Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 61 Shangjing's 'Show Weakness'

"Mr. Ye, I... well, may I ask, is your lithium-air battery still a laboratory product? When will it be mass-produced?"

Professor Zhang looked at Ye Cheng and asked.

In fact, at first he wanted to ask if he could join their research, but later he gave up on this idea. After all, this is the company's secret, not to mention that he is not researching materials.

Ye Cheng said: "Of course it will take some time to achieve mass production. Now our laboratory is still studying how to make the energy density of the battery close to the theoretical value. However, it should be officially launched next year."

"Then I'm looking forward to that day." Professor Zhang nodded, feeling quite emotional.

This wisdom is always so unexpected.

However, Zhiqi is a state-owned enterprise, which makes him happy for it.

At this moment, Mayor Zhao couldn't help asking: "Mr. Ye, if the government helps you with this thing, can you speed up the research?"

Ye Cheng raised his eyebrows, he could see that Zhao Liang was very interested in lithium-air batteries now.

After all, this advanced technology is indeed beneficial to the country and the people.

But then he shook his head and said: "Mayor, it still depends on the research speed of our research institute, it can't be too fast, besides, the last time the government gave us a loan of 10 billion, it was already the biggest debt to us." It helped, if it weren't for the tens of billions, we might not have made such a fast progress."

Mayor Zhao had no choice but to nod: "In that case, fine, but I still hope that you can research it as soon as possible. The sooner this kind of thing appears, the better it will be for the country."

Ye Cheng nodded: "I know."

Of course he knows.

Once the lithium-air battery technology comes out, it will be a technology of China that surpasses that of the West. Lift some technological blockades against the country.

A large part of the reason why China is so powerless in the face of Western sanctions is because it has too little world-leading technology. In addition, it is almost a situation of one country VS the world. There is really no way.

Therefore, having the technology you own is obviously the most important thing.

"Then I would like to thank Mr. Ye for bringing us such exciting news." Chen Xiaohua stood up, looked down at the time, and said, "It's getting late now, and Professor Zhang and I have to go back and talk to our superiors now." I have reported the information, as for the matter of cooperation, I ask Mr. Ye to wait patiently for a while."

Ye Cheng stood up and said with a smile, "Okay, of course there is no problem."

Chen Xiaohua looked at the experiment report in his hand again, raised his eyebrows and said, "Mr. Ye, do you want to keep this report?"

Ye Cheng waved his hand: "It's okay, you can do whatever you want."

Anyway, there is no technology on it, just some data, at most it mentioned the names of the three materials: carbon dioxide membrane, three-dimensional porous membrane and solid electrolyte, and did not say how to prepare them.

How to prepare these three materials is the real secret.

Even if it is finally known to the outside world, it's okay, it just makes people look forward to it.

"That's good." Chen Xiaohua nodded.

Afterwards, he and Professor Zhang didn't stay any longer and left the government building. Ye Cheng also had nothing else to do, so he didn't say anything more and left the government building.



The shameless request of the United States has no effect on Zhiqi.

The top and bottom of Zhiqi Company are still doing what they should do, and the chip production line is still in production.

And Zhiqi's response to the United States also spread.

Ye Cheng responded with 'Get out', and Shen Jie really responded like that, and said it directly in Chinese. Anyway, the person who notified them was a call from the US embassy, ​​and the other party also understood Chinese.

Ever since, a netizen found Ye Cheng's photo on the Internet, and then posted the word 'roll' on it, and it was spread wildly by countless people.

Obviously, everyone is very satisfied with Ye Cheng's tough response.

Most people in a country have populist consciousness, and they all hope that when facing foreign countries, they must maintain the strongest posture and must not be subdued, even if the country can really stand it.

As far as Zhiqi is concerned, netizens are unwilling to worry about whether Zhiqi can withstand the sanctions of the United States. They just want to see that Zhiqi can remain tough.

Therefore, Ye Cheng's response satisfied them all.

However, Ye Cheng's response is actually because he can really withstand the sanctions of the United States.

As for the American side, after receiving such a response that could almost be called "contempt", they were of course very angry and were ready to impose sanctions on Zhiqi.

But at this time, Shangjing suddenly called and said that they might agree to a certain request, such as buying US national debt, but they needed to stop the sanctions against Zhiqi.

This naturally made the United States very excited, feeling that they had finally grasped a sore foot in the United States, which actually made them show weakness.

And since Shangjing responded in this way, they naturally put aside the matter of sanctioning Zhiqi for the time being, waiting for Shangjing to make a final decision.

Inside the President's Office.

The Secretary of State stood in front of the President and reported related matters.

"As long as Beijing buys our 100 billion U.S. dollars of national debt, we will re-impose sanctions on that company called 'Zhiqi'. Stupid Chinese people are so easily fooled."

There was contempt in the Secretary of State's words, and there was a feeling of "winning again".

"They are really rich." The president sighed with emotion. "In addition, I remember that day you reported that you were trying to hack into the information equipment of the company's senior management. Did you get anything of value?"

The Secretary of State was taken aback for a moment, but there was an unsightly look on his face.

"President... this matter..."

"What's wrong?"

"They are not as skilled as humans, and they were hacked by the other party."

The Secretary of State still couldn't forget the emoji that day.

The president couldn't help frowning: "What's going on?"

"We suspect that Zhiqi has very powerful computer experts, and there are quite a few of them. Their technology is so strong that our people are powerless."

"How is this possible?" The president couldn't believe it: "Don't you have information about Microsoft's system? Don't they use Microsoft's system?"

"We're also very strange..." The Secretary of State had a look of embarrassment on his face.

"Then find the FBI and let them do it together! They can't even match the computer technology of Chinese people, what do you need them to do!"

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