"Mr. Ye, is this true? Have we really developed a lithium-air battery?"

In Ye Cheng's office, he looked at the directors in front of him.

Thinking about it carefully, in the past few months, they seem to have often lost their composure like this.

Smiling slightly, he nodded and said, "Yes."

He didn't tell them about this matter, they only knew that he spent 8 billion to invest in a new energy technology company.

Seeing Ye Cheng directly admit it, several directors looked at each other in blank dismay.

This matter was announced this morning by the Magic City Zhiqi Research Institute, and claimed that they have already started research on the future battery structure.

In addition, the Institute also released a set of related experimental data, which was compared with the most popular lithium-ion batteries currently on the market.

The experimental results finally showed that this new battery is ten times more powerful.

And it is safer and more environmentally friendly.

As soon as the news spread, it immediately attracted the attention of many media, and in recent months, "Zhiqi" has become a hot word, so after various pushes, it immediately attracted almost the entire Internet.

As for these directors, the same is true.

They never expected that such a big news would suddenly come out of that newly established company.

At this time, Ye Cheng waved his hand and said, "Okay, that's the company that Dianchi is in charge of. Our company is engaged in chips, so don't worry about it."

They were taken aback for a moment, and at the last thought, that company was not their subsidiary, but an independent company, and it really had nothing to do with them.

However, thinking about it this way, they still feel that it is a pity.

If the lithium-air battery technology is still placed under the current company name, their status will also be improved virtually.

But in any case, this is good news, and they left the office.

Ye Cheng watched them leave and shook his head.

With the development of the company getting better and better, the scale is getting bigger and bigger, so the company also needs to spread out various businesses.

In addition, it is necessary to give the lower people an upward channel, otherwise the upward channel has been occupied by the existing high-level. For the lower-level employees, their development prospects will obviously be cut off, which is not conducive to employee retention.

Unless you do something to the top.

It's just that the company's senior management is basically old people, and Ye Cheng can't do the work of killing donkeys, so he can only change the company's management system to expand the company's upward channels.

But he is usually busy with chips and batteries, and also staring at the construction of those semiconductor material factories, so he has no time to reform the company system.

There are also 3nm chips that have been successfully taped, and are also undergoing some final small processes, and can be mass-produced at any time, but before that, they also need to reach cooperation with mobile phone manufacturers to see their needs.

This 3nm chip is excellent, but it also needs to be adapted to various systems, and it depends on whether consumers like it.

Whether you like it but don't buy it, or like it and want to buy it, depends on the reaction after the launch.

Even if this 3nm chip proves that Zhiqi has world-class chip design capabilities, Ye Cheng is not willing to accept the loss of money.

Therefore, there are so many things occupying his usual affairs, so Ye Cheng can only postpone the matter of the company's system reform for the time being.

However, when he was thinking about this matter, Xu Xin, who did not leave, saw Ye Cheng's appearance, and asked with a smile, "Are you thinking about company management?"

Ye Cheng looked up at her and said, "Well, what's wrong?"

Xu Xin said: "The company's current management level is not conducive to future development, especially when the company's current development situation is so good."

"Several directors are now managing more and more things. They may not care, but it is not good for the company."

"So the company needs to recruit a large number of new talents, such as the ongoing semiconductor material factory, as well as chip production, chip design, all need to appoint management personnel, in addition, the company also needs more scientific research talents, so as to support us Keep going."

Ye Cheng nodded: "I also understand what you said, um... do you have any good suggestions?"

Xu Xin smiled: "It's just to update the company's existing management system. Leave this to me. That's what I do."

Ye Cheng nodded slightly: "Okay, then I'll leave it to you, but you have to pay attention, try not to make the old people in the company feel dissatisfied."

"Don't worry! I know this for sure." Xu Xin nodded and said, "However, I need financial support."

Ye Cheng: "As long as it doesn't exceed the company's capacity, it's fine."

"Then I would like to thank the boss for the authorization." Xu Xin nodded, "I will try to take it out in two weeks."

"No rush, one month is fine, the company hasn't reached that necessary level yet."

Ye Cheng waved his hand.

Only by getting rid of the American hurdle first, can the company usher in a real take-off stage.

"That's fine." Xu Xin replied.

She felt quite eager to try in her heart.

This is a company that is destined to thrive in the future. When it has not yet developed, it is an exciting thing to think about its management system reform.

Maybe in the future management textbooks, there will be a system called Zhiqi system for future students to learn from, and those students will know that it is her, the female assistant, who led the establishment of this system.

She immediately wanted to go back to her office and start planning for this matter.

However, she has a question that she has been wanting to ask Ye Cheng today.

"By the way, I want to ask, why did you suddenly announce the lithium-air battery? Don't you have to wait until mass production can be achieved?"

Ye Cheng said: "The US knew that we were working on lithium-air batteries, so I announced it directly."

"Miguo knows?" Xu Xin frowned, "How do you know that Miguo knows?"

"Well...the government notified me."

"Government?" Xu Xin was taken aback for a moment, and then he was relieved. It turned out to be government intelligence. The country really cares a lot about Zhiqi, and even this kind of thing needs to be specially informed.

"I see." She nodded, "Then I'm going back to the office now."

"Well, let's go." Ye Cheng responded.

Ye Cheng continued to think about Xu Xin's question until the office door closed.

How did he know that the United States knew about it? In fact, Xiaobai told him. As for why the United States knew about lithium-air batteries, it was actually the information obtained by the spies of the United States in China.

However, this was not considered important information, so he announced it directly, making the US side think they had a secret, but it turned out that it was nothing in his eyes.

Of course, through the news channel of the Secretary of State, Xiaobai also followed the clues and found out who the spy was, and it was within the Huadian Group.

When he heard the news, Ye Cheng couldn't help being surprised. He didn't expect Huadian Group to have spies.

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