"The Rothschild family doesn't seem to have much deterrent power."


Listening to their laughter, Joseph Rothschild did not speak, until after a while, he said: "Hehe, don't you think you laughed too early?"

"When you go to see God in the future, I will present a flower at your funeral and dance a dance by the way."

Hearing that Joseph Rothschild was not angry and talked about their funeral made the other plutocrats think he had something to say.

Morgan asked: "Okay, everyone, please calm down, Joseph, what do you mean by this?"

"It's nothing interesting, that's what it means." Joseph Rothschild said with a smile.

"Do you think Zhiqi Company can really make you live to be over a hundred years old?"

"Why can't you really think it? I handed over 10 billion yuan, and I paid it first. How much you will pay in the future is not certain. In other words, whether people are willing to accept it is still a question. Rothschild smiled lightly: "So, I advise you, just like me, hand over the money honestly."

"Joseph, are you crazy?"

These people all looked at Joseph Rothschild in disbelief.

This person actually persuaded them in turn?

But Joseph Rothschild just said: "Hehe, old friends, we all want to live longer. The wealth we have won't go to hell with us. To live is our eternity." wealth."

"That Chinese man, he is about to hijack our right to continue living. Do you think that if you want to live longer, you need to rely on your belief in God?"

"Or, Rockefeller, do you think that your medical technology research can really make you live to the day when you can help you extend your life?"

"So, stop thinking about it. No one will blame us. After all, we just want to live. Besides, as long as we live, who can really blame us?"

These people looked at each other in blank dismay, unable to believe that this was what Rothschild said.

"Joseph, it seems that you have been brainwashed unknowingly." Rockefeller said. I can only use my own means."

Subsequently, Rockefeller's video was blacked out and offline.

Several other family consortiums also went offline one after another, and finally only the Boston consortium and Joseph Rothschild remained.

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