It didn't take long for public opinion in the United States to spread that the United States had handed over their aerospace technology to my country, and this news was investigated by people in the NSA, and a series of relevant evidence was produced.

Naturally, the news came from the old emperor and presidential candidate.

As an opposition party, they can do whatever they want to publicize any news that is unfavorable to the ruling party.

As a result, the news immediately shocked the people of the United States.

Their aerospace technology was actually given to others?

What are you kidding?

Immediately, the crowd was excited, and people attacked their government again. In addition, there were those aerospace companies.

This immediately made the current president and his subordinates feel overwhelmed.

So they declared to the outside world that it was the country in the east that stole their technology. If you want to blame it, blame the people in that country, not us.

This topic immediately turned to our country.

However, the condemnation of the American people obviously does not affect our country.

On the contrary, the people in my country's aerospace industry have also confirmed that these technologies of Zhiqi come from Japan, but no matter what, this is obviously good news.

like before

Of course, aerospace technology, compared with national defense technology, although the two sides overlap, they are not completely intersected.

So just like that, once again fell into endless wrangling.

As for other countries, it’s purely just a show, such as Europe. Although Europe also has its own space agency, it is clear that the organizers of this space agency are not so willing to cooperate sincerely. When Suzhou competed in aerospace, it gave itself a sense of presence, and it was even more of an act of canvassing. Their development of aerospace was not to convince Misu that they had space, but to convince their citizens that they had space.

Of course, in any case, the European Space Agency still has strength, but they themselves have begun to show up.

Therefore, after Ye Cheng packaged the technology of the European Space Agency, Huaguo did not choose to develop it in the end, but mainly focused on the recyclable rocket technology. First, this technology was solved, and then the cost of launching rockets was greatly reduced. It is obviously a great thing for us, such as delivering materials to the Tiangong space station.

Moreover, we have already explored the technology of recoverable rockets. Now that we have this part of the technology, it will be easier to handle, and maybe we can develop a rocket with a higher success rate of recovery.

As a result, everyone in the aerospace industry across the country felt excited and looked forward to the day when the rocket was successfully recovered.


Time passed quickly.

Came to mid-September.

Aerospace has made great progress, and the Golden Crow Project, a controllable nuclear fusion project, is finally coming to an end.

Ye Cheng came to Ludao City again, to the place where Jinwu planned.

Looking at the huge guy in front of him, there are pipes erected on it, and there are some matching parts around it. It is very complicated, but it is also precise enough.

This thing is big, but this is relative to a human being, but compared to its mission, it is a bit too small.

Because when it is ignited, it will be able to provide all the required electricity for the two provinces, and all other power stations can be shut down, such as thermal power stations, hydropower stations, and photovoltaic power generation, which occupy a large amount of land, can also be demolished.

Of course, the state will not demand the complete dismantling immediately. If there is an accident in the fusion power station and the power generation stops, then the two provinces will be out of power. So after the success of the fusion power station, it will be tried for a few years If there is no accident after one year, the second fusion power station will be built, and at the same time, it will start to guide the gradual dismantling of those thermal power stations.

At that time, the air and the environment will also be thoroughly purified. Factories such as iron and steel factories that also pollute the environment can also gradually adopt electric furnace melting technology, and electric furnace melting technology is better than coal-fired heating. , can also reduce more pollution.

Ye Cheng said with emotion: "I never thought it would look so spectacular after it is built."

Xu Kaiyang next to him also nodded, and his eyes were also very gratified.

"Yeah, it's really spectacular, but it's also so spectacular that it can exert such a huge energy."

"Is the circuit being laid now?"

"Yes." Xu Kaiyang nodded.

They have generated electricity here, and the electricity will naturally be transmitted into the grid.

After that, the electricity can be transmitted to thousands of households.

However, things like laying circuits obviously cannot be avoided from being known by others.

"Has it been discovered by foreigners?"

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