Five beams of light rushed out at extreme speed, illuminating a pitch-black space.

However, don't look at the short intervals between their launches, which are only a few seconds, but in fact the distance between them is more than ten kilometers away.

The moon's gravity is too light, even if there is some resistance to them, it still doesn't have much effect in front of this speed.

In this way, they are getting farther and farther away from the surface of the moon, as if they have become five stars in space.

And there is no matter in space, so the energy of these plasma beams will not be consumed, and their speed has not been greatly weakened, still as high as several thousand meters per second, and their temperature is as high as millions of degrees, because there is no medium Because of this, it won't lose too much, it will only consume temperature due to the heat radiation that is constantly emitted, but these orbits obviously won't cause too much damage.

On the lunar orbit, in the Xuantu-2 spacecraft, those team members who were lying on the portholes and staring at the five beams were all shocked.

"I even bought Karma."

"It's really a plasma cannon!"

"It's incredible."

"Am I in the virtual universe now?!"

They all exclaimed, these scenes, they have seen before when playing New Universe, how can there be such a sci-fi in reality?

"Sit down, sit down, what a fuss, it's just a plasma cannon." Chen Yi said.

"But that's a plasma cannon, isn't it!" A team member who was a Star Wars fan and a Star Trek fan was still staring blankly at that scene.

Chen Yi shook his head with a broken smile and stopped meddling.

The next step is to wait for the results of these plasma cannons hitting the meteorite to be sent back. If they succeed, then there is no need for them to return to Earth.

At the same time, on Earth, the aerospace departments of various countries that detected this scene through lunar satellites were also in shock.

"what is that?!"

"My God, what's going on with that company?"

"Is that what made that Chinese man dare to face the meteorite? Is that the energy cannon in a sci-fi movie?"


Immediately, all countries asked Zhiqi Company, or Ye Cheng, what was the thing launched on the moon, and whether it was an advanced weapon such as an energy cannon they speculated.

Ye Cheng naturally didn't answer, his secret weapon, of course he couldn't tell these people casually.

For now, the 'Light Curtain' type plasma cannon can only be used in space. If you want to use it on the earth, due to the air, you need to continue to increase its volume and input energy, so that even if it is affected by the atmosphere In the case of , it can still cause greater destructive power when hitting the enemy.

And such a large plasma weapon, he has already started to build it in Africa.

Of course, he would not use these weapons unless it was not necessary.

Time passed again, and everyone was waiting for the final result.


Twenty hours passed quietly.

In the lonely space hundreds of thousands of kilometers away from the moon.

A gigantic object rolls across the space.

Quietly, without any sound. After all, there is no medium in space to transmit sound, and this meteorite does not drag a long tail like a comet, because comets are composed of ice, dust, etc. The temperature of the sun is heated, thereby releasing volatile gases, which will be thrown to the tail due to their own speed, and then form a strange cosmic landscape.

And this meteorite is a rock-type meteorite, so it is naturally impossible to volatilize because of that temperature, so it just rolls quietly.

Its speed is also very fast, more than ten kilometers per second. With such a speed, as well as such a volume and mass, the power it carries is unimaginable.

According to the theory of relativity, the faster the speed, the greater the mass. This is because the faster the speed, the object itself carries a considerable amount of energy. Because this part of energy has not been released, it becomes equal to the mass of the object itself.

Therefore, one can imagine how much energy this meteorite now carries.

However, at this moment, five beams of light flew from a distance.

They flew over at an extremely fast speed, and the first beam of light slammed into the meteorite.

"Boom!" - This is the loud sound that would erupt if there was air.

Meteorites at more than ten kilometers per second collided with plasma beams at several kilometers per second.

Immediately, the collision part burst, and the high-temperature plasma exploded directly, blasting several large fragments and countless small fragments on the surface of the meteorite, and these fragments sputtered out immediately and gradually went away.

And the next moment, a second plasma beam followed, blowing up several pieces again.

Then, the third, fourth, and fifth paths came one after another, and this meteorite, which was originally more than 50 meters long, directly turned into dozens of larger pieces and one by one small pieces, and all of them were lost. the original track.

And this scene was also seen by astronomical telescopes on the earth.

The countries of the earth have fallen into silence.

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