"Can't you investigate where the lithography machine of the Huaguo company was shipped from?"

"It can't be done." The Secretary of State shook his head: "The chip production plant of that company is guarded by the Chinese army and monitored by drones all day long. It is basically impossible to get in, and our people can't get close, especially now. Huaguo has also become stricter on the entry of foreigners, and it is very difficult for our agents to get in."

"In addition, we also tried to hack into the communication equipment of the company's top executives, but found that they couldn't get in for some reason. It seemed that their communication equipment had very strong defense capabilities. Our hackers couldn't find any loopholes at all. Makes us somewhat suspicious of any special defense procedures they have."

"However, our hackers are still working hard to overcome it."

At this moment, the Secretary of State's cell phone rang suddenly.

It was his work phone number. It might be something urgent. It turned out that it was a call from the Information Section of the National Security Bureau.

To put it simply, it is the department where the 'hackers' he mentioned just now are in.

He could not help apologizing to the president, and then quickly connected the phone.

He was shocked when he heard the news on the other end of the phone: "What? You said your computer was hacked?"

"Then the screen is full of all kinds of kaomoji?"

Secretary of State:"???"

"I'll come over now."

He hung up the phone quickly, then looked at the president: "President, I have to go..."

The sound stopped abruptly because he saw the president fell asleep.

Secretary of State:"……"

No matter, he turned and left here, and then quickly went to the National Security Agency.

When he came to the information department, he saw the rows of computers inside, all displaying the same thing——


Secretary of State:"…………"

Looking back at the computer experts in the room, they were all frantically pressing their keyboards, and some even chose to force shutdown or disconnect from the Internet.

"GOD, Wang Defa?!" He couldn't help but question his soul.

What the hell is this!

You know, this department has gathered almost the top computer experts in the whole rice, some are computer geniuses in universities, some are genius hackers and criminals, the kind who once hacked into the Hexagon Building, and then were arrested.

As a result, when faced with intrusion, instead of choosing anti-intrusion, they disconnect the network and shut down?

"I said! What are you all doing?" He knocked on the door and shouted inside.

Everyone inside looked up at him, and the leader of this department hurried over and said in a panic, "Sir, our computer has been hacked."

"I know I was hacked, but why did you guys get hacked? Where do you spend money every year to exercise your skills? Don't you call yourself a genius? You just turn off your computer to solve it now?"

The pride of the Americans made him very dissatisfied with this retreat.

Although the United States has retreated in Afghanistan.

The leader was sweating, and hurriedly explained: "We have tried various methods, but our computer has completely lost control. Except forcibly shutting down, there is no other way."

The Secretary of State said angrily: "I don't want to hear the word 'no way'!"

The leader was very aggrieved and wanted to say: "Then why don't you come?"

But there is also no way, he is the Secretary of State, one of the most powerful people in the world.

"Who hacked your computer?"

"We are carrying out the task you gave us, which is to hack into the computer and mobile phone system of the manager of the Huaguo enterprise, and it suddenly happened like this, so we judge that it is very likely that they did it."

"Hua people can hack into your computer? Idiot!"

The leader and the people inside dared not speak out.

The Secretary of State turned to the screen angrily.


The kaomoji composed of these few simple symbols is comical and extremely ironic.

Especially the internationally accepted hand gesture made him even more angry.

He even had the urge to send people to the land of Huaguo to kidnap the boss of Zhiqi Technology Company, and then force him to tell the truth.

However, this kind of thought, he just thought about it.

Huaguo possesses the ability of homomorphic revenge. If they dare to do this, they have undoubtedly touched the absolute bottom line, so their lives are not guaranteed.

After all, the country of Hua is not a weak country in the Middle East that cannot take revenge even if its senior generals are assassinated.

But a real big country.


"Master, they are in a hurry, they are in a hurry."

Xiaobai Yujie's voice came from the car stereo, with a little joy in her tone, as if a child had succeeded in a prank.

Ye Cheng drove the car, nodded slightly, and asked, "What happened?"

"It's those guys who want to hack into the owner's mobile phone. They are in a hurry now. It seems that a leader has come and reprimanded them."

Ye Cheng smiled.

"Okay, just don't go too far, just teach them a lesson."

Ye Cheng was not surprised by what Xiaobai said.

At the beginning of December, Xiaobai told him that someone wanted to hack into the mobile phones and computers of him and the company's executives.

Although these hackers disguised their IPs well and looked like they came from all over the world, in front of Xiaobai, everything was in vain, and it was easy to find out that they all came from a place called the Information Section of the National Security Agency of the United States.

When Ye Cheng first heard about it, he was shocked.

I didn't expect the United States to follow them so early.

In fact, the National Security Agency of the United States has invaded Huawei's servers before and monitored relevant data for a long time.

After all, any operating system belongs to the Americans. It is too easy for them to hack into the system.

This is why Huawei wants to develop its own operating system.

And now, the United States is eyeing their company, and this method is naturally also used.

But fortunately, Xiaobai, who was rewarded by the system to Ye Cheng, has always protected their information security, so the US National Security Agency has not been able to succeed.

Of course, Xiaobai couldn't stand this grievance, so he asked Ye Cheng if he could fight back, but Ye Cheng had previously asked Xiaobai to stay on the defensive for the time being, in order to avoid alarming the enemy, and to continue to make the US side take it lightly.

It's just that now, Miguo can't bear it any longer, and is going to attack Zhixing, so he will naturally stop holding back and let Xiaobai invade back, making their information department completely unable to continue working.

If it wasn't for the fact that Xiaobai's current computer is not powerful enough, otherwise, it would be no problem to directly paralyze their computers.

There was still a little excitement in Xiaobai's voice: "Master, I think this is super fun, can I come here a few more times in the future?"

Ye Cheng said helplessly: "Why do I feel like you are a saboteur?"

"It's fun!"

"You can't mess around." Ye Cheng waved his hand: "Unless...they come again."

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