Xu Xin snorted and smiled. In half a month, she really felt that her skin was getting better. Besides, her breath was also smooth, and she would not feel irritable because of some problems at work.

After all, endocrine disorders can also affect emotions.

However, after seeing Ye Cheng's face, she became envious again: "But your skin is so good, it's unscientific!"

"It's very scientific." Ye Cheng spread his hands, "Okay, I'm here today to make your skin better."

Xu Xin's eyes lit up: "The cell active nutrient solution you studied, is it done?"

Ye Cheng had told her about this before, of course she remembered.

Ye Cheng nodded, then took out a small bottle from his pocket, which contained a milky white liquid, like milk.

This is the cell active nutrient solution he exchanged. The cost is very high. There are about 100 milliliters in this bottle. Ye Cheng estimated that the total cost is about 3.5 million yuan.

And this is only the amount for ten days, that is to say, taking 10 milliliters a day is worth 350,000 yuan.

Therefore, it is destined that at present, those who can use it for a long time are limited to the super rich.

If it is taken every day, it will cost about 130 million yuan a year.

Of course, the expensive price brings a healthier life expectancy.

Cell activity is a relatively general concept, after all, it is related to all aspects of cell activity.

In general, keeping cells alive means keeping them young and not aging them.

There are many reasons for cell aging, so there are many different theories, such as the accumulation of oxygen free radicals to cell damage, DNA damage leads to cell aging, or DNA controls cell aging.

All in all, there are various reasons.

And this cell active nutrient solution is like a hodgepodge, for these different reasons, there are some benefits, just like its raw materials, also like a hodgepodge, Ye Cheng bought a lot of things, and finally extracted such a roughly 100ml comes out.

However, there are many benefits, but because the effect alone is not very strong, and the production cost is still expensive, so the exchange price is cheap, as long as 10 million points, of course, although the effect is not very strong, compared with those drugs on the market, it is not A grade up.

Taking it every day, it can make human cells survive healthily and live longer. When other people's cells are about to be replaced, the cells under its influence can still remain strong.

Including cancer, DNA damage, damage accumulation of oxygen free radicals, etc., the probability of occurrence will be reduced.

Therefore, for human beings who regularly take it, as long as they start taking it before the age of thirty-five, they will be able to live healthy and disease-free to the limit of their lives.

It cannot extend the DNA telomeres, so the Hayflick limit will still come. However, the Hayflik limit is speculated to be 120 years old. This is based on the experimental results. After ten times, the toxin will be secreted automatically, and the cells will be completely killed before the division reaches fifty-six times, so the multiplication of 2.4 and 50 is 120 years old.

Of course, there will always be some errors in the experimental results, so 120 years old is not necessarily the limit of life, and of course the real limit will not exceed 120 too much.

Ye Cheng took out a small measuring cup, just like the one that comes with cold syrup medicine.

He opened the lid of the cell active nutrient solution, poured 10ml into a small measuring cup, and handed it to Xu Xin.

"Drink 10 milliliters a day, and you can live to be more than 120 years old."

"Really? Over one hundred and twenty years old?!" Xu Xin was surprised.

Live to 120?


For modern people, it is probably hard to believe that they will have such good luck.

Confucius lived to be 73 years old, so the ancients felt that if he was over 73 years old, he was very powerful. If you live longer than a sage, it must be awesome.

And Mencius lived to be 84 years old. If he lived more than 84 years old, he would be even more awesome. If he lived longer than both the sage and the sub-sage, then his life in this world was not in vain.

As for living over a hundred years old?

Then he must have been a good person in his previous life, and he will also be a good person in this life, and he has never been punished by God.

And living to more than 120 years old, it is simply the three stars of blessing, wealth and longevity. summon him.

But now, Ye Cheng told Xu Xin that as long as he takes this product, he can live to be more than 120 years old, how can Xu Xin not be surprised.

Ye Cheng smiled, "Why should I lie to you?"

Xu Xin immediately picked up the small measuring cup, drank it in one gulp, and even licked the nutrient solution attached to the wall of the cup.

Ye Cheng smiled slightly.

The only person who can drink the unknown liquid offered by others without any scruples is probably his wife and relatives?

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