Time passed quickly.

After all, the time to land on the moon is still a few days away. Although people are curious about Xuantu's moon landing, they are not in the mood to watch its live broadcast all the time, especially in the middle stage because the distance is getting farther and farther, and the live broadcast is cut off.

However, most people are looking forward to the successful moon landing of Xuantu.

In this way, about six days passed. Finally, the Xuantu successfully entered the lunar orbit and began to orbit the moon. The potholes and craters on the surface can already be clearly seen.

Next, Xuantu needs to adjust its orbit to prepare for the next landing, and Xuantu's planned landing site is the south pole of the moon.

Because the moon is tidal locked by the earth and its orbit, it will always be dark for 15 days and bright for 15 days in its non-pole places. Therefore, if you build a moon base in these places, you will obviously face energy. Regarding the issue of supply, in the universe, with the current technology of human beings, solar energy is basically used to obtain energy. As for the controllable nuclear fusion power station, it is obviously impossible to build it on the moon.

Of course, the abundant helium three in the lunar soil is the most suitable reactant for nuclear fusion. If these helium three are transported to the earth, controllable nuclear fusion with higher energy output can be achieved, but relatively, the realization of D -The conditions for He3 fusion are higher. According to Lawson's criterion, a temperature of at least 1 billion K is required to achieve a stable reaction.

With the resistance of carbon-tungsten-molybdenum alloy, it is probably a little annoying to face such an order of magnitude higher temperature. What's more, as far as the current situation is concerned, it is not very meaningful to realize D-He3 fusion. The energy is already enough for the current rapid development of human beings.

In short, building a lunar base at the poles of the moon can meet the energy needs of the base in the future.

Of course, the moon has only two poles, so after the outside world learned that Zhiqi wanted to establish a base at the south pole of the moon, it naturally encountered opposition from many people abroad. It is enough to show that the moon base is the common property of everyone. Of course, the control right belongs to Zhiqi and Huaguo, so there is no need to tell outsiders.


After the trajectory correction, the Xuantu spacecraft finally started to brake, and then as the speed slowly decreased, it began to prepare for landing. This kind of landing has relatively precise requirements for the position, and it must be near the south pole of the moon. Only then can it be convenient to distribute the solar panels in places where the sun shines.

Soon, as the Xuantu gradually approached the surface of the moon, the engine behind it also started to turn.

"The horizontal speed of the Xuantu has decreased, the engine has rotated 90 degrees, and it has begun to land. It is expected that the landing site is in good condition and can land."

"Xuantu's horizontal speed is 0.1m/s, and it is 3 meters above the target location."

"2 meters."

"1 meter."


As the landing gear landed smoothly, the Xuantu rolled forward a little less than one meter, and then stopped successfully.

After a delay of 1.3 seconds, everyone in the ground command center got the news.

"it is good!"

Everyone cheered again.

And Ye Cheng had been waiting here for a long time. After receiving the news, he smiled slightly, and finally succeeded.

Then, he continued to issue the order: "Now start assembling the moon base."


After another 1.3-second delay, the command reached the Moon.

Then, the undercarriage of Xuantu suddenly began to expand and contract, and the original wheels were retracted, followed by flat-bottomed brackets. These brackets replaced the previous wheels and supported Xuantu, forming a stable base. .

Next, various parts of the fuselage were opened, and there were piles of building modules inside. In addition, robots appeared one after another, and these robots began to carry these building modules. Because of the low gravity, those who looked like Things that are much larger than robots are easily lifted by these robots.

These robots run on tracks, so they can run more smoothly on the moon.

In addition to these robots, two very long mechanical arms stretched out from both sides of the Xuantu, and then moved out those larger building modules.

In this way, a building rose from the ground and gradually appeared on the moon.

Among the lunar satellites, many countries were observing this scene. After seeing the robots, everyone was dumbfounded.

"Hou Leixiet! What is this?!"

"Zhiqi Company actually has such a flexible robot?"

Especially since it can actually build buildings.

These foreign institutions suddenly felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

When did they become so behind in the East?

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