Various resources have been continuously shipped back from the moon. Dozens of tons of lunar soil alone have been shipped back. In addition, there are various minerals, such as the rich titanium and iron resources in the lunar sea basalt, and thorium. , uranium, rare earth, etc.

Xuantu No. 2 can carry 100 tons of goods at a time, and the cost of Xuantu No. 2 each time is only more than 10 million yuan in fuel costs. Even if other expenses are included, it does not exceed 20 million yuan.

The low cost of fuel is also related to a new type of aerospace fuel technology and new engine technology exchanged by Ye Cheng.

In the case of the same volume, this new aerospace fuel emits more energy than unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine and dinitrogen tetroxide, and is lighter in weight. The new engine technology also reduces the speed of fuel consumption Quite a few, it can support aerospace aircraft to fly longer.

Therefore, the Xuantu spacecraft only spent a trip to the moon, and even brought back more than 100 tons of things from the moon each time. If so many things were sold, the price would be unknown.

Immediately, other countries were envious, and they all ran over to hope that Zhiqi could share some, and some even said that their team members were working as diggers for you, and they should pay some compensation.

Although Zhiqi is too lazy to ignore them, how much those people can dig is obviously done by their robots. Robots don't have to worry about the oxygen problem and their own physical strength when they go out of the cabin like humans, and these robots are all used. With superconducting bearings, there is no need to worry about wearing out after a long time of use. .seven

However, he still took out one gram and handed it over to them in the United States, and asked them to share a point. As for Huaguo, Zhiqi divided five tons out to express his support for Huaguo's scientific research.

Strictly speaking, these belong to Zhiqi's property. After all, all the funds, equipment, and spaceships for the moon landing plan were made by Zhiqi himself, and have nothing to do with other people or forces at all.

If it weren't for Zhi Qi's generosity, no one else would want a single ashes.

In this way, having a base on the moon has gradually become a norm. Since the base is built at the south pole, many people on the earth can find out exactly where the south pole of the moon is when they look up at the moon at night. Some astronomers even use astronomical telescopes to observe the lunar base. Of course, limited by the resolution of the astronomical telescope, they can only see the outline of the lunar base at most, but not the people on it. Otherwise, Those astronauts will probably complain that their privacy has been violated.


Time passed quickly, and Zhiqi Company still had many plans for the Guanghan Palace base, such as the plan to continue to expand. The structures on the moon base are very suitable for expansion. Therefore, in the sixth month of the implementation of the Guanghan Palace plan, the Xuantu The spacecraft carried more modular building structures, and then sent it to the moon, expanding the Guanghan Palace base to a size suitable for 21 people, so it didn’t take long before sending a group of earthlings to the moon. The first batch of people are mainly strong men who can continue to be the labor force in the future.

But obviously, 21 people is not the final capacity. Soon, at the end of the first year of the plan, Zhiqi Company directly dispatched three Xuantu spaceships, and then started the super expansion plan to expand the capacity of 21 people. The scale is 51 people. At the same time, the first batch of twelve people finally ushered in the moment to return to the earth.

When these twelve people returned to Earth on the Xuantu-2 spacecraft, they accepted countless interviews. After all, their lunar life column has accompanied many people in the past year. I was envious of them, and at the same time inspired many children to start exercising hard, hoping to become astronauts one day.

However, on the day these twelve people returned to the planet, news came from the United States. According to observations by the Hubble Telescope, in two months, a super-large meteorite with a diameter of more than 50 meters will fall on the moon, which is expected to cause It is equivalent to the power of an explosion equivalent to five million tons of TNT, and is equivalent to one-tenth of the power of the Tsarist nuclear bomb.

According to current estimates, it is expected that the crash site will be close to the south pole of the moon, which means that this meteorite may pose an extremely huge threat to the lunar base located at the south pole.

The moon does not have the protection of the atmosphere, that is to say, this impact will exert an extremely powerful power.

As soon as this news came out, the whole world was shocked. If it was true, wouldn't it mean that their human beings had just taken the first step to colonize the moon, and they would stop there?


Ye Cheng also soon learned of the news. He frowned and said, "Xiaobai, check to see if the news is true."

Soon, Xiaobai called up various materials inside the Hubble Telescope, and finally confirmed: "It's true."

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