"Mr. Ye, is what you said true?"

"Of course it is true. You can also take this nutrient solution back and study it. After you confirm its authenticity, you can contact me. You will tell me the number of people. Deliver the nutrient solution to your location."

The 10 billion US dollars paid before was just for quotas, and of course they still had to pay.

But Bernard's eyes suddenly showed an unknown expression.

Ye Cheng noticed, just smiled, and then said: "Don't try to copy it, synthesize its components, if you only want to live to be a hundred and twenty years old."

Bernard frowned, and when he was about to speak, Joseph spoke first.

He was a little surprised and asked: "Mr. Ye, does Zhiqi Company have any new technology?"

"Secret, but I can assure you, it is not comparable to this nutrient solution. It can make you, Mr. Joseph, easily exceed the Guinness record and exceed ten years old."

Ye Cheng smiled slightly, did not mention the technology, but mentioned the effect.

In fact, what he wants to exchange is the stem cell cloning and transplantation technology worth 30 million points. , the most attractive moment of a mature man, of course, the most important thing is that it is conservatively estimated that it can extend the life of human beings by 20 years, and truly break through Hayflick's limit.

If Joseph Rothschild has been taking cell-active nutrient solution, because he is already in his sixties, and the time of taking it is a bit late, so he can live up to his early 100s. If he uses this technology, he can live longer twenty years.

Joseph Rothschild was very pleasantly surprised, and Ye Cheng surprised him by taking out this cell active nutrient solution, not to mention what Ye Cheng said now.

Especially Ye Cheng looked so confident, as if he believed what he said from the bottom of his heart.

Joseph Rothschild suddenly became serious, and said very seriously: "Mr. Ye, if Zhiqi Company can really develop such a technology, the Rothschild family will always be known as the founder of Zhiqi Company." Loyal partner."

"I will also be strict with the people in our family, and it will not affect the interests of Zhiqi Company."

Ye Cheng smiled and said, "Then I'm looking forward to this day."

Then, he stood up, "Okay, Mr. Rothschild, you can take a good rest. In a few days, I will come again and take you to the hospital for surgery."

"Okay." Joseph Rothschild also stood up and bowed slightly to Ye Cheng.

Ye Cheng turned around and left the room quickly.

The smile on Joseph's face faded away, he glanced at the bottle of nutrient solution on the table, and then said to his son: "Ask someone to take this thing for testing to see if it really has that effect and whether it has any effect on the human body." Harmful, also, go and check their cloned heart to see if it matches me."

Bernard nodded, picked up the bottle of nutrient solution, and went to his father's team of doctors.

However, he thought of the life-extending technology that Ye Cheng said was being researched, which would allow his father to live to be more than 120 years old. A hundred and twenty surprises.


A week later, in a tertiary hospital.

The red light at the door of the operating room went out.

It means the operation is over.

The news inside spread quickly.

"The operation was successful. Mr. Rothschild's body gradually recovered, and the immune rejection reaction in his body has stopped."

Many people stood outside and applauded when they heard the news.

It was as if the person who had a successful operation had such a close relationship with them.

And these people are very famous, basically they are business leaders, and even political leaders.

The Rothschild family is rooted in all areas of the world, and those in the upper class who are well-informed will know the horror of this family.

The listing of Ali Group in the United States has the shadow of the Rothschild family, and Geely's acquisition of Volvo also has the shadow of the Rothschild family.

So the patriarch of the Rothschild family came to Huaguo for medical treatment. No matter what, for those business people, if they can get to know each other, it is an opportunity for them. For politicians, if they can talk It is also a good thing to say a few words to attract investment.

After a while, Joseph Rothschild was pushed out and returned to a separate ward.

And he gradually recovered his experience. .seven

He felt that his breathing was stronger, and the strong and beating heart in his chest made him regain his youthful breath, although he still couldn't move freely due to the trauma of the operation.

However, he felt alive.

The other consortium families far away in the Atlantic Ocean also learned the news.

Finally, they began to negotiate, as Rothschild said, to give Zhiqi company 10 billion US dollars a year, and various supports to obtain Zhiqi medical technology quota.


Ye Cheng also got the news, but he was not in a hurry to see Joseph Rothschild.

Knowing from Xiaobai that other chaebols also began to consider cooperation with them, he smiled slightly.

As a result of those people's discussions, there is a high probability that they agree, and in this way, he will no longer have much resistance on Earth.

"It's ready to go to the universe."

Coincidentally, Zhiqi Aerospace Technology Company has been established, and it is time for him to take out the foreign advanced space technology in his hands and give Huaguo Aerospace Laibo enlightenment.

All of this is in preparation for going to Mars.

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