The first-stage rocket that landed smoothly on land undoubtedly told them that they had succeeded.

This also means that Huaguo has successfully achieved a breakthrough in recyclable rockets, which will provide more convenience for future rocket launches.

In the ground base, Ye Cheng and Wu Xian, the person in charge of the "Xinke" recyclable rocket project, stood together. It could be seen that Wu Xian was also very excited, but not too proud.

After all, he also knows how these technologies came about, and they didn't make breakthroughs under his leading research anyway. Of course, he doesn't need to be proud, just be happy.

Ye Cheng clapped his hands a few times before stopping, and then asked: "Do you have any launch missions after that?"

"That's quite a lot. Didn't the people in the United States and Europe unite to compare with us? After that, the manned moon landing project must be restarted, but we have already done this step. Next, we will say Maybe it’s the construction of a moon base, the central government is already planning this.”

Ye Cheng nodded.

In any case, it is unrealistic to directly realize Mars colonization. If there is no previous experience in lunar colonization, Mars colonization is obviously just a castle in the air, or it is used to deceive investment.

Therefore, first realize the normal life of scientific researchers on the moon, and then carry out large-scale immigration. This is the first step for humans on earth to enter the universe.

"However, Mr. Ye, I still have a question to ask you. I heard the news that Zhiqi will be able to build buildings on the moon within two years. Is this true?"

Ye Cheng smiled: "It's true, it depends on whether you believe it or not."

Wu Xian was stunned.

Ye Cheng admitted it so easily, but he couldn't believe it, but after all, it was Ye Cheng who said it, which made him feel a little credible.

So should you believe it or not?

He doesn't know either.

"Then Mr. Ye, how do you plan to realize it?"

"Transport it from the earth to the moon, and then build it on the moon. Modular buildings, you should know? It will be easy to realize by then."

"It's easy..." Wu Xian wanted to vomit a lot about this word.

But there was no way, Ye Cheng didn't reveal the details, so it was impossible for him to continue asking, so he had to give up.

"Okay, you study yours, Zhiqi studies Zhiqi's, there is no conflict." Ye Cheng waved his hand: "Besides, we are not in the same direction anyway."

"I see." Wu Xian said no more, looked inside the command center again, and then joined the celebration of these people.

Soon, the successful experiment of Huaguo's recyclable rocket technology set off a wave in the world, which once again caused anxiety in the United States and Europe. In the past, only SpaceX in the United States had mastered recyclable rocket technology. The technology being mastered by Huaguo is tantamount to saying that Huaguo's aerospace technology has taken another big step forward.

So NASA and the European Space Agency quickly issued a joint announcement, stating that they will conduct another manned mission to the moon in the first half of next year, and this time, they will allow astronauts to live on the moon for a longer period of time. longer visits.


"We will launch a bigger, more spectacular, and more incredible rocket, and take our six astronauts to complete a month-long expedition on the moon. During this period, they will live on the space we launched. In the spaceship, we will realize a trinity of life, entertainment and office that can be landed in the Fei cabin."

A middle-aged man sat on a seat and said to the camera.

On the other side, an old friend of the American people, an old Germanic man with a yellow wig, also said with a smile: "Yes, what Mr. Musk said is what I want to say, and America will always be great!"

Yep, it's 2025 and the old friend is really back in the White House.

The eyes on the screen turned to the back of the camera, and Ye Cheng held his mobile phone, watching this video, and wanted to laugh for a while.

Although Elon Musk doesn't know whether Chu Hua really used SpaceX's technology, although it can be seen from the relevant information about the launch of Xinke-1 that it is very similar to their technology, after all, he has no way to check it himself Once again, he couldn't help it.

However, he is obviously not a person who is easy to admit defeat, so he immediately launched this plan, which can be regarded as a challenge. What's more, he has the support of the United States and Europe behind him.

As for why that old friend was there, it must be canvassing.

Don't worry about it anymore, anyway, around the end of this year, his aerospace plane will be officially launched.

As for who will control it at that time, of course it will be left to Xiaobai.

At this time, his phone rang, and he looked at the phone, good guy, the elder is calling.

"Great Elder, um... what? That one wants to receive our treatment?...Okay, I understand."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Cheng held his forehead.

The president of the northern neighbor wants to be treated with their stem cell clone transplantation technology.

This news was obviously enough to shock him, and it was no wonder that it was the call from the Great Elder himself.

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