"People from Huadian Technology Group are here."

"He's here? Then let him in." Zhao Liang nodded and said.

Ye Cheng was puzzled, he is still here, does Zhao Liang want to entertain two people at the same time?

But Zhao Liang quickly explained to him: "Hehe, do you know Huadian Group?"

Ye Cheng thought about it carefully, and said, "Know a little bit."

"Well, Huadian Technology Group provides our country's military with the development and production of major equipment, communication and electronic equipment and other components. Their people are actually here to meet you."

Ye Cheng immediately remembered.

Zhao Liang said more than a month ago that people from the military might come to him, hoping to reach a cooperation with him, but after so long, he didn't receive any relevant calls, so he gradually forgot about it.

I didn't expect people to meet him suddenly today.

"I see." He nodded and said with a smile, "It's been so long, I almost forgot about it."

"Hehe, this is also because people in the military have been discussing it. After all, this kind of thing is more sensitive, and the military rarely places orders with private companies like you. It is estimated that the discussion was made recently, and then let me arrange a meeting with you." Your meeting."

Zhao Liang explained, and Ye Cheng also expressed his understanding.

Soon, two people came in at the door, a middle-aged man, who seemed to be a company executive or something, and an older man, estimated to be around sixty years old, who looked like an old professor.

The middle-aged man walked up to Zhao Liang, stretched out his hand, and said with a smile, "Mayor Zhao, it's nice to meet you. I'm Chen Xiaohua, the deputy general manager of Huadian Group."

"Hello, Mr. Chen." Zhao Liang nodded.

Huadian Technology Group is a central enterprise at the departmental level, so the deputy general manager and his administrative level are one level lower.

Then Chen Xiaohua pointed to the old man next to him and said, "This is our expert, Professor Zhang from Bingong University, our national-level scientific and technological talent."

Zhao Liang also nodded to this Professor Zhang, and then began to introduce Ye Cheng.

"This is the chairman of our Zhiqi Technology Company, Ye Cheng."

Ye Cheng had already stood up from his seat at this time, looked at the two people, shook hands one by one, and at the same time shouted: "President Chen, Professor Zhang, hello both of you."

Chen Xiaohua smiled heartily: "Boss Ye is young and promising, I have long wanted to meet you."

Professor Zhang also smiled and said: "You are smart and a good company. You don't have to worry about the threats from the United States."

Ye Cheng smiled and said, "Don't worry, Americans won't affect us."

"That's good." Professor Zhang nodded with some relief on his face.

"Okay, Mr. Ye, Mayor Zhao should have told you our intentions. To be honest, we really hope to reach a cooperation with you. We hope that Zhiqi can help us produce chips with 7nm to 12nm process. These chips will Used in various military equipment, we have a great demand for these high-end chips, and the United States has always been ahead of us in this regard."

"Zhiqi is Huaguo's own company, which is why we trust Zhiqi, so we entrusted this task to Zhiqi. I wonder if Zhiqi can meet our requirements?"

Ye Cheng nodded: "Of course there is no problem. We Zhiqi can ensure the security and confidentiality of any chip. It is impossible for us to do such a thing as betraying the country, and we will never do it."

For the military, confidentiality is obviously the most important thing. Even if it is handed over to them for production, it must also ensure relevant security.

"Okay, Mr. Ye, I'm satisfied with what you said." Chen Xiaohua nodded, glanced at the seat next to him, and said with a smile: "Hey, why are you standing? Let's sit first. Are you busy, Mayor Zhao?" ? If we are busy, we can also go outside to talk first."

"Oh, it's okay, you can just talk here, and I happen to be listening beside you... You shouldn't talk about any secrets today, right? If there are secrets, you should go out and talk about them."

Chen Xiaohua laughed and waved his hands: "Hehe, of course we won't talk about it. Today we only reached an agreement with Mr. Ye, and we will talk about the details later."

He looked at Ye Cheng and asked, "However, Mr. Ye, before that, I still have to ask, do you sell your production lines? We are willing to buy three of your production lines, and the price will definitely satisfy you."

Ye Cheng couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, then shook his head: "Mr. Chen, it's obviously impossible for me to make this kind of decision."

There is no reason for rejection, that is the chip production line, that is the best reason.

Chen Xiaohua didn't force it either, knowing that such a request was difficult for someone to force.

So he also took the next best thing and said: "Then you should also know that we have high requirements for the confidentiality of military chips. To be honest, even if I believe the guarantee you just said, the superiors of the group and the military will not accept it." won't agree."

"So we also hope to be able to take some protective measures when producing the required chips."

Ye Cheng narrowed his eyes, thought for a moment, and asked, "Then what kind of protective measures are you going to take?"

"We need to arrange some people to join your production line as workers on the production line to directly produce chips."

Ye Cheng nodded slightly, indicating that he understood.

In this way, they can produce and monitor at the same time to ensure that when the chip is produced, no strange things will be added to it, or some viruses will be injected.

Just like a nuclear plant in a certain country in the Middle East, there was a 'Stuxnet virus' incident, because the chips were produced by others, they could inject viruses into them, remotely control your equipment, and even cause great damage .

This is why each country must have its own chip.

"Mr. Ye, do you think this is okay?" Chen Xiaohua looked at Ye Cheng and asked again.

"We will definitely satisfy your company in terms of price. In addition, these people don't need your salary, they just need your help for training, and we are willing to pay for training expenses."

After listening to Chen Xiaohua's words, Ye Cheng also made a decision in his heart.

Being able to help the military and improve the performance of military equipment is also what he hopes to do.

Moreover, the other party did not use any national righteousness to kidnap him morally, and did not say that he would give the production line to the country unconditionally, but was talking about business, so why not give him some convenience?

What's more, it's not that they don't give money.

So he said: "Well, our company will train the people you send in the whole process, and then I will completely hand over the three production lines to your people to control, and our company's workers will not participate in any production process. In the process."

"So you should be able to rest assured?"

Chen Xiaohua's eyes suddenly became excited.

"Thank you, Mr. Ye! Mr. Ye, Gao Yi!"

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