Chu Ke had just learned the news.

As the world's largest high-tech company, Apple does not have its own battery, but of course they have invested in many battery companies and related research.

As an indispensable electronic component in electronic products, batteries play an absolutely important role in any electronic product. When most consumers buy an electronic product, they will pay attention to the capacity of the battery.

Because of this, once there is a breakthrough in the battery industry, the news will immediately attract the attention of countless people.

The same is certainly true of fruit companies.

However, Chu Ke couldn't believe it.

"Isn't the lithium-air battery still in theory? Now the people of Huaguo have realized it?"

"This is the news from Huaguo Fruit. It is said that this technology was developed by a company called Zhiqi in Huaguo. They claim that they have achieved circuit stability and are ready to design the battery structure."

"And we also got confirmation from the White House that they had already investigated this matter before the Huaguo people announced it."

Chu Ke couldn't help but frowned.

Even the White House has said so, which shows that there is a high probability that this matter is true.

"Hua people actually have this ability?" He couldn't believe it.

Their company did not invest less in lithium-air batteries, and did not see any development in which company. IBM spent an unknown amount of money at the beginning, and was pitted by a professor. The entire project was shut down altogether.

However, they still have to invest money in it.

Every electronics company is like this.


Because they are all worried that when a certain advanced battery technology comes out in the future, it will have nothing to do with them. This means that they will be completely limited by the other party's battery technology.

Therefore, they must master their own unique battery technology, establish their own patents, and then carry out patent cross-licensing in the future, so that they can guarantee that they will be able to use this new battery, and they will not have to look at other people's faces if they want to buy it. .

This is true for all other R&D investments.

Cook is well aware of this.

But now, someone suddenly told him that the people of Huaguo have mastered lithium-air batteries?

It was a disaster!

He knows very well that this is a disaster, and it is the same for each of their foreign companies.

Think about how the United States sanctioned Huaguo, how much anger the Huaguo people have endured, and now that they have an almost epoch-making technology, they have to think about how to sanction them in turn? !

And recently, Huawei, a powerful enemy of their communication equipment, was originally sanctioned well, but now it is also because the company called Zhiqi can provide chips, and it has begun to regain the high-end market that was robbed by fruit.

Although the U.S. government quickly imposed sanctions on that Zhiqi company, seeing that this Zhiqi company was about to fail, they now produced lithium-air batteries!

Therefore, Chu Ke has to worry about whether Zhiqi will not sell their fruit lithium-air batteries, or take this opportunity to ask the United States to stop sanctions.

No matter which aspect, he didn't want to see it.

He quickly asked, "When did this happen?"

"Just last night, Huaguo was still in the morning, and the company's research institute announced this matter."

"Then why didn't you call me then!" Chu Ke couldn't help but blamed.

"You were resting at the time...we don't want to disturb you." Although the assistant said so, in fact, they didn't believe it at all at the time, so naturally they never thought of calling Cook until someone from the White House just heard After receiving the news, they realized the seriousness of the problem.

Chu Ke snorted coldly: "Your reaction is really slow! This involves a battery problem."

The assistant hesitated for a moment and said: "It is impossible for the Chinese people not to sell us. We occupy so many markets around the world. They will make a lot of money by cooperating with us..."

"Stupid." Chu Ke was very disappointed with the assistant's thoughts: "As a person who has been bullied all day long, now you finally have something that can bully those who once bullied you. What would you choose to do?"

"He's a businessman! Will he refuse benefits?" The assistant felt that he definitely couldn't refuse.

Chu Ke patted the table: "Okay, Ren Fei is also a businessman, do you think he cares about his interests! Hua people, you can't treat them with our principles, their social system is different from ours!"

The assistant didn't know how to refute it.

"Let the Huaguo headquarters get in touch with Zhiqi as soon as possible, and we must reach a cooperation! Our mobile phone battery capacity is now a little worse than that of Android phones. No problem, our system can make up for it, but the difference is more than ten times. You Let's see what consumers will choose!"

"Yes, President."

"Also... contact me with the White House, I need to ask their thoughts on this matter. Lithium-air battery technology, I believe they are more anxious than us."


The same scene happened in various other places as well.

Everyone knows what lithium-air batteries mean.

Such a small battery has almost attracted the attention of various forces.

Whether it is true or not, it deserves their attention.

Not afraid of being fake, just in case it is true.

After all, Zhiqi Research Institute is the first research institute to officially announce that it has developed a lithium-air battery and is preparing to design a battery structure.


Huaguo, in Ye Cheng's house.

This is his new house, not rented, but completely owned by him, because this community is his family's real estate, giving him a flat is a so-so matter.

After all, his father didn't care about his affairs anymore, and the family's resources were reopened to him. The bank card that was frozen for him at the beginning can now be used, it's just a house.

His family doesn't have much, just houses and land.

At this time, he was sitting in front of the desk in the study. Although it was called a study, there were not many books, and the space was taken up by the five million mainframe.

There are several cabinets for the disk array alone.

But Xiaobai likes it, so what else can Ye Cheng say.

What's more, Xiaobai's role is so great.

Ye Cheng is very aware of the concerns raised by lithium-air batteries, but he doesn't care.

Even now he is still in the mood to browse the latest news on the web.

"Hmm... have those spies been arrested?"

Looking at the news above, the national security department investigated the case overnight, found evidence, locked the target, and finally uncovered a huge spy network. There were more than a dozen spies, all of whom were from the United States.

This astonishing espionage case is definitely the biggest in so many years. There are more than a dozen spies, some of whom have taken root in China for more than ten years. Impact.

The Chinese government naturally expressed severe accusations against the behavior of the United States, and stated that these spies should be punished by the laws of the country.

Western media criticized this, claiming that those were not spies, but liberal fighters yearning for a democratic world.

The U.S. government even began to put pressure on the Chinese government to intervene in the case for investigation.

Ye Cheng snorted coldly: "Stupid."

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