Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 49 Within Ten Years, Xiaotong Went Bankrupt

Although the magnificent China has a history of 5,000 years, it is the only uninterrupted civilization left on the earth.

However, more than a hundred years ago, national disasters occurred frequently, so that today, it has been less than a hundred years since the realization of true independence. Compared with the legacy of imperialism that has been developed for at least two hundred years, the long-standing culture cannot offset it. Get rid of the gap in technology development time.

Coupled with the deliberate suppression of foreign countries and the grabbing of Chinese talents, Huaguo has been facing a situation surrounded by wolves almost since the end of the last century.

Especially in recent years, this situation has become more stringent, so that there have been many unsteady people who have become "run if you can't beat it" evaders.

So, facing such a threat and suppression, what choice will Zhiqi make?

Soft like Huaxing, or tough like Huawei?

People in front of computer or mobile phone screens are staring at Ye Cheng inside, wondering how he will respond.

Ye Cheng looked at Christian quietly.

This is a typical ounce.

Inherited from the tradition of politeness and politeness in the upper class of the corrupt country centuries ago, he was dressed in a suit. When he smiled just now, he was very kind, as if he really regarded Ye Cheng as a friend.

But once his interests are involved, he will tear off his hypocritical face and show that absolutely hostile attitude.

Will Ye Cheng worry about their hostility, though?

Obviously not.

He narrowed his eyes, and finally said: "Is Xiaotong right? In another ten years, you will go bankrupt."

Christian was taken aback for a moment, amused in his eyes.

"Mr. Ye? What are you talking about?"

He glanced around, as if wanting to see other people's reaction to Ye Cheng's words.

Obviously, although all the Hua people present supported Ye Cheng, there were still many people who were surprised that Ye Cheng actually said this sentence.

Let Xiaotong go bankrupt?

In this world, no one would dare to say such a thing.

Not to mention the interest groups behind Snapdragon, but the research and development capabilities of Snapdragon itself, it will be difficult for it to go bankrupt within ten years.

Unless there is another powerful chip company that suddenly appears and completely replaces the role of Snapdragon and squeezes the market for Snapdragon, the investors behind Snapdragon will choose to give up until they lose R&D funds and cannot keep up. Market demand, so it will go bankrupt.

Which company can do it in the next ten years?


It is impossible for everyone to believe it.

At most, I recently heard that Zhiqi intends to develop a 3nm process chip, which overlaps with Snapdragon’s business.

However, for things like chips, it doesn't mean that they are powerful after they are designed.

Think about Sansang, which itself is the second largest wafer foundry in the world, but there is still a big gap between the chips they design themselves and Snapdragon.

Moreover, the most profitable business of Snapdragon is not the chip business, but patent licensing, and the fields covered by Snapdragon's patents are undoubtedly quite broad.

How many years will it take for Zhiqi to keep up?

No one can believe it.

And Christian, who glanced around, got the reaction he wanted to see, and then looked at Ye Cheng again, with a contemptuous smile on his face, and his words changed to English: "Mr. Ye, obviously Your people don't believe your words either."

"Snapcom was established in the 1980s and has a history of nearly 40 years this year. Nearly 40,000 employees are spread all over the world. Our invention opened the era of mobile Internet. Any mobile phone you use includes with our patented technology."

"Mr. Ye, don't you think that your company's simple lithography machines and a 5G radio frequency chip can replace Snapdragon?"

Ye Cheng could understand the English he spoke, and with a smile on his face, he still responded in Chinese: "Why not?"

Christian glanced at him, then shook his head: "It seems that what I thought was a good competitor is actually just an incompetent rager."

"Okay, Mr. Ye, let's do it for ourselves. To use a saying in your country, it should be 'a clever woman can't cook without rice'. The rice is in our hands. If you want to take it, you can only join us."

"Nice to meet you, goodbye, or, never see you again."

He stepped forward, patted Ye Cheng on the shoulder, then turned and left, turning a deaf ear to the voices scolding him in the auditorium.

Ye Cheng squinted his eyes, looked at the white man, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and said to himself in a voice hard for others to hear: "Aren't you curious, where do our technologies come from?"

"Boss, are you okay?"

At this time, Wang Shen came up and asked.

"It's okay."

Ye Cheng waved his hand.

Of course, it is not necessary to be angry. If you get angry so easily, you will fall into the other party's trap.

But the 'big talk' he said was also intentional.

People always have to be bloody, and they are forced to this level by others, let alone a foreigner. As a Chinese, he can't say harsh words on his own territory?

Otherwise, wouldn't it appear that he has no backbone.

You can't learn from the President of Gaul, right?

What's more, after a few months, after the semiconductor industry chain is fully established, foreign countries will not be able to hinder him, so what should he worry about?

"Okay, we can go now, go back to the company, and continue to work."

He waved his hand and said.

Seeing what Ye Cheng said, Wang Shen felt relieved, he was really afraid that the boss would get angry.

"Yes, boss."

Naturally, Ye Cheng didn't need to worry about the matter after the court, as someone from the company would handle it.

He left the dock and walked towards the door. On the way, those media reporters followed him one after another. When they reached the outside of the court, they all held up their microphones and wanted to interview him.

"Mr. Ye! May I ask what you mean when you said that Xiaotong will be closed within ten years?"

"Mr. Ye! What do you think of today's trial results?"

"Mr. Ye!..."

"Boss Ye!..."


Presumably in anticipation of this situation, the court specially arranged for bailiffs to escort Ye Cheng away.

And Wang Shen and other Zhiqi people also surrounded Ye Cheng together to prevent these reporters from colliding with Ye Cheng.

"Everyone, please step aside, we, Mr. Ye, don't want to answer for now."

"Please don't get stuck here."

Looking at the enthusiastic reporters around, Ye Cheng couldn't help but sigh in his heart, isn't this the treatment of a Uranus superstar?

It's just that there are too many people here, and he doesn't know which question to answer, so in the end he chooses not to answer for now.

In this way, he walked all the way to his ordinary Mercedes-Benz E-series car, got into the car by himself, and then drove away by himself.

He returned to the company soon, and after sitting for a while, Xiaobai's voice came out from the computer.

"Master, you're on the news!"

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