The next day, Huaguo announced that it would withdraw from ITER, showing a very tough attitude.

Now Huaguo's controllable nuclear fusion research process has already surpassed ITER, and they are going to ignite it in less than half a month. Do you still need to care about this sub-organization?

Obviously not.

Even if the ignition fails, there is no problem with quitting ITER this time, otherwise, you will have to pay money every year, and it depends on the faces of the Americans, the devil is willing.

Wouldn't it be good to use the money paid for their domestic research?

Especially when they are clearly on the verge of success domestically.

The representatives of the United States and other countries did not expect Hua to withdraw directly.

In any case, Huaguo's current national strength is not built upon. Even if the meeting was deadlocked at that time, they could not say that they kicked Huaguo out of ITER. As a result, they directly withdrew. This is also a loss for them.

Of course, the more important thing is that Huaguo's withdrawal from ITER so forcefully, does it mean that Huaguo really has some breakthrough technology?


They didn't dare to think about it anymore.

Therefore, on the one hand, these countries want Huaguo to return to ITER, and on the other hand, they also try their best to find out what new technology Huaguo has, so that they are so stubborn.

All the means of bribery were used, but they were of no use. Even Huaguo's office in ITER was cancelled, and all the personnel representatives here returned to China.

This made the United States and other countries even more anxious, carrying out all kinds of violent bombings against China, including various infiltrations, and even they stopped pretending, and sent people directly to the research institute of the Golden Crow Project, blocking people everywhere ask.

After all, this is controllable nuclear fusion, the most important future energy source for mankind. Whether it is its effect on human beings or its impact on related political and economic strength, the United States will not be willing to see controllable nuclear fusion being given by other countries. got it.

For example, the U.S. dollar hegemony. If controllable nuclear fusion is developed by Huaguo, Huaguo can completely ask other countries to accept Chinese currency for transactions in the future in the name of exporting nuclear fusion reactors, and Huaguo, as the world's factory, will be fully capable of bearing the burden of the world's common currency. Similarly, oil will lose a lot of value due to the emergence of controllable nuclear fusion, and at the same time it will no longer become an urgently needed material for countries. An important criterion for the hegemony of the US dollar will suffer a huge blow.

Therefore, the United States cannot and does not dare to let this kind of thing go.

This is also the reason why Hua Guo didn't intend to announce the news before, and used various means to cover up the news, just because he didn't want to face such troublesome things too early.

As for now, trouble is just trouble, anyway, it is expected.

After the ignition, it will all be over.


In this way, the time came to October 1st.

The planned ignition time is 10:00 a.m. Beijing time.

And now it's half past eight.

Inside the Golden Crow Project Research Institute.

"All units are now ready for ignition at any time."

A person came to Xu Kaiyang and said.

"Yeah." Xu Kaiyang nodded, looked at the time, and said tirelessly: "Then check again, check the wiring, superconducting coils, etc., and think about whether there are any places that have not been checked before. .”


The man responded, then turned and left.

Xu Kaiyang's eyes were dignified, with some tiredness and anticipation in his eyes.

During this year, he can be said to have been working hard.

He is not familiar with any part of the entire reactor, and every structure is built after he has verified that it is feasible. As the chief engineer, this is his duty, and he also pays for this project. Responsibility, if there is any bad consequence, he can't run away.

Now, it's finally time for acceptance.

Ye Cheng stood beside him and said with a smile: "Now, there must be a lot of people paying attention to us."

"Of course, the people above are paying attention to this matter today. The Great Elder called me this morning and told me to let me do it without worrying too much."

Xu Kaiyang shook his head, "Don't worry, it's impossible, now we can only resign ourselves to fate."

Ye Cheng looked at the huge reaction chamber and said, "It will definitely succeed."

"En." Xu Kaiyang nodded.

Ten o'clock came soon.

Xu Kaiyang and Ye Cheng came to the main console.

"Report to Mr. Xu, all units are ready and can start lighting!"

A voice came over the intercom.

Xu Kaiyang said: "Okay! In thirty seconds, the ignition will start!"

A 30-second countdown appeared on the big screen. As the time passed, it also passed by second by second. There were also people around who recorded a video. After the ignition is successful, this video will be posted on the Internet for people to admire.

Suddenly, Xu Kaiyang said to Ye Cheng: "Why don't you light the fire."

Ye Cheng smiled and waved his hands: "No, you should come, this is your honor."

This is a great honor, and it should belong to Xu Kaiyang, the chief engineer. On the other hand, Ye Cheng has not even stayed here for more than a year, so he is embarrassed to light the fire.

Xu Kaiyang didn't say any more.

The countdown came to the last ten seconds.

In the entire laboratory, all the personnel couldn't help shouting.










As Xu Kaiyang pulled up the main switch on the main operating platform, a huge current came in.

The ignition of nuclear fusion is obviously not as spectacular as the rocket launch.

However, for human history, it is as great as the sun.

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