Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 45 The General Trend Is Set, 3Nm Chips


five days later.

Ye Cheng dragged his exhausted body back to his home.

The company headquarters changed, so he also re-rented a nearby house.

However, Xiaobai's new host has not moved here, so he has not returned the rented house for the time being.

Anyway, he didn't lack that little money.

"Huh, I'm so tired."

Collapsing on the sofa, he let out a long breath.

The signing of the cooperation matters in the past five days can be said to have exhausted his brain cells.

Although cooperation is cooperation, even if everyone has reached an agreement, in the cooperation, who occupies what position is a place that needs to be carefully negotiated.

He originally thought that it could be done in three days, but he didn't expect it to be delayed to five days.

But generally speaking, this negotiation still achieved the result he wanted, ensuring that Zhiqi can maintain a basic dominant position in future cooperation.

This is the technical advantage. His technology can make them make money, and still make a lot of money. Of course, they still have to listen to him.

Of course, Ye Cheng still gave them considerable benefits. Everyone has meat to eat and soup to drink, which is the essence of cooperation.

"Well... No matter what, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief."

When all the factories are built, Zhiqi will be completely invincible.

Ye Cheng calculated in his mind that the government has also expressed great concern over the five days of negotiations.

After all, the construction of the entire factory means an industry worth hundreds of billions, and tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of jobs.

In particular, it successfully broke through foreign chip sanctions against China.

It is difficult for the government not to pay attention.

Therefore, the government has also provided considerable convenience and support, from venue support to various preferential policies, as well as various procedures that can basically be reduced.

"In this way, even if it is a conservative estimate, it should be completed in about three months, and the industrial chain will be officially launched in four months."

It is already November and almost December, which means that in the spring of next year, in March, Huaguo's semiconductor industry will usher in an unprecedented innovation.

There was also a smile on his face.

At that time, Zhiqi will no longer need to worry about being sanctioned by foreign countries.

"Then in the next few months, let's pay attention to the lithium-air battery first."

By the way, there is also a 3nm chip designed by Zhongxin before.

It will be announced to the outside world in a few days.

After he let Wang Shen 'accidentally' leak the secret that day, the news really spread.

At a time when no company has chosen to design 3nm-level chips, they suddenly made this operation, which is obviously immoral.

This means that other companies that design mobile phone SoCs have to follow up immediately and start designing 3nm-level chips, otherwise they will choose to lag behind their companies. share price.

Ye Cheng can foresee that these chip design companies or mobile phone companies will scold him, and Warwick Hayes probably will not avoid it.

Everyone originally squeezed the toothpaste slowly with the 5nm chip, and then designed the 3nm chip together when it couldn't be squeezed out.

It's good for you, don't talk about martial arts, engage in sneak attacks, and suddenly release the 3nm chip first.

Of course, Ye Cheng doesn't care about moral and immoral things. If everyone squeezes toothpaste, it's called an oligarch, and if everyone competes vigorously, it's a good thing.

Don’t you see that the competition between INVISTA and massage shops is fierce. The top flagship card of the 30-series N card has already exploded all 3A masterpieces, and it turned out that the 40-series is about to come out.

Huawei is also like this. The performance increase of Qilin chip is the highest among all chips. Maybe the next generation chip can be evenly matched with Fruit A15, but it is a pity that it was cut in half because of the sanctions.

Of course, the emergence of Zhiqi now brings hope to Warwick. Recently, there have been rumors that Warwick has begun to design the next generation of chips, maybe it is a 3nm chip?

However, this is also Ye Cheng’s estimate. Even if other chip design companies design 3nm chips, not many mobile phone manufacturers are willing to buy them.

Because the single-wafer processing cost of 3nm-level chips is two to three times higher than that of 5nm chips, even after cutting, each wafer can cut more 3nm chips, and the price of a single 3nm chip is also higher than that of 5nm chips. 5nm chips are about twice as expensive.

This also means that if these mobile phone manufacturers find a foundry for foundry, they will need to pay more expensive foundry fees than 5nm-level chips.

And these costs will ultimately be borne by mobile phone consumers. At that time, whether consumers are willing to pay for it will become a big problem.

But for Zhiqi, with its own chip factory, even the production of 3nm chips is at cost price, and there is no need to pay any foundry fees. Because of this, it is even possible to purchase those production materials at a price that is about twice as cheap as that of wafer foundries such as Bay Semiconductor and Sansang.

For Gulf Semiconductors and Sansang, this is almost equivalent to a blow to dimensionality reduction.

Ye Cheng narrowed his eyes, and suddenly felt that there was a lot to do?

"However, the production cost of 3nm chips is still a big problem."

Thinking of this, Ye Cheng couldn't help but feel a little headache again.

The reason why those foreign companies have not designed 3nm chips is because the design cost of 3nm chips is very high.

The design cost of a 5nm chip is about $416 million, while that of a 3nm chip is as high as $650 million.

How many companies are willing to spend 600 million to design 5nm chips when they can squeeze toothpaste with 5nm chips?

Maybe they are still considering chips with a 4nm process.

That is to say, the clock core itself has a draft, just take it out, so they don't need to spend money on research and development.

However, although it is designed, it is a costly job in the early stage to realize mass production.

The first is the tape out!

In the field of integrated circuit design, "strip-out" refers to "trial production", that is to say, after the circuit is designed, a few dozens of pieces are produced for testing, and then according to the test results, the circuit diagram is continuously adjusted, and the lithography machine Wait for the parameters of the chip manufacturing equipment, etc., until the final confirmation is correct, and the produced chips can work as expected before mass production can be carried out.

And the price of one tape-out is extremely expensive.

Take the prices of 7nm chips and 5nm chips as an example, they cost 70 million yuan and 300 million yuan respectively!

This is not to mention 3nm-level chips, the cost of one tape-out may be as high as 400-500 million.

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