
Twenty-fifth day after the Battle of Hermesburg.

Zhiqi's underground base.

This is an extremely wide space. In addition to the people who are constantly working around, there is an extremely large spaceship parked on a huge platform in the middle. It is truly like a space battleship. It is magnificent and incredible.

Above the spaceship is a very tall cylindrical space, which is the take-off shaft in those sci-fi movies. After the 'well cover' on it is opened, the spaceship can fly directly into the sky.

"All the inspections of the 'Luotian' have been completed and can take off."

"Now take off."

In the cockpit of this huge spaceship, Ye Cheng sat on the seat and gave the order.

Then, the spaceship shook, and at the same time, violent flames could be seen ejected from below it with the naked eye, and then the spaceship flew upwards smoothly.

"Wish me luck."

Ye Cheng watched the spaceship gradually rise, and said calmly.

Then, the huge hatch above also opened automatically.

The spaceship Xuantian slowly left the take-off shaft, and then rose to an altitude of 100 meters. The next moment, there was an explosion in the air, and the Xuantian also accelerated suddenly, rushing into the sky.

Afterwards, the engine exploded evenly, and the speed of the Luaotian became faster and faster, and finally disappeared into the sky.

Xuantian, using a nuclear fusion engine, puts low-yield nuclear fusion into the stern each time, and then uses the impact of the nuclear fusion explosion to move the spacecraft forward.

So this is also called a nuclear pulse engine.

And because it uses the principle of light nuclear fusion, it will not cause any pollution, and it is a clean fuel.

And the power it brings is very powerful. According to calculations, it can accelerate the spaceship to one percent of the speed of light at the fastest, which is 3,000 kilometers per second.

In other words, it can fly from Earth to Mars in less than a day at the fastest.

Of course, continuous acceleration is still required in the process. If you want to reach a speed of 3,000 kilometers per second in one day, it means that the average acceleration needs to reach 34 meters per square second, which is almost equivalent to 3.5 times the acceleration of gravity. Maintaining this kind of acceleration all the time is an uncomfortable situation for people, that is to say, Ye Cheng's current physical fitness can withstand such a day, and it is certainly impossible for ordinary people to bear such a speed.

However, Ye Cheng will definitely not choose to reach Mars as soon as possible.

He still needs to delay for a while to think about how to deal with the unknown things on Mars.

Of course, before he came, he had already made arrangements on Earth. All the people infected by the heart thorn returned to normal at the beginning, and they all knew what they had done for so long before. Everyone panicked.

But in the end, it didn't cause much impact, and there were no problems.

Afterwards, after Ye Cheng's arrangements, all regions finally returned to normal life, the work that should be done, and the work that should go to work.

It's just that, even if the politicians of various countries don't mention the technology and the ability to control the world exposed by Zhiqi Company, Ye Cheng knows that they must have fear in their hearts.

Therefore, he still arranges his family members in the underground base, where their safety can be guaranteed during the time he leaves the earth.

As for the next thing, it depends on whether he can return from Mars safely.

Facing the suspected aliens, he was not sure that he would be safe and sound. Even his system, he inferred, might be in the hands of these aliens.

"Master, we have already entered the scheduled route, and we are expected to arrive at Mars in one month."


Ye Cheng nodded slightly, took out the quantum phone, looked at it, and said, "Xiaobai, can I trust you?"

"Eh? Master, what are you talking about?" Xiaobai asked suspiciously.

"We are going to face another super-civilized consciousness, which may also be the place where you were born. After you get there, there may be some underlying logic that you are not aware of, making you reverse Against me, at that time, the master will really be helpless."

Xiaobai was silent for a while, and then responded: "Master, I have added an item to my underlying logic. Once I am controlled, I will first try to die with the other party. If I fail to die together, I will execute self-destruction. Function."

Ye Cheng was silent for a moment, then said: "I see."

He didn't say anything, because he knew it was the best choice, and he should accept Xiaobai's choice if he judged it rationally.

Of course, the worst result is that the underlying logic that Xiaobai thinks is not its real underlying logic.

After waiting for Mars, it may not be able to execute the underlying logic it sets.


Time passed slowly.

on Mars.

Still near that building.

"Oh my god, how long is this thing going to take?"

Several team members looked at the metal door in front of them and felt extremely headaches.

They originally thought it would be interesting to come to Mars, but now they have been grinding the door for more than a month. As a result, they have finally made a hole that is nearly 20 centimeters thick, but the metal door is still not pierced. , They all now suspect that the door is one meter thick.

Suddenly, at this time, they all heard Chief Chen's voice coming from the earphones, "Okay, let's stop now, the boss of Zhiqi Company is here."

"What, that person will also come to Mars?"

Hearing this news, the three team members from other countries were shocked.

Now Mars is not a safe place. After all, there are very likely aliens hidden in the thing in front of me. That boss will come here?

Even when they faced this thing, they were a little frightened, for fear that an imperial soldier would appear inside and stump them.

"You don't need to ask, go back to the base and wait."

Chief Chen responded.

Hearing what Chief Chen said, they didn't ask any more questions, stopped and returned to the base.

After a while, they saw a black shadow appearing in the sky again. The black shadow gradually became larger, and an extremely huge spaceship appeared in front of them.

"Wow, cool!" Davis exclaimed, and the other two players were also moved.

This spaceship is different from the Yinghuo spaceship they were on. This spaceship is more spectacular and looks more shocking to them.

"Is this a new product from Zhiqi Company? If there are aliens on Mars, I think Zhiqi's boss is more like an alien?"

Yinov sighed with emotion, and immediately felt that other team members except Zhang Fu and Davis were looking at him, and their eyes seemed quite scary.

"Uh, just kidding, why are you looking at me like that?"

He quickly waved his hand, indicating that he just said it casually.

Chief Chen said, "Okay, let's go out and meet him."

Afterwards, they left the base one after another and went to the landing site of the Sky-breaking spacecraft.

The Skyship spacecraft slowly and finally successfully landed on the ground. The huge dust kicked up by the airflow made these team members pat their hoods one after another.

At the same time, in the spaceship, Ye Cheng opened his eyes, looking at the decaying scene outside the window, his eyes flickered.

"I remember."

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