"The Dragon God spacecraft is worthy of anyone's trust."


These words of praise for the Dragon God were also broadcasted in real time to the major live broadcast rooms, and everyone who was watching the live broadcast heard these words.

Can the Dragon God spacecraft really allow ordinary people to fly into space?

Everyone has such expectations in their hearts.

Until the end, after the three laborers expressed their thoughts and advertised Zhiqi’s aerospace plane, Ye Cheng walked to the microphone, faced a group of media reporters, and said: “First of all, thank you all, and thank you Zhiqi's Dragon God spacecraft is so concerned."

"The universe is the romance of every human being on earth, and the stars and the sea are also the aspirations of all of us."

"From the launch of the first satellite in the last century to the first manned landing on the moon, we humans have taken the first step in this greatest cause. We have overcome the gravity of the land under our feet. Into the boundless space."

"Until now, launching satellites has become the norm, and our field of vision has even reached Mars, which is nearly 60 million kilometers away even recently."

"However, mankind's journey to the universe is obviously more than that."

"Zhiqi, as the leader of many technologies on the earth, now, we are also handing over our first answer sheet in the great cause of conquering the universe."

"And this answer sheet, in my opinion, is gratifying. Our Dragon God spacecraft has truly realized how to leave the earth and how to return to the earth."

"Its safe and sound return means that the cost of our aerospace industry will be reduced several times or even dozens of times. In the past, we may have spent tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars to send a satellite into space, but now, We only need to spend a little money on fuel, at most no more than 10 million yuan, to send a satellite into the sky, and then our aerospace plane can return safely, and the time before and after may not take 12 hours. It’s like taking a cross-country flight, like flying from Beijing to Washington for so long.”

"So I believe that in the near future, space travel will be a project that almost everyone can experience."

Ye Cheng's words were also broadcasted in real time to all the people watching the live broadcast.

And this sentence that everyone can experience space travel also makes everyone excited about it.

Everyone can go to heaven, this is the childhood dream of many people, not to mention men, I believe that even women cannot resist the temptation of a space travel.

Of course, what Ye Cheng didn't say in this sentence is that the air ticket to travel to space is of course very expensive, at least one hundred thousand.

However, if there are other missions to launch satellites or deliver materials to the space station in the future, then this part of the income will be enough to pay for those passengers. Thousands of dollars are fine.

In this way, at least some lucky people will be able to spend enough money to complete a space trip.

Maybe in the future, going on a space trip will become a honeymoon place for some new people?

After finishing these exciting words, at this time, Ye Cheng said again: "In addition, I also want to say something to Mr. Elon Musk again, if you don't stop your ongoing Starlink project, and in the future will The control rights of the launched Starlink satellites are shared, then I will start our Zhoutian Star Dou plan. We will launch 300 satellites every month from next year, and compete with the Starlink plan for the high-quality near-Earth of the earth. track."

"Zhiqi will not allow any attempt to occupy the common property of mankind."

"I also promise here that I will reach a cooperation with the Huaguo government. In the future, the control and supervision of all satellites in the Zhoutian Xingdou project will be handed over to our citizens."

When he said this, there was an uproar in the scene.

Ye Cheng actually called Musk directly, and even asked him to stop the Starlink project?

All the reporters realized this was big news.

SpaceX's Starlink project originally planned to launch 12,000 low-altitude orbit satellites from 2019 to 2024, and then spread them all over the world. However, it is now the end of 2025, and the actual number of launches is only 5,000.

After all, for recyclable rockets, there are still difficulties in launching satellites. Let alone the resistance of governments, there will be some accidents during the launch process, and some satellites may fail after they are launched.

And now, Zhiqi company claims to compete with it, so how should SpaceX respond?

Does SpaceX have the competitiveness compared with Zhiqi Company?

Obviously, now that the Zhiqi formula can fly into the sky at a lower cost, it will show a huge gap with SpaceX in terms of price in the future. How will others choose in the future?

Obviously, no one would say that in order to support the US aerospace company, and then pay a lot of money to choose SpaceX's services.

Like a shield machine.

In the past, Huaguo didn't have shield machine technology, and then they spent a lot of money to buy countries with this technology, but the foreign devils were very proud, and they could buy it if they wanted, and the unit price was 300 million, or US dollars.

So later, the Huaguo engineer thought that this was too aggrieved, so he built the shield machine himself. Now, the domestic shield machine has become the price of cabbage, only 20 to 30 million, and the quality is not bad. All countries in the world have begun to buy Huaguo shield machines, and Huaguo shield machines have become the best-selling models in the world. Even in Europe, the birthplace of shield machines, no matter how unhappy they are, they can only express their sincerity.

Clearly, countries are no longer doing philanthropy to aid their own companies in the face of real price gaps.

Therefore, as long as the price of Zhiqi’s next space mission in the future is less than a certain price of SpaceX, all satellite launches around the world must choose Zhiqi instead of SpaceX.

All of a sudden, the crowd was excited.

Afterwards, it was time to answer questions from reporters, and Ye Cheng and the three drivers would accept and answer questions.

Although there were some malicious reporters present, Ye Cheng was not worried. The three drivers were all wearing earphones, and Xiaobai would instruct them on how to answer reporters' questions.

Of course, most of the reporters are from Huaguo media, and the questions they ask are relatively normal.

And some foreign media will ask some sharp questions. For example, a reporter from the United States asked Ye Cheng: "What is Zhiqi's plan for the weaponization of aerospace aircraft?"

This question is obviously not peaceful, but Ye Cheng replied directly: "Sorry, the aerospace plane is just a spacecraft."

Another person asked: "Does the Zhoutian Xingdou project that Mr. Ye mentioned just now mean that Zhiqi Company also wants to occupy a large number of earth orbits in advance?"

"I said that this plan is to prevent the continued implementation of SpaceX's Starlink project, which will cause serious private possession of our common property. I have already stated that the earth's orbit should belong to all mankind."


In this way, questions are asked and answered one by one.

And some of the ill-intentioned problems were easily resolved.

However, although it is very lively here, on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, it is another situation.

Elon Musk was sitting at home, and the disaster came from the sky, which made him so angry that he almost made a villain for Ye Cheng.

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