"Will something happen? Will something happen? 』

"I heard that there are three pilots specially trained by Zhiqi Company, I don't know if it will work"

"That's not a pilot, that's an astronaut, it's a yes"

"It will definitely not happen. Yang Weili didn't say it all. Zhiqi's technology is feasible. If he can fly up, he will definitely be able to fly back."

"I hope nothing happens"


On the barrage in the live broadcast room, heated discussions have already begun. Everyone is not only curious about how the aerospace plane landed, but also wants to see for themselves whether it will really appear when it lands, as foreign media said. Accident.

Of course, there are still many people who believe in Zhiqi Company, just as Zhiqi has solved so many problems, this problem must be easy.

"The Dragon God's engine started successfully, and the Hall propulsion unit began to adjust the angle, ready to return."

"Dragon God's aerospace fuel has 13% remaining, and it is expected to be exhausted in three hours. It is expected to return to the stratosphere in two hours and start the aviation mode."

At this moment, at an altitude of more than 400 kilometers, the Dragon God spacecraft began to descend.

The tail flame sprayed out, and at the same time its angle was also changing, and it began to fly towards the surface.

Time passed quickly, and the Dragon God successfully reached a distance of more than 100 kilometers, and nearly an hour passed.

At this time, the fuselage of the Dragon God began to gradually level off, and then the tail engine began to face downwards, while the nose was re-aligned to the sky, as if it was about to fly into space again.

But in reality, the Dragon God is now only using the engine to bring an upward force, and then let it achieve a slow landing under the influence of gravity.

As for the return process of the manned spacecraft, the astronauts stay in the return capsule and fall directly from more than 100 kilometers. During the process, a large surface plasma layer will be generated due to friction with the air. This plasma layer can even shield Electromagnetic waves, which made it impossible to contact the ground during the return process, and it was not possible to reconnect with the ground until forty kilometers above the ground.

During this four-minute "dark" process, the astronauts can only pray that there will be no problems with the return capsule, such as the landing system will not have problems, and the ground measurement and control department can capture their return capsule on time.

So, this is a rather torturous process.

But the Dragon God doesn't need to do this. It can slowly land into the stratosphere before the fuel is exhausted, and then directly achieve air gliding through the wings, then switch to aviation mode, and finally land precisely, without the need to return to the capsule. Either land on the desert, or land on the ocean, anyway, it is not the location of the launch.

Therefore, because of this, the ground base can still capture the current location of the Dragon God and realize real-time communication.

And the audience in the live broadcast room can also see the current detailed location of the Dragon God at all times.

"Dragon God's current altitude is 60 kilometers, with 4% fuel remaining, ready to switch to aviation mode in five minutes."

"...Five minutes have passed, the current altitude is 49 kilometers, and now we are switching modes."

"...The switch is successful, the current altitude is 46 kilometers, the air density is sufficient, the angle can be adjusted, the gliding process is entered, and the engine starts to work."

"The current altitude is 40 kilometers. There is not much loss in the detection of the Longshen's various device systems. The speed of the Longshen tends to be stable. The current geographical location is 172°28′8″ east longitude and 27°51′20″ north latitude.”

"Welcome back to Earth, Dragon God."




The ground command center fell into cheers.

It worked!

The next step is to wait for the Dragon God to fly back to the mainland smoothly like an airplane, and then arrive at their airport to complete the landing.

This has already proved that what the western media said is all deliberately speaking bad things.

In the live broadcast room, netizens also cheered for it.


"Ohhhhhh! 』

"pretty! 』

"Zhiqi YYDS"

"It's too strong. Now we can even fly into the universe. I can't even imagine how far we can do it in the future!" 』

"Moon base, let's go! 』

"I just said that I want to be an astronaut, and my grandparents are very happy."

"And then I gave you your favorite big pussy bag? 』

"No, grandpa and grandma plan to ask Zhiqi Company how much the air ticket is, and I hope it will not exceed one million."

"Blanch! 』

"Daddy V I'm 50, I have no money to eat"


The news that the Dragon God had successfully returned to the stratosphere quickly spread. In fact, there were many people watching the live broadcast.

Ever since, this news was broadcast on all major platforms in the world, and in the New Universe, the "Hwaseong News" column even pushed this news to all New Universe players.

Finally, about two hours later, the Dragon God finally returned to the mainland of Huaguo and arrived at the Modu.

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